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Isn't it hypocritical to pretend to be Pro-Life yet you refuse universal health care?

Don't you think every American child has the right to good health care regardless of the parent's financial status?

2007-07-05 05:30:46 · 22 answers · asked by Tawani 3 in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

Cons will do whatever it takes to protect a fetus. But once you come out, you're on your own.

And lets not hope the fetus is of Muslim descent otherwise there will be no compassion for you.

Cons aren't interested in human life. Pro-life is a very misleading term. It's not human life they cherish, only their twisted ideals.

War is not in the interest of human life.

Capitol punishment is not in the interest of human life.

Letting people go without health care is not in the interest of human life.

Owning guns is not in the interest of human life.

2007-07-05 05:59:16 · answer #1 · answered by Josh 4 · 5 6

Oh don't be silly, every American child DOES (currently, today, right now) have the right to health care. Every public hospital has a notice saying that they must (have to, no option, do or die) provide care to the best of their abilities regardless of insurance or income (that means homeless people too).

Furthermore, according to federal law (that means all over the USA not just in Texas) as long as you pay a minimum of $10 per month on your medical bills, they cannot turn you over to a collection agency, force you into bankruptcy or even put a bad mark on your credit report.

How much more do you want?


OK, do you want to know why the cons are against abortion and universal healthcare? 2 words. Personal Responsibility. This is one of the central philosophies of the conservative school of thought. It is however absent in the Liberal mindset.

If you don't want a baby, don't get pregnant. If you aren't responsible enough to practice abstinance, safe sex, or even take a pill, then you should pay the consequences. Carry the child for 9 months and if you don't want want you've worked for put the child up for adoption.

Want insurance for your children? Get a job and buy insurance. Still can't afford it? Then either cut back on some other areas or get a second job. Not willing to do that? Then you appearently don't want the insurance bad enough to earn it.

As an aside, insurance is a scam anyways. Think about it, if insurance was really a cost effective way of paying for medical bills how come the insurance companies make so much profit? You'd be better off with a Health Savings Account. Most banks can even set up a draft to save in it just as though it were being deducted from your paycheck. The only time you should get insurance is if you know you are going to have large medical bills for something that's not a pre-existing condition (get insurance before she gets pregnant then cancell it afterwards)

2007-07-05 05:47:06 · answer #2 · answered by Nianque 4 · 2 0

I think you have a common misperception about "rights" Take a quick look at the constitution and tell me where it states that.

While I dont think we need Universal Health care, I wouldn't mind affordable medical insurance for ALL children up until they are 18.

And before you start, I am conservative, 44 and do not have health insurance.

Also, I have lived as a child in Canada and the UK and while it wasnt the WORST place I have ever had to go, it is NOT the shining ray of healthcare everyone thinks. A point only emphasized by the events recently in the UK.

P.S. If you think that Hillary or any of the Dems are going to do anything about it, forget it. They had 4 years of a dem congress and dem president and another 4 years of a dem president and what did it get us? I know where it got me, taxed so damn much I couldnt afford to THINK about health insurance...

2007-07-05 05:40:27 · answer #3 · answered by MD 4 · 5 0

Okay, I'll let you in on a little secret, there is a federal law that states if someone is injured no hospital can turn them away regardless of insurance status. Often the hospital will have to absorb these costs which it usually spreads out across insured patients bills. There is also Medicare and Medicade which are free and can easily be enrolled in.

Do you fully understand what Socialized Health Care is? Have you actually looked it up, on your own, and learned what that means? You really should try, I'll bet you'd have a different outlook once you had all of the facts.

2007-07-05 05:37:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Ask not what your country can do for, but ask what you can do for your country. Every child does have access to health care in the United States. It's usually used in Emergency Room Visits and Health clinics. I suggest you go to the Department of Human Services and apply for coverage. Also, being a female you will have greater chances of applying for and obtaining an education grant (P,A.L.E.). This will greatly impact your future in obtaining a great job with benefits. I know I've probably made you angry by my subtle comments, but it's only to prove my point since you attack me and others with name calling. We all have the means to take control of our lives and be proud. I don't like the idea of Socialism, because it always fails in the long run, and gives the Government control of individual lives.

2007-07-05 05:42:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think that universal health care is a good idea. We already have a 'socialized' police, fire, and postal system. I believe that our tax dollars would be better spent giving everyone health care, than the current 'tax' we, who pay for our own health care already pay. This 'tax' is the tax we pay to the corporations, so that their CEOs can make multiple millions, they can spend tons of money on people who try to NOT give you the care you need, and tons of money on advertising their 'services,' which are only out there so that the corporations can steal our money.

I would rather the government take my money and give health care to those who need it, rather than to some corporate CEO, who has a private jet, seventeen cars, six mansions, and stock options that would make any common person feel like they hit the lottery.

Universal health care works in every other civilized country in the world. We do not have it in the US because the country is no longer a country of the people, for the people, and by the people. It is now a country of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations. They leave the thin facade that we still have 'freedom,' but try to speak out against your government, and see where you end up.

WE THE PEOPLE must take back our government from the corporations that have corrupted it, since Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers' union in 1981. Since then, workers have had fewer and fewer rights, and more of our programs that were legislated for the people are being taken away every day. YOU can change this around by voting for officials who are NOT taking contributions from corporations. Yes, they are few, but you can find them.

2007-07-05 05:47:06 · answer #6 · answered by Rocco R 4 · 2 4

It's sad how you Cons will complain about YOUR/OUR money going to Universal Healthcare for AMERICANS, yet you support the spending of billions of dollars to continue the war in Iraq that isn't helping anybody. Yet, you claim it helps the Iraqis. So who do you think is being more hypocritical? The Lib that wants his tax money to at least go the well being and health of OUR country? Or the Con who would rather see the money go towards bombing and "helping" other people while OUR people (AMERICANS!!!!) bleed to death in hospitals?

Why is the right so backwards with their beliefs?

2007-07-05 07:02:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Yes it is.Universal health care would actually lower the costs.America now outspends every other industrialized country in health care but the money gets stuck in the pockets of the insurance companies.It's sad here before but I'll say it again,they support birth not life as the infant mortality rate makes shockingly clear.
Country Infant mortality rate
(deaths/1,000 live births)

180 United States 6.37
182 Cuba 6.04
Even under the crippeling US embargo communist Cuba does better and that says a lot.
197 European Union 4.80
203 Belgium 4.56
216 France 3.41
My source for these numbers is the CIA world factbook,not really socialist propaganda I would say.

2007-07-05 06:05:22 · answer #8 · answered by justgoodfolk 7 · 2 4

Read your history lessons. This country was founded upon the principles of SELF-reliance and rugged individualism. Not reliance upon the government for anything. If you want "universal healthcare", move to Canada, then when your life is threatened by catastrophic illness and your on the 6-9 month waiting list, you can sneak back across the border to save your life.

2007-07-05 05:39:19 · answer #9 · answered by matt p 1 · 4 2

No I do not think every child has a right to health care regardless of the parents financial status. You socialist have no damn clue what you are going into. Are you ready to pay for every illegals medical? Every American? Do you honestly think this will be free? How foolish can you people get. I am not anti heath care, I just refuse to pay for it. What kind of scam artist are you people.

2007-07-05 05:35:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Ummm... last time I checked, in this country, NO ONE can be denied care on the basis of ability to pay. A drunken hobo with no wallet has to be accepted BY LAW into any hospital he comes into. Vaccinations are free or of greatly reduced cost to the children of low-income families. Most states have programs for anyone under 18 to provide insurance for low income children. In my state (Indiana) we have Hoosier Healthwise that covers something like 20% of all the children here. Do your research, this isn't the problem Michael Moore would have you believe.

2007-07-05 05:39:51 · answer #11 · answered by Dekardkain 3 · 5 2

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