Open up to your Grandmother Honey !! I can't help you if I don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Love you child.
You can email me if you like. In the meantime, try real hard to count your many blessings, and focus on what you can do about your situation, and then when you have done all you can, turn the remainder over to God sweetie. He is waiting on your earnest request & please be patient & accepting of the outcome. Everyone is hurting. I know first hand God hears our conversations & our pleas to him. Remember always to praise his name for being there for you and hearing your prayer. Without him, I would be lost with no directions.~~jill
2007-07-05 05:04:55
answer #1
answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7
If you feel this way regularly it could very well be depression. When you're clinically depressed or just depressed due to a situation, just "trying" to change your attitude doesn't seem to work. It could be you may need to talk to a doctor.
There's nothing wrong in admitting you feel this way, but trying to solve the problem by yourself might not work.
If it continues for awhile, if I were you I would go see someone about it.
2007-07-05 03:04:11
answer #2
answered by 60s Chick 6
i am sure something bad happened to u , u can't stop thinking about it
you should try to forget about this thing and begine to smile again
if you want to wake up smile like me
do exactly like what i am doing
i turn on tv all the night on music channel that help me to calm down lol
2007-07-05 01:06:16
answer #3
answered by micho 7
Is there a reason for you feeling sad?? If so maybe you need to focus on that...maybe include that in your next question. If you are depressed for no reason maybe you need to talk to your doctor.
2007-07-05 00:52:28
answer #4
answered by angie 2
try going to a dr and getting anti-depressants
i feel the same way with or w/o meds .. try getting out and having fun
2007-07-05 00:56:01
answer #5
answered by Rhyannonn C 5
try dancing right when you wake up, it will make you happy
2007-07-05 00:50:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
maybe u need morning nookie. that always puts me in a good mood first thing in the morning. and its better than coffee.
its been to long since ive had that.
2007-07-05 03:51:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
keep a bottle of brandy beside the bed, and wake up to a shot, then hit snooze, repeat until happy!
2007-07-05 00:50:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Are you dreading the day? Maybe it's your job or school.
2007-07-05 00:50:40
answer #9
answered by Amy K 5
you should do something that makes you happy or maybe there isn't any love in ur life
2007-07-05 00:51:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous