i'm in love with the film Anchorman - really is the best film ever. my fav quote is from Brick, when they take a shortcut.
"Where d'you get those suits, the toilet store?"
hilarious. original. classic!!!!!
or " I love lamp."
2007-07-04 06:34:07
answer #1
answered by emj 4
Basically any quote from Wedding Crashers, Old School or Anchorman, it would take too long to write them down
2007-07-04 05:25:34
answer #2
answered by Julie 3
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're waring sunglasses.
From the Blues Brothers.
2007-07-04 05:28:19
answer #3
answered by mazman426 3
Clark: It is a one year membership in the jelly of the month club.
Eddie: Well, that the gift that keeps giving the whole year round.
From Chistmas Vacation
2007-07-04 05:26:04
answer #4
answered by Dead 2 Self 4
"Sometimes I wonder will really forgive us for what we've done to each other. Then I realize that God left this place a long time ago." Leonardo DiCaprio in "Blood Diamond."
2007-07-04 15:09:59
answer #5
answered by neccie_09 5
Josh: She's a massage therapist!
Mover #2: Yeah, she'll massage your cock for money.
Mover #1: There's a word for that, I think it's hooker.
Grandma's Boy
2007-07-04 05:29:08
answer #6
answered by Chloroform Smile 2
love, peace, and chicken grease! from The Pest starring John Lenguizamo.
2007-07-07 18:05:54
answer #7
answered by dj ese 1
Greg Focker: You can milk just about anything with nipples.
Jack Byrnes: I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?
2007-07-06 23:11:12
answer #8
answered by LORD Z 7
no longer basically one quote, yet a scene: Spaceballs (1987) darkish Helmet: What the Hell am I gazing?! whilst does this ensue interior the action picture?! Col. Sandurz: Now! you're gazing "now," sir. each thing that takes place now could be happening "now." darkish Helmet: What surpassed off to "then?" Col. Sandurz: We surpassed it. darkish Helmet: whilst? Col. Sandurz: basically now. we are at now "now." darkish Helmet: circulate returned to "then." Col. Sandurz: whilst? darkish Helmet: Now. Col. Sandurz: Now?! darkish Helmet: Now! Col. Sandurz: i can not. darkish Helmet: Why? Col. Sandurz: We ignored it. darkish Helmet: whilst? Col. Sandurz: basically now. darkish Helmet: whilst will "then" be "now?" Col. Sandurz: quickly. darkish Helmet: How quickly? Spaceball: Sir! darkish Helmet: What? Spaceball: we've pointed out their area. darkish Helmet: the place? Spaceball: that's the moon of Vega. Col. Sandurz: sturdy artwork. Set a direction and prepare for our arrival. darkish Helmet: whilst? Spaceball: Nineteen-hundred hours. Col. Sandurz: purchase severe midday day after today they are going to be our prisoners. darkish Helmet: Who?!
2017-01-23 11:49:26
answer #9
answered by lasandra 3
"Life moves at you pretty fast - if you don't stop to look around you could miss it" -- Ferris Buellers Day Off
"I'm all jacked up on Moutain Dew" or "If you ain't first - you're last" -- Talladega Nights
"Yippee-Kai-Yay-Mother-Fu#%*@" -- Die Hard
2007-07-04 05:46:25
answer #10
answered by indigobubbles3 4