The growth of love is both constant and incremental, love at first sight is only the earnest of love. True love grows so slowly that it takes a lifetime, but is worth each moment, many overnights with the same person to wake up to.
2007-07-05 10:23:01
answer #1
answered by Fr. Al 6
1⤋ opinion is that it can happen. I won't say no. One can develop an attraction at first sight. Surely one can feel a "connection" with the person too. One can feel love too. But there's no denying (to me) that to be seen if it's really true and long-lasting, only time proves it. There's always more to what we know at first sight, or even in one meeting. When after having more knowledge about the person as a whole, warts n all, and having gone through ups and downs together, if two people still dig each other, care for each other, work through things and stick together, that's love.
2007-07-05 08:54:12
answer #2
answered by ? 6
No. Love does not grow overnight. You need to work on it. There is no such thing as Love at first sight. It is an admiration only on the outside beauty or might be a physical attraction. When you get to know the person and that admiration really overwelmed you then that is love.
2007-07-05 16:42:57
answer #3
answered by Gemma a 1
Love is eternal. Still I will try to go where I sense that your question comes from.
In my experience, what you refer to as love at first sight was more a "knowing" than anything else. It was a knowing that this lady, that I felt nothing romantical for, and I were going to be a couple. At the time we were sitting in a vehicle, as far apart as two people can be in such a case. My immediate response was "NO WAY!". Yet knowing as this kind of certainty was is infallible. One just knows that it is no use fighting it. In that situation we were both thinking the very same thoughts.
Much later in my life, a very similar thing happened to me.
Again I had absolutely no interest in this other lady. A group of us were having lunch on a hillside discussing things of mutual interest, when as I was finishing my coffee and having thoughts of returning to my work, when this other lady and I had a brief conversation. It was right after 9-11 and it struck me as special that this lady made no mention of the world situation. Almost the whole group was made of tourists whose flights home to their countries had all been cancelled and as you might remember the prevaling mood was of uncertainty. When I noticed that she was being positive in whatever she spoke about, I suddenly had this same familiar sense of knowing. It was as if I was remembering something that had happened the previous day. Part of me again wanted to say "No Way! " I heard my inner voice say, " If you pass up this opportunity, you will kick your a*s forever!" So I said, " When you finish your coffee, we are going for a walk".
Is that what you mean?
2007-07-05 10:14:17
answer #4
answered by canron4peace 6
I think there might be such a thing as love at first sight. Yes, I think love can grow overnight. Stranger things have happened.
2007-07-05 09:25:34
answer #5
answered by Breezey is saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY 7
I think there is, but life is a gamble. You can love something or some one from zero to dead. However love as bonding is a two way thing, how can you be so sure of what another free will is like and is thinking by only the first sight?
Dont be hopeless just because of what I just mentioned. If you have confronted what is seem to be a love at first sight , get hold of it quick and hard, love her/him dead and calaulate later.
2007-07-05 08:42:49
answer #6
answered by 24 years o natural Philosophier 2
I believe in love at first sight. I've experienced it. When you see someone and are just drawn to them. Not just because they are physically attractive but because you sense a connection.
I've also experienced love at second sight: there was someone I worked with & was platonic friends with but I never looked at him romantically. Then one day he took me for a motorbike ride & we stood on a bridge & talked about life & I realized he was on the same wavelength as me & I felt so attracted to him. We were kindred spirits. I fell in love from the inside out. The more I loved his personality the more attractive he became on the outside. Apparently he had had a crush on me for years & I didn't know it. Sometimes Mr. Right can be right under your nose...
2007-07-05 22:29:55
answer #7
answered by amp 6
Love can be like a electrical connection. When the connection is made there is no delay or resistance, its 100% When me and my wife laid eyes on one another there was a definite connection, like a shock to the heart and soul. Its not as if we were all over one another right then and there, there is still a the need to get to know one another and ultimately enabling love to bloom. Love at first site does exist, but its not like marriage at first site, it is the over whelming feelings of intrigue,mental and soulful attraction, a sense of urgency to act on these feelings. For some people they may never have these feelings and may have to learn to love some one from square one over the course of time. I found that you and your partner can be in control of the rate at which love develops, it take an open heart, sensitivity, the conscious will to love eachother to the fullest.
2007-07-05 13:43:15
answer #8
answered by Lee light 2
well I believe in love from the first sight I follow my heart then the logical analyzing I know it's wrong but love is a trap and we are the love birds that are falling in it but there is a thing just the same as the love from the first sight there is hate from the first sight.
2007-07-07 08:01:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm a huge believer in love at first sight, although I wasn't a believer until it happened to me...somehow, I just KNEW that my hubby was the RIGHT guy. I don't know how or why, but after seeing him for the first time 9 years ago, I just KNEW!!!
2007-07-05 18:09:54
answer #10
answered by brojonesmom 3