Too many people are sheltered in the U.S. and have cushy lives. They don't know what it is like to have been in a war zone themselves and they don't know what it is like to be really persecuted. They imagine that if they just wave their hand and say no more war, that everything will be just fine and all the problems will go away. Give the terrorists what they want and they will go back to living normal happy lives. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way and if we stop fighting them there, they will just bring the war to U.S. soil. Once the car bombings start in America, it will be too late to change your mind about the war in Iraq.
2007-07-04 14:26:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The war on terrorism is a nonsense like the war on drugs. There is no point at which you can win.
The Americans have historically supported terrorism
During the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s the IRA terrorists were murdering British police, soldiers and civilians and their main source of support was in America . The Irish Americans in Boston , New York and California were great supporters and neither the FBI or CIA bothered to do anything about it.
If a terrorist managed to get to the USA they knew they were safe from extradition.
This situation suddenly changed on 9/11 when the New Yorkers got a taste of their own medicine.
I wonder why.
2007-07-05 00:41:43
answer #2
answered by brainstorm 7
How does the war in Iraq (which was started because Saddam had wmd's and then to liberate its people) has anything to do with the terrorist???
Most all of the people involved in 9/11 are from out friendly allies Saudi Arabia and the Taliban are getting stronger by the day while Al Queda sends it operatives to fight Western soldiers in Iraq and have helped to bring the country to a civil war.
Something tells me the illegal war in Iraq is being touted as a recruiting device by these ghouls.
2007-07-04 22:08:19
answer #3
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
We're not against the war on terrorism. We're just armchair quarterbacking what's going on in Iraq.
a) We have air superiority, so why the heck are we fighting a ground war?
b) Every time I hear about a sniper firing from a high rise apartment building in Baghdad, I wonder, why they heck are there any high rise apartment buildings left in Baghdad?
c) Why are we rebuilding Iraq? Isn't it an oil rich country that can afford its own rebuilding? And why would we be rebuilding when there's a war going on!?
Hey Joe B, I guess you don't live in Los Angeles.
Every year, a couple of cars are abandoned on my block and torched.
2007-07-04 21:50:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because the information on the war is coming primarily from American news sources. A cadre of folks who know nothing about Iraq, its history or its people. Even during the initial combat operations, there was only one western journalist in country who could speak Arabic and he was with the BBC.
A quick review of the course of instruction at our university-based schools of journalism show no core curriculum requirements in geography, history, political science or foreign studies. As a result, none can tell you the history of the Ba'ath (Resurrection) movement which ruled Iraq and currently rules Syria. How that movement came full blown from the head of Heinrich Himmler by way of Michel Aflouk (a Syrian).
They even report false figures on casualties. 20% of those who died in Iaq did so from non-hostile causes. 81% of those medically evacuated were for non-hostile causes.
Even the current death rate pales by comparison with the years of 1980-84, when 9,555 military members died during a time when we were not at war.
They also conveniently omit any mention of the Iraq Liberation Act passed in 1998, during the previous administration, because their sense of history doesn't go back more than two weeks unless it's dealing with Anna Nicole Smith or Paris Hilton.
2007-07-04 22:22:31
answer #5
answered by desertviking_00 7
We used 'the war on terrorism' as a justification to attack a country that never threatened us. There was never terrorism in Iraq before we invaded, and no Iraqis were involved in terrorism. Saddam and Al Quaeda hated each other. The war wasn't about terrorism at all. Also the war is incredibly corrupt. There is great profiteering and cheating, and nobody in the Bush admin. seems to think this is a problem.
If we wanted to do a REAL war on terrorism, it would require the cooperation of our allies, because terrorism is a global problem. Yet we pissed off all our friends and allies because we wanted to do everything OUR way. This is more likely to -cause- terrorism than to fight it.
If we really wanted to protect ourselves from terrorism, we would do something real about illegal immigration--instead of both sides trying just to use it as a political football. We would do something to protect our seaports instead of just hassling everyone at airports. We would criticize our allies who have bad human rights records instead of supporting them, arming them and funding them.
Instead the Bush admin. is using terrorism as an excuse to do all the things they wanted to do anyway. Shovel money to their friends. Crack down on constitutional liberties and freedoms (like habeas corpus). And dominate the news to distract from their mistakes and incompetency and scandals.
2007-07-04 21:29:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
because there is no such thing called war on terrorism its all a big lie lets think reasonably first they said they wanted to invade Iraq to destroy the Iraqi nuclear program and there was no such program and when their lies were discovered they invented war on terrorism which has resulted in a disaster in Iraq and America
2007-07-04 21:27:29
answer #7
answered by bombos 1
the "war on terror" is not a real war... it is an open ticket to resident bush to spend American lives and taxpayer money for his personal agenda....
...see who is profiting from the war and you will find the criminals.
2007-07-04 21:29:30
answer #8
answered by michael 6
Because we're getting nowhere and the end is nowhere in sight.
and the cost and the me PLEASE
2007-07-04 21:18:24
answer #9
answered by Who cares 5
we need their oil.
2007-07-04 21:26:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous