There are plenty of republicans who share your views on most if not all of those issues.
2007-07-04 04:22:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Abortion: Pro-choice
Gay marriage: For it completely
Capital Punishment: Right now, against, it needs an overhaul to include DNA criteria, too many innocent people set free from death row in the last ten years because of DNA proof
Iraq War: We need to stop policing civil war and get back to doing something about Al Queda. We fight in Baghdad while they set up cells all over the Middle East
Exporting democracy: Only if a country asks us to do that
GITMO: Agreed, charge those people or close it
Immigration Bill: Hate it, I have a problem with those who are here illegally
Church/State: Keep it separate, it's what keeps our government system viable
President Bush: Don't hate him, just think he's arrogant and incompetent
Jon Stewart/Colbert: Never watched either one of them
2007-07-04 11:52:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am/think:
-pro choice
-for gay marriage
-for capital punishment
-against the invasion of Iraq
-for the immigration reform bill, we were all immigrants once and we need to help those that are here
-the church SHOULD NOT be involved with the state (religion is just another sneaky way for people in power to control the masses)
-I HATE Bush
-Stewart/Colbert funny but I don't watch them that much
2007-07-04 11:51:16
answer #3
answered by Michelle T 3
Hi Memo... here are my quick reponses on the issues you brang up.
1. Abortion - I am in the middle... i think abortions should be regulated... I agree that a ban makes no sense, but ethically I
have a problem with it being taken too lightly as well.
2. Gay Marriage - I think there is nothing wrong with the gay couples having the same rights as married couples when it comes to taxes, benefits and the like... however i do believe that marriage is a sacred bond between 2 people under god and that gay marriage doesn't fit there... still I am not gonna vote against it I I has too.
3. I support this in theory, but we need to be better at putting it into practice so that its not biased by race and social economic class. There are just some things (like murdering children) that are not redemable.
4. I was against it at first, but once we didn't find WMD I started to change my mind and as the mismanagement and corruption got worse I changed my stance and now would like us out of there asap.
5. Agreed.
6. On the same page with this one.
7. Agreed
8. Me too... I can't wait for January 2009!
9. Me too!
2007-07-04 17:21:34
answer #4
answered by Dan M 5
Hmmm - It seems you have expressed you views rather than asked a question. Be that as it may...
abortion. I am for choice, but abortion is a horrible practice that is rightly discouraged. I do not believe that an embryo, zygote, blastocyst, or fetus that cannot survive outside the womb is a human life in the same way that living, breathing individual is therefore the state has no justification in interfering with this highly personal decision.
gay marriage. - For it. Gay marriage exists in Mass., Canada, Spain, the Netherlands. It has not ended life as we know it. No one's family or traditional marriage is destroyed or even threatened by it. It is a matter of fairness that people in love can marry who they choose. All of the argumetns against it are essentially religious. In this country we supposedly do not deny the rights of individuals based on religious views. But here we are.
capital punishment. On the fence. Not against it on principle, but am against it as a political tool, talking-point ,and its inconsistent application. Ted Bundy and Timothy McVeigh deserved to die for their crimes. An incompetent crack head who was with a someone whoo robbed and murdered but killed no one probably didn't.
iraq war : A miserable quagmire that should never have been undertaken. But the deed is done and we are in the middle of it. To leave before Iraq is secure, safe and functioning is wrong for us and wrong for Iraq.
exporting democracy: Democracy is a good thing, but it can not be installed without stability, an economy, the rule of law and willing populace. These things must come first, then democracy will happen all by itself.
GITMO- Close it, no. End what is going on there with the so-called enemy combatants, yes. Some, if not most of the prisoners there are dangerous to us and the rest of the world. But there is no due process. No attempt to actually determine precisely who and what danger they pose. That we perpetrate such an injustice year in and year out hurts our credablity in the world.
immigration reform. For it. The immigration mess is not soly at the hands of illegal immigrants. For 20 years America did not secure the border, American businesses hired them by the millions, and American law enforcement looked the other way. Our immigration policy did not meet the needs of the country, so the needs were met in other ways. This bill took all of that into account to slove a problem, not to just punish one side of the equation.
church involved in state. Against, but too many folks are on their high horse about this. Public displays of religion hurt no one. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. The Christian that would ban the muslim veil is just as wrong as the athiest that would ban the town square Christmas tree.
president bush: Clearly the worst President in my lifetime. But I do not hate him. He is not evil. He is misguided, stubborn and prideful. He seems to lack the fundamental attributes of wisdom - Empathy, compassion, the ability to solve problems by understanding when a new approach is needed, to embrace the very idea that he may be wrong.
jon stewart/stephen colbert- My guilty pleasures of the day.
Social Justice: We have a moral obligation to help those in need and protect the weak from the tyrany of the strong. We should have no starving children, no homelessness, no discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodation. We should not allow powerful interests to enrich themselves at the expsense of others. Markets should be free, but not to pillage, plunder and destroy.
Stewardship of the Environment. We are entitled to exploit the resources of the planet for our own use - as is every other living creature. But we must do so in a sustainable way that leaves something for the next generation. Environmentalism is everyones responsibility.
2007-07-04 12:16:39
answer #5
answered by jehen 7
I still consider myself a liberal even though i don't agree with everything you said. Here's my list.
abortion - pro life
gay marriage - against it
capital punishment - 4 it
iraq war - against it
exporting democracy all of a sudden in iraq - Technically Iraq was a democracy beofre we bombed the crap out of it, they held open elections (meaning you put your name and number on the ballot) and anyone who didn't vote for saddam was put in abu grahib.
GITMO - Keep it open, change the laws governing gitmo and its prosoners, if we close gitmo and keep the laws the same we'll just be torturing people on other bases.
immigration reform bill - Against it - The "Amnesty" thing was controversial but was just a smoke screen to hide the real agenda behind this bill. Although I hate the wall idea to, I like the idea of keeping people out, but I'm more afraid of who they're keeping in.
church involved in state - against it, but only because I don't want the state involved in my church. Church should be about helping people not making money from political kickbacks in exchange for a weekly pulpit endorsement for certain candidates. By the way I think my church should pay taxes, "Give to ceaser what is ceasar's and give to God what is God's." ~Jesus
president bush - Anti-Christ, power hungry, blood thirsty treasonous bastard.
jon stewart/stephen colbert - Stewart is great, Colbert kind of annoys me
Labor unions - for them, screw corporate management. Share the wealth with the people who do the real work! Boycott NW airlines.
2007-07-04 11:46:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
abortion (pro choice)
gay marriage (for it.......with the same rules applied as with male/female marriage's)
capital punishment (against it 95% with VERY, VERY few exceptions)
iraq war (against it.....cut off the funds and pull them out NOW)
exporting democracy all of a sudden in Iraq (DEMOCRACY? *LOL*)
GITMO (close it.....turn out the lights today)
immigration reform bill (for it - I thought that only Native Americans were non-immigrants.)
church involved in state (against it....Thought the Constitution was clear on that issue)
president bush (what a pr*ck)
jon stewart/stephen colbert (we need freedom fighters)
gun control (against it)
illegal gun use laws (for it..... VERY HEAVY penalities, punish the individual... not the whole)
drug use (mandatory long term blood monitoring... not jail and prison terms. Reduce the number of non-criminal prisoners and over crowded institutions)
corporate welfare (against it)
2007-07-04 11:47:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
*Abortion = A woman is entitled to make her own decisions when it comes to her body.
* Gay marriage = Totally against it. Two men or two women can't make a child. If gay marriage were supposed to occur, God would have made it so.
* Capitol punishment = I'm all for it. If someone takes the life on an individual I love, if someone has no respect for life they don't deserve the one they were given.
* Iraq war = I support the global war on terror.
* Iraq democracy = Democracy is better than a dictatorship.
* GITMO = Get rid of it.
* Immigration reform = Do not support it. Close our borders, deport illegal aliens, vote traitors out of office and re-elect individuals who have America's best interests in mind.
* Church & State = Separation of church and state.
* President Bush = I may not like him but he is my President, please show more respect.
* Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert = Don't know them.
2007-07-04 11:27:30
answer #8
answered by ☆Bombastic☆ 5
What I like to say about all of this,
Be happy you live in the country that is free. But alot of what I read above(the first 2), I'm against. Church involved in states, yes I agree on. This country was based IN GOD WE TRUST. we did not have the problems 100 years ago in the good ole USA. This did not happen over night either. Something needs to be done with alot of things, but as we know unless your in congress, or the president, or any high ranking type of officer, something can and will be done. Not just a small percentage of voters. Unless you vote, then should we be allowed to say what we want without being pentalized or sued.If not, then sit back in shame, its people like the ones who are wishwashy that wont vote that want to cry about every thing.
2007-07-04 11:31:36
answer #9
answered by Moose 6
Sweetie, this is a message board, not an affinity group. Requesting that the answerers be limited to those who agree with you is a) futile and b) inconsistent with the purpose of the Board to begin with.
If you only want to talk to people who agree with you and kiss your backside--become a boss!!
I'm not liberal, I'm middle of the road, with conservative leanings, and you are getting my answers anyway:
Abortion -- Pro Choice
Gay Marriage -- As long as all the same rules apply as to stragiths, I'm for it....but I am NOT for any half-@ssed measures
Capital Punishment--For it
Iraq War--Was for it, but where the heck is the exit strategy?
Immigration - ANti Illegals. For reform
CHurch/State--Against it
Pres Bush -- Mixed
Jon Sewart/S Colbert--Makes me laugh
2007-07-04 11:27:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Janeane Garofalo is sexy (yes)
Dick Cheney (more evil than Darth Vader)
Intelligent Design (only on Queer Eye)
Dick Cheney (should go fluck himself)
universal healthcare (if Canada can, and so canbasically most other developed countries)
no PAC left behind (is our children learning)
2007-07-04 11:36:07
answer #11
answered by shazam 6