Peeing behind a car that pulled off. I was in full view of everyone.
2007-07-04 10:31:26
answer #1
answered by stinkypinkyteddybear 5
I live in a State that fireworks in not allowed in but we are super close to the Mexico border. We bought fireworks and set them off ( 4th of July three years ago). The sheriff didn't show up until the next day and said that one of our neighbors pile of horse manure caught on fire. I guess its super flammable. He couldn't site us at first because he had no proof it was us, until one of the kids came running around the corner with the clear trash bag that had all of the firework trash in it. Kids - what would you do with out them. It cost us $589 in fines.
2007-07-04 10:36:24
answer #2
answered by Spice 2
I mooned the Dean of Students during Spring Fling (that is festival where interested High School kids and their parents have a campus visit). The only way he knew it was me because I turned around and waved to him. The school fined me $100.00 but it was worth it to see the shock on his face!!!
2007-07-04 10:37:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
me and my friend rooled a big rock off a hill and it hit the tire of an off duty cop so we ran like hell but he said he had a tazer and hell arrest us if we didnt come back so we did and he didnt do anything (what an asshole right we didnt even mean to hit anyone)
2007-07-04 10:32:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Trying to use too many expired coupons at the local grocery store.
2007-07-04 10:32:19
answer #5
answered by ♫Problem Child♫ 7
You know what...A few moments ago...I tried answering your question sitting in my computer lab in the school..while i'm supposed to be learning designing...incidentally the teacher caught me answering your question & instead of scolding me she herself got registered with yahoo answers...!!!
It was totally unexpected & i felt very funny...even now i feel too funny to be keying in here...with my teacher sitting next to my pc!
2007-07-04 10:37:16
answer #6
answered by presidentofasia 3
trying to aim fireworks at a house that actually twirled and twisted around and aimed at my house.
2007-07-04 10:32:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well me and my friend locked my babysitter in a room and bunjee corded the door shut and then ran away and ate like ice cream and stuff then when my rents came home and found her in there i went strait to "bed" and just happened to be asleep when they came to yell at me and they tried so hard not to laugh when they were punishing me (first grounding) and it was a week
2007-07-04 10:31:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
when I put a dull letter opener to someones throat when they were trying to force themselves on me and at first they were scared but when they realized it wasn't but a letter opener and tried to get all aggressive again, to convince them that you could still do irreversible damage with a dull letter opener.
2007-07-04 10:36:04
answer #9
answered by carpathian mage 3
a fat girl was groping me and i didnt like her much, i tryed to text a freind for help rather than tell he to get off but text her the message by mistake "***** is groping me help!" found it funny afterwords.
2007-07-04 10:33:06
answer #10
answered by badblinco 2