Tell a school counselor or teacher. If school is out for the summer, tell your parents and ask them to handle it. Or, tell her mom or dad yourself. Your friend may be upset at you for telling, but ultimately, you'll be saving her life. And, if you remain friends, don't judge her for it...we all go through crazy stuff in life that others can't always understand.
2007-07-11 12:35:05
answer #1
answered by answergirl 3
You need to talk to her. And tell her she is Killing herself. tell her Parents that she is Doing Un-Nesecerry stuff to her Body and her Brain. If she keeps it up for to Much longer.. She's gone. Ask her Why she is Doing it. Depression? Anger? if she is trying to be Cool and be " IN " with the Crowd tell her it is only Making her Body Suffer. If she Keeps on doing it Then dont hang around her to Often. Best friend or not... People are people and your Friend could do some of this Stuff to you. She could Try to talk you Into it.. Have some one Hold you Still so she can do it to you.. or She could Some how do it to you herself. People are insane man. Just becareful. and Make sure you tell her parents the VERY NEXT time you see them. and let them know that their Dear daughter is killing herself. Your Doing the Right thing Kid.
2007-07-03 18:23:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If there is one at your school, tell her/him the problem. You don't even have to convince your friend to come, just set up an appointment to tell the counsellor what's wrong, and then the counsellor will set up a time to talk to your friend. This is all completely anonymous, in case you are worried about your friend getting angry with you if she finds out you told.
This might be happening in response to something in her life gone bad. Like if she is abused at home, badly bullied at school, or whatever the reason is with her. DON'T pressure her to tell you just what, she will if she wants too. But do let her know that you're there for her.
2007-07-03 18:11:20
answer #3
answered by Kristin ^_^ 3
Tell her parents. Or go to your school counselor and have her contact the girl's parents. She'll keep you anonymous. I know you don't want to get her in trouble and she might get mad at you, but she'll thank you someday. Don't enable her to do those things to herself. Speaking from a personal experience, if you let these things go on and don't tell her parents she could do something bad and get really hurt or die. And then you'll probably blame yourself for the rest of your life because you could have done something. This will be a hard thing for you to do, but you'll feel better knowing that you have done everything you can to help her and her parents will be so grateful to you because they probably don't even know it's going on. Good luck sweetie.
2007-07-03 18:11:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
She needs you to take her most understanding parent aside and tell them these facts. Then she needs to be told by you that you told and that you have no intention of feeling bad about it. That if she is your friend she will understand that she hasn't been a good friend scaring you and leaving you feeling like her life is at risk. That you hope she gets better, that you aren't going to spread rumors about her, that this is between her and her family. That you will be her friend still, but you won't be keeping secrets about life and death matters that could kill her. Plain and simple you don't need this on you- you are 12. Being quiet is the worst thing you can do to her- and to yourself.
2007-07-11 18:08:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Tell her boyfriend or her parents, or both. She'll hate you for it now, but eventually she'll get over it and know you did it because you love her. If you don't want to or can't, talk to her. Keep fighting and keep trying to talk to her. Definately tell her boyfriend. He's the closest person to her in her life right now and if she doesn't listen to him, then she's throwing away a lot of important things. Try to help as hard as you can and never stop trying. It will eventually get through.
Good luck!
2007-07-03 18:51:52
answer #6
answered by Jenn 2
If you really want to help her you have to be the strong one and tell her parents what is going on. She will be mad at first but tell her you only did it because you love her and dont want to see anything happen to her and she will eventually realize this too and if she doesnt and she stays mad at least you saved her life and that is what being a good friend is about. I am 23 and have had a lot of friends and believe me if something happens to her you will never forgive yourself for not helping her
2007-07-11 12:26:06
answer #7
answered by girlwith73gmc 2
First you need to be her friend. Let her know that what she is doing is wrong. You could go to the library and get books about eating disorders. Sit down and let her read the details and see the pictures of what it does to her.
Second (if that doesn't work) you can sit down and talk to her parents. Try to tell them to not scream at her but try to talk with her. Tell them they need to try and understand why she is doing this. Then all of you can go to a clinic and let a doctor show her what happens to her when she does all of this.
Third (if that doesn't work) her parents need to seek some professional help. This could lead to bad consequences. One of those consequences could be death.
2007-07-03 18:53:14
answer #8
answered by 2010goon2010 2
my best friend has done all of the above before and its hard to stop i would know so have i, all u can do is b there for her. one thing though dnt take it upon yourself to try and help her, sumtimes the best things u can do is tell sumone of athorittyh, sumone like her parents sumone who can get her real help like a phychologist. and the less other people know the better k. if she finds out that her bf found out shes gonna b pissed and just do it more. and shell b mad at u for telling her mom and dad but youll feel better and she will forgive you. i wish u the best of luck after b n n and out of the emergency room cuz of this i have learned a few things
2007-07-11 05:01:00
answer #9
answered by future_fashion_weeker 1
I am so glad that she has you as her friend and that you are worried sick for her. Your friend is having serious issues and you need to help her.
You have to tell her parents about all this right now, this very minute. She may be mad at you if you do but her safety is the most important thing right now.
Please call her parents
2007-07-03 18:13:04
answer #10
answered by Morley 5