to write in simplest form you have to find a number that will divide evenly into both the top and the bottom
7/14 -------divde top & bottom by 7
7/7 = 1
14/7 = 2
answer is 1/2
you could try 2, 3, or 6 - I would go with 6 because it is the largest
12/6 = 2
30/6 = 5
and your answer is 2/5
7 is the only number for both
28/7 = 4
35/7 = 5
and the answer is 4/5
2007-07-05 11:48:35
answer #1
answered by bnhawk03 3
To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of a and b (where a is the bigger of the two) do the following:
a/b = (some integer) + (remainder)
then continue that process untill you have
b/(remainder)=(some integer) + (remainder2)
(remainder)/(remainder2)=(some integer) + (remainder3)
(remainderX)/(remainderY)=(some integer) + 0
(remainderY) is your GCD
you can then devide both numbers by this number to get a smaller integer.
7/14 -> a=14 b=7 : 14/7=2+0 remainder so 7 is the GCD so you can do 7/7 and 14/7 and get an integer 1/2
12/30: a = 30 b = 12 : 30/12=2+ 6 remainder
12/6=2+0remainder so you have 12/6 over 30/6 = 2/5
28/7 over 35/7 = 4/5
2007-07-05 18:54:41
answer #2
answered by monkeymobster 3
It's easy to just give you the answer, but it's better if you work it out for yourself so you understand the concept.
Find a number that will divide equally into both parts of the fraction. What would divide equally into both 7 and 17? Why, 7 of course. So that means that 7 into 7 = 1 and 7 into 14 = 2. So the first answer is 1/2. What will divide equally into both 12 and 30? What will divide equally into 28 and 35?
Give it a try. Learning by doing is always the best way. The information sticks better.
2007-07-05 18:52:26
answer #3
answered by Richard B 7
Chelsea, the simplest form means that you divide both the top and the bottom number by the biggest number that will go into both of them equally. (The GOLDEN rule of fractions: Whatever you do to the top, you have to do to the bottom.) So, what is the biggest number that both 7 and 14 can be divided by? Let's see: 7 can only be divided by 1 and 7, right? So, what can 14 be divided by? 1, 2, 7, 14. So, which one is the biggest? 7. Divide both 14 and 7 by 7 and you get (7 divided by 7 is 1, right? and 14 divided by 7 is 2, right?) so that gives you 1/2. You try the next one.
2007-07-05 18:54:40
answer #4
answered by kelgirl73 3
7/14 = 1/2
12/30 = 2/5
28/35 = 4/5
2007-07-05 18:47:55
answer #5
answered by Purgatory 3
7 / 14
= (1*7) / (2*7)
Dividing top and bottom by 7 gives 1/2.
= (2*2*3 ) / (3*5*2)
Dividing top and bottom by 2*3 gives 2/5.
= (7*4) / (7*5)
Dividing top and bottom by 7 gives 4/5.
2007-07-05 18:50:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous