This is ugly. Theres nothing profound or unique about being created or manufactured by another being. For without that being we are nothing.However, Truth is not a matter of subjective opinon it is a matter of objective fact. So lets examine this problem logically.People state that we are not robots b/c we have "Free will" the ability to choose between right and wrong. If I give you two choices do you really have an option?You can only choose between the choices that are thrust upon you, thus you have no choice at all. I contend a superintelligent, ominpotent, omnibenelovent being comes from human vanity.We are smart so whatever created us is All knowing. We are good so whatever created us is All Good.etc...Our idea of God comes from our subjective belief in the law of casulty. Cause and effect. Everything comes from something.Yet our own minds are limited by scope. Therefore the combination in our belief in the law of Casulty and the limit of our "scope" has lead to a belief
21 answers
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Arts & Humanities
➔ Philosophy
belief in an omnipotent,omniscent, being.
Is there not a logical fallacy in our belief that anything can be created. For if something is created at one time it was nothing, but nothing does not exist. If nothing ever existed it wouldn`t be nothing...correct? Do we create industrialized machinery from nothing? NO!!! At the smallest level we are combining and mixing ATOMS and molecules to form machinery, not to mention the we use elements from the earth. There`s a several contradictions in this proposal. An All-powerful being that creates something from nothing? Hence, if you beleive God created us then you believe in nothing. An omnibenelovent All good being that gives you no free will by forcing you to choose between Good and Evil? There is a much more logical much more profound proposal to explain the universe in its entirety. The ALL. The law of the ALL is somewhat contradictory yet it makes perfect sense.
Law: Everything is relative, Nothing is relative.
09:11:17 ·
update #1
Everyting is realive: Machines, rocks, plants, etc...Do not possess minds because Humans have minds.
Humans are not made of mechanical parts because machines have mechanical parts. Fire is hot gaseous flame because water is a cool liquid substance..etc.etc.
Nothing is realative: Everything that is realtive is apart of the ALL. The All is realtive to nothing.
Example. Have you ever heard the expressions Man Vs. Wild......Man vs. Machine. In this sense Wild and Machine are realtive to Man. However, Man...Machine...and wild is all apart of Nature..
Life, death, spirtiual entities, cause and effect, etc..etc.. is all apart and an extension of the ALL.
More logical explansions are defintely in place to support this arguement however I have exhuasted space on this limited forum..Good Day!
09:11:41 ·
update #2
God created Adam and Eve, not us specifically.
If you were programmed, then how is it that you are able to rant like this? And any choice is a choice.
2007-07-05 09:09:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have three children. Ignoring creation science, ten years ago they did not exist. I don't think I could even argue that I had all their parts. My wife had eggs and I had sperm but we didn't exactly have a box of arms, legs, etc.
So three people were created. from very little. Are they robots? I wish. Do they have free will? Unfortunately at times they have too much.
From an entropy standpoint, the universe moves towards disorder. Robots and machinery are no exception. If not checked programs will develop useless lines of code (usually due to too many programmers and corrections). I've worked on many projects where this has happened.
Babies do the opposite. Moving from two cells to one and then onward to the multi celled human beings they are at birth. In all fairness, other animals do this as well. Which is why a dog isn't considered a machine either.
I would have to say that people are not machines or robots.
2007-07-05 09:16:38
answer #2
answered by bigtony615 4
A good science education is sooooooo important...
As you pointed out, you can't have "pre-determinism" AND "Free Will" at the same time...they cancel each other out...
Humanity has only just now come out of its' long, primitively ignorant existence into the light of higher understanding...
Science is a candle in the darkness of human ignorance that is slowly-but-surely lighting the way one day we won't (stupidly) have to "guess wrong" at what life and the universe is all about...
Until we know something for sure, we should keep our minds open to rational, testable theories, but at the same time, remain highly skepitical of any "dogma" or "canonization" claims that hide behind the fact they can't be proven one way or the other.
It's not an easy balance to achieve...
But it's the "right" thing to do...
2007-07-05 09:15:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Thats absolutely correct. However, the law of casualty would logically apply to "God" as well, and thus would nullify the idea that he is the origin of everything.
On a side note, there is no way of proving or disproving God, so many prefer not to worry about it.
On the biological level, when you break things down, humans are nothing but a mass of HIGHLY complex chemical reactions, so, IN THEORY it would be possible to predict every action and choice we make, thus, in a sense, we have no free will.
2007-07-05 09:12:41
answer #4
answered by Shellshock 2
Yes, because although the objective world contains casual subjective-humans, I myself, in my own subjective realm, am singular and therefore am not causally dependent on anything, unless, of course, I consider myself my body, and not my "soul."
As for choosing, it is different with man and God, man gives me a choice, but I don't have to take it. God, which is Absolute Reality, is not a choice, we do, however, have a will within this reality. That is to say, everything we do, we must do within reality, even if we imagine something, we are imagining within Reality, so we have no choice in that manner. We do, however, can choose what to imagine and whether or not to believe in the logic of argument or not.
And more to the point, we created ourselves via God, the Absolute Light.
If God is constant and immortal, then you and me must contemplate this in such a way that it creates things. What is God, and what am I? If God is the eternal light, material things are an imperfect substance of this light, then what I am is like the doer or actor that contemplates this structure. If what I am is like this, then I am the one acting, and thus I am the one creating. So, am I God? Is what is God the same as my self? If God is the light of creation, and I am the contemplative act of creation, then the only difference between me and God comes about through my relationship with Him, in the sense that I am equal to Him, less than Him, or entirely different and unlike Him in all ways. So That I am Like Him, but not Him entirely. How would I be Him? By creating what He is, light. But at that point, the light is not "created" but always existed. So by being Like God, I am not the Creator. So God then is not the Creator at all. We are the creator, and since everything that is created is less than that which is, the perfect light, then the Creator is an absurd concept to think about. So, if you want to call something "your God," or "my God" it is merely the light prior to creation. So God does not create things, we do. But, God creates us. So I am a creator, created by God, so he still is the Creator. Just not of the universe, but rather, God creates creators, us, and we create the universe. Not as humans, but as souls.
2007-07-05 09:12:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, you are right. The story of Adam and Eve shows us clearly that God didn't want us to have free will (the ability to choose between good and evil). It is the snake that told Eve that she could take that fruit and eat it. Therefore Adam and Eve did not deserve to be punished. God set them up. Adam and Eve were innocent. God is the guilty one. Anyone who reads the Bible with an open mind will see this.
2016-05-19 00:38:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is a way that seems right to a man and this way ends in death. You have proved the word of God correct. Even without God your choices would be the same. To choose the truth or beleive a lie. Man's understanding is clearly limited but those who know God have his revelation.
2007-07-05 09:10:30
answer #7
answered by djmantx 7
That seems don't sound like an robotic individual that is being programed by God to write this?
What is so wrong with having two choices?
Before God's Son, Jesus Christ entered into the picture we had lost what God had put in place for us. Our eternal destiny was already decided , thanks to the enemy of darkness.
Now we have a right to choose whom we will serve.
Your either on one side or the other. That is the fact. Your Philosophy can't change that no matter what you believe or want to believe. It is all coming down to the wire that when you take your last breath..where is it that you are going?
God is your Life insurance so to speak...
The other is uninsured.
That is not so difficult and really doesn't cost you one penny.
Just ..God wants you to love Him and seek Him so He can work in your life here as well. To walk in faith take alot more guts, than walking by sight. Faith and acceptence in Jeus Christ His son. Knowing your not perfect and admitting that you are a sinner. He will take care of you better than you can yourself. for He is God and you are not.
You didn't have to die on the cross for your sins. Jesus did that for you out of Love for you and His Father.
Why do you make it sound so hard?
What is it that your so afraid of .....Living Happily?
Those that think this is a fairy tale what?
What if it is ? Then you have nothing to lose.
What if it isn't? Then it is too late and you have alot to lose.
Just how lucky do you feel?
I personally am taking my chances on God and His promises. After all He has most graciously proven Himself with me on several occassions , which further strenghtened my faith in Him, that He is, who He says, He is.
2007-07-05 09:33:08
answer #8
answered by Chokolates4u 4
Basically we are discussing a topic that is a non-issue and has nothing to do with anything. It is complexly written to the point of being meaningless. It's like a vicious circle or Catch 22. In the long run, nothing will matter regardless of our insistence on its importance or its relevance at the time. To quote: "I would rather live my life as if there is a God and find out there isn't, than live my life as if there is no God and find out there is." It's as simple as that.
2007-07-05 09:28:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God created us but we aren't God's robots because, as you said, we have our free will. however, we don't only have the few "options thrust upon us" we have unlimited numbers of choices to make and options to choose every day. God gave us our start and sheds some light every once in a while, but God doesn't command our every move.
2007-07-05 09:12:12
answer #10
answered by soon2befamous73 3
Well if you are just thinking out loud, then we could always say that we are all gods since a god created us just like a male and female of each species on earth create a new baby.
2007-07-05 09:39:25
answer #11
answered by Wolfmanscott 4