They are all too used.
2007-07-05 08:58:32
answer #1
answered by RN_and_mommy 5
I think that Brooke would make a great middle name.
Megan was a popular name in the 80's
Miley is going to be one of those names that's going to get really popular now because of Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus.
I like the name Sophie but I would use it as a nickname for Sophia
Hannah is a really popular name at the moment, it's sute, but I myself wouldn't pick it.
Favorite: Sophia Brooke
Scott is a nice name, but I would use it as a middle name
Liam is a wonderful name, I love it.
Kyle is another name that was popular in the 80's.
Jay I think is a little too plain unless you're naming him after someone, because that gives any name character especially a plain one.
Favorite: Liam Scott
2007-07-05 16:15:52
answer #2
answered by ncoll049 2
Love Liam and Kyle. Scott for a middle name. I like Jay too.
Miley is cute and original. Hannah is classic and always beautiful. Sophie just downright sassy! Not a megan or brooke fan.
Oh and edited is I like Scott Andrew tho!
2007-07-05 15:59:41
answer #3
answered by echo 4
I think Brooke Sophie for a girl, and Jay Liam for a boy! Good Luck!
2007-07-09 14:12:20
answer #4
answered by joejonas4ever 2
I absolutely love Sophie and Hannah for a girl and for a boy I like Liam and Kyle.
2007-07-05 16:03:47
answer #5
answered by roselyn m 3
Girls: My fave out of the ones you have chosen is Sophie. I don't care for the rest - Brooke is too common, Megan too plain, Hannah is kinda boring, and Miley just sucks.
Your boy names are all ok - except for Jay, which is normally a nickname.
2007-07-05 16:01:51
answer #6
answered by clam001122 4
I really like Miley for a girl. Sophie is also cute.
I don't really care for any of the boy's names. But I would pick Scott or Kyle out of the four.
2007-07-05 15:59:55
answer #7
answered by Sydney 2
Like Megan & Sophia Kyle& Jay
2007-07-09 06:44:32
answer #8
answered by cheri h 7
Brooke- michelle
Megan- irene my daughters name
Miley- renee
Sophie- rose
Hannah- nicole
Scott- anthony
Liam- james
Kyle- christopher
Jay- micheal
there all nice names just follow your heart it will show u the name to use
good luck
2007-07-05 16:05:28
answer #9
answered by MOM to megan eli jaiden and ryan 5
I like Brooke, Scott, and Kyle the best.
2007-07-05 17:12:06
answer #10
answered by vallygval 5
How about Miley Sophia?
Liam Scott would sound good.
2007-07-05 16:10:54
answer #11
answered by Allgeier 6