If you're using more than one PC or browser, there are several ways you can share Bookmarks or Favorites. However, before trying our tricks, protect yourself by making copies of your Favorites or Bookmarks. In IE, search for the Favorites folder (generally, it's in C:\WINDOWS\FAVORITES) and copy it to a floppy diskette. In Netscape or Opera, open Windows Explorer, search for Bookmark.htm, and copy the file to a floppy.
Favorites to Bookmarks. Moving IE Favorites to Netscape 6's Bookmarks is a pleasure. On the menu, click Bookmarks, scroll down, and click Import IE Favorites. Netscape automatically imports of your Favorites. Once imported, you can drag the saved sites to appropriate folders or create new ones. Unlike IE, Netscape lets you create different user profiles and attach them to the browser. Not only can multiple people use the same browser, but also they can customize settings without affecting other users. In Netscape 6, click Profile Manager and Create Profile to customize preferences, bookmarks, stored messages, and other items.
If you're using an older version of Netscape, importing Favorites takes a bit more noodling. Open IE, click File, Import And Export, and when the Import/Export Wizard Appears, click Next. Click Export Favorites, Next, the Folder you want to export. Again, click Next and select the file location, and click Finish. You can use this same application to import Bookmarks from Netscape and turn them into IE Favorites. Open Netscape 3.x or 4.x and click the Bookmarks drop-down menu. Click File and Import and you'll be prompted to browse for the location of the bookmark file. Open the file and your Favorites will be saved in Netscape's Bookmarks menu.
Remember, this process merely shuttles URLs (uniform resource locators) between browsers. You're responsible for the tedious housekeeping chores of updating and synchronizing. If you'd like to delegate this job, there are several third-party Internet bookmark utilities that synchronize saved URLs. QuikLink Interactive (http://www.quiklinks.com) uses a familiar Windows Explorer-like interface to import, swap, and save bookmarks from Navigator, IE, and Opera to a centralized database. Saving one bookmark automatically makes it accessible from any browser. The free version organizes bookmarks in one browser.
2007-07-03 20:50:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes... in Internet Explorer click 'File' - 'Import and Export' and follow the prompts to Export Favourites.
This will create a bookmarks.htm file. Take this file to the other computer (a USB key is good) and do the opposite (Import)
2007-07-04 03:37:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Save you favourites onto a floppy disk then upload them onto the other computer (im not sure if i've explained this properly, i hope you get what i mean)
2007-07-04 03:42:01
answer #3
answered by scotty101 2
either u do what no_id.available advice or go into
C:\Documents and Settings\[your_name]\Favorites to zip the entire folder. email it to your account where u can retrieve it later. then copy it back to the otehr pc.
2007-07-04 03:56:20
answer #4
answered by wayne 2