abortion-- definitly for. A woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do with her body.
gay marriage-- definitly for. Gay or not, you should have the right to make your own decsions on who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
capital punishment-- deifnitly against! There is an old saying.. two wrongs dont make a right. By killing the person, you are not making them learn from their mistakes. They also do not have the time to suffer for what they have done. I see it as them getting the easy way out.
iraq war -- definitly against!! Our president is clueless and frankly.. doesnt care who dies or for what. The meaning of the war has changed so many times that we dont even know what we are fighting for anymore. First it was to fight terrorism then it was Iraqi freedom. Im sure oil has a factor in it too. What else does the government hide?
exporting democracy all of a sudden in iraq -- I love my country and the people who fight for it and me. However, jsut because our government works perfectly for us, doesnt mean it will for other countries. There are many factors that effect a country on ho wit chooses its government and by pushing our ways on countries who dont want them, The US is becoming more and more unpopular around the world. Its almost like imperialism only instead of taking over the cuontry, we are choosing how they run their own country.
GITMO-- i wnot lie. i really dont know what that is
immigration reform bill-- for it. I do not believe US citizens should have their taxes raised due to illegal imigration. However, I think by helping these people gain citizenship, it would help prevent illegle imigration.
church involved in state-- definitly against. The USA is a country with a lot of different cultures. Choosing one to base our lives around would just cause mayhem and eventually bring the country down.
president bush -- is a selfish bastard. Hate him with everything in me. How can a former potthead run the United States? & whoever is thinking "well we ellected him"... youre wrong. He did NOT get the popular vote.
jon stewart/stephen colbert -- how about Al Gore? =) love him
2007-07-04 04:35:42
answer #1
answered by kangaroo 3
Abortion: Pro choice but not as a form of birth control. If you're 30 and have had 13 abortions it's time to close your legs or buy a condom. (note: I also believe the father should have a say somewhere down the line. He helped create the child and he's going to have to help raise it, why shouldn't he have a say in whether or not it lives? It's not his body but it is his child, where do his rights come in?)
Gay Marriage: For it. Being gay isn't a crime, neither should being married.
Capital Punishment: For it. I'd rather they euthanize the fu**er doing his third bit for child molestation than have my tax money buy his dinner.
Iraq War: Against it. We should have just erased the whole country, they certainly didn't have any problem trying to erase New York. Bring my friends home.
GITMO: On the fence. What do you do with all of the inmates?
Immigration Reform Bill: Against it. Deport anyone who's not a citizen or natural, anyone who's not working legally and paying taxes. They can come back when they do it legally.
Church and State: Against it, but I believe someone, somewhere needs to have some morals. Just because I believe God has no place in government doesn't give lawmakers the right to shed morality. Our leaders should be the rolemodels, examples of outstanding Americans.
Bush: (see above) Can't stand the little weasel, however, he is the elected leader. As stated before, the president should be a role model, not a 'C' student. American's should be able to look at the president and say 'That's the man/woman I want my son/daughter to strive to be'. I believe the American public is to blame anytime we have a jacka** for a president. After all, we elected him. By the way, the POPULAR vote is not the one that counts, common misconception. Ever heard the phrase "If you don't vote, you don't matter"? Where were all the bush haters on election day?
Stewart and Colbert: Can't stand either of 'em.
Now, what was the point of this? :)
2007-07-04 11:50:53
answer #2
answered by Megan B 3
Abortion (only in extreme cases, such as both the child and the mother would die if the fetus went to term.)
Gay Marriage (Despite what JBC would have you believe the defination of marriage has changed many times. I believe that if you love someone then you should marry them, as long as they're of the legal age of consent, which takes out pets and children)
Captial Punishment (only in extreme cases (child murder))
The Iraq War (When our own intelligence said that WMD's might have been in Iraq and somehow it comes to the public as WMD's are in Iraq, well then we have a problem. Also let us remember that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.)
Exporting Democracy (In stages. Democracy has always had it birth pains but to transplant Democracy of a sudden to Iraq was dangerious as the 2003 memo to Bush stated.)
GITMO (Keep the base open but close the prisons. The prison was open to circumvent around the Constitution, but one has to remember that Gitmo is still US terrority.)
Immigration (I was up on the bill because it was too confusing. Instead of the chains and fences just say that people are allowed but if they commit one other crime then they are gone. Also lets help Mexico get on it feet (such as clean the water))
Church involved in state (Here's the question, which Church? We have every single religion known to the Earth in America. Despite what you might think America is not only a Christian Nation, we have Jewish people, we have Muslim people (and not all of them are terrorists) Ask yourself why we have no church of America like we have a church of England.)
Bush (words cannot describe how much I dispise him and this corrupt administration, however, I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all)
Comdey Station (hiliarous, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert rock and Little Bush is just plain funny)
Welfare (needs to be changed to the point where the federal government will pay for people's education in technical schools and wil even help people find jobs. We need to stop giving money after money to people on Welfare and tackle the sitution at the top, the people's lack of technical education.)
9/11 (I think that Bush knew it was going to happen but I don't think that the government planted bombs all over the buildings and I do believe that planes did fly into the buildings. I do believe that the intense heat brought those buildings down)
No Children Left Behind (needs to be reformed to take into account that children have different learning abilities and needs to be funded.)
2007-07-04 12:11:38
answer #3
answered by White Star 4
I am a centerist leaning liberal so I probably qualify here:
Abortion- against it personally but I do not have the right to tell someone else what she can do with her body.
Gay marriage- Against it but do favor partnerships or something similar but not the same as marriage.
Capital Punnishment- definately opposed. It has proven to be no deterrent to crime and other civilized industrial nations have long since done away with the barbaric practice.
Iraq war- against it. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and our being there has increased recruiting for terrorists.
Exporting democracy- There are people in the world, believe it or not, who don't want democracy. They should not have it shoved down their throats. We should be a role model that they want to emulate and thus we should be available to help them create their own democracy when they are ready.
GITMO- Should have been closed long ago. Those people should be tried or released. To keep them there without charges and without speedy trials is in violation of the Constitution. GITMO is a US military base and thus is the USA and subject to the Constitution. Since our president has no regard for the Constitution it is no wonder it was done as it was.
Church involved in state- Everywhere thoughout history whent the two have been combined there have been problems. I believe the founding fathers made it clear that, while we may wish to recognize the existance of a supreme being or beings the belief should not be in the way of secular decision making.
President Bush- I don't hate him but he is a liar, arrogant, incompetent, greedy and corrupt.
Joh Stewart/Stephen Colbert- no opinion on them.
2007-07-04 12:08:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Agree with all but capital punishment (for it) and immigration bill. We need reform there, just not how it has been presented. No amnesty to illegals!! Go home and come back the right way. Break the laws and we don't need your kind, we have enough morons doing that now who are citizens!! Get the point?? I believe gay people should have the same privledges as straight people regarding finances and med and life insurances and inheritances and etc, as married couples do. If you don't want to call it "Marriage", then call it "a Union". Same thing really as long as it gets the same results. Leave these people alone and let them live their lives in peace like the rest of us want to live ours. If more people worried about their own backyards before putting there noses in everyone elses, we would sure have a better world!
2007-07-05 11:57:19
answer #5
answered by BoosGrammy 7
You and the likes of you are exactly what is wrong with this
Kill your own unborn child but protect those that kill others
You do not export democracy, you build it
immigration reform is destroying our country but then again
you are pro-criminal, which is why you also want to
close GITMO
Jon Stewart/ Stephen Colbert are IDIOTS
yeah, you said LIBERALS only, too bad, this is an open
2007-07-04 13:10:56
answer #6
answered by justgetitright 7
you are a leftist, tv-led lemming that does and says what your handlers tell you.
you cannot think for yourself.
abortion (pro-life. if you are under age 34 you could have been killed legally)
gay marriage (marriage is between an man and a woman)
capital punishment (frustrates me. great deterrent, but i respect life too much. let the convicts pound rocks and let the jailhouse justice do its thing. but at this time, no state sponsored killing)
iraq war (they funded terrorism, and we are finding Iran is well mixed in with them now, also funding terror. Bomb them back to the stone age, THEN come home)
exporting democracy all of a sudden in iraq (export democracy through business practices not forced by a central government)
GITMO (get a grip. its a military prison. keep it open)
immigration reform bill (these people dont need help, the need to play by the rules and they will only bring more and more welfare drunks and addicts where they can get the stuff gratis)
church involved in state (church has right to an opinion, and having the 10 Commandments displayed in state buildings doesnt connote church involvement. we are a nation born of judeo christian values. apparently you are not. )
president bush (except for immigration and not enough national economy, I support him. you are a red flag uneducated liberal that likes to use the word "hate" like its daily language)
jon stewart/stephen colbert (they are ok when they are funny, but it isnt very often)
2007-07-04 11:34:03
answer #7
answered by JBC 3
Respect for the Constitution and the rule of law - absolutely.
I would take issue with JBC, especially his fondness for theocracies. If our founding fathers wanted to have one it would have happened in the 18th Century. This is not a Christian nation. One has the freedom FROM religion too.
2007-07-04 11:36:09
answer #8
answered by planksheer 7
If you are liberal, these are generally liberal stances, why would you pose the question to liberals? Are you just looking for people to agree with you so that you feel justified in your beliefs. If they are your beliefs then stand behind them and don't look for reassurance from the other sheep.
2007-07-04 12:59:49
answer #9
answered by Clown 3
I'm with you all the way!
2007-07-04 11:24:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous