My website is about 3 days old and I'm still under 90days free hosting for my domain name so I dont know if that could have something to do with it. I may have to get the premium hosting.
I've used the favicon-validator from the favicon-from-pics website and it says everything is fine but I still can't see my favicon.
I've added the page to my favorites, reloaded my browser, optimised the favicon.... everything I was told to do I did basically. It's starting to piss me off now because I can see favicons from all the other sites even without bookmarking and I can't see mine. I don't understand.
I want to pursue a career in web-design but a simple problem like this makes me think all the courses I did and I'm being shown up by a 16x16 .ico file. Anyway enough rambling.
Hey bro,,, all you need to do is make an icon with, something like Easy Icon Maker and call it favico.ico, thats all i did and uploaded it to my root directory and it worked check it out,