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Would most parents allow their 13 year old daughters to wear Playboy tee shirts?

To what extent can a 13 year old girl be sexualized? (eg. wear thongs, makeup, sexy clothes)

2007-07-03 14:45:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

This is not a direct reference. Its simply a question based on the oversexualization of young girls (eg. thongs for pre-teens, girls wearing thongs, etc.)

2007-07-03 14:47:50 · update #1

I've seen lots of "small size" Playboy tee shirts in the store...

2007-07-03 14:57:34 · update #2

Playboy tee shirts are associated with sex right and making women into sex objects?

2007-07-03 15:16:21 · update #3

Roman Pulansky might like them.

2007-07-03 15:30:21 · update #4

We're in the 2000s there's 40 year old men seeking to meet up with 13 year old girls on the internet. Haven't you ever watched Dateline's "To Catch a Predator"?

2007-07-03 23:15:53 · update #5

35 answers

Um, I'm 13 and if I had a chance to wear that kind of clothing or anything related to Playboy I wouldn't anyways. I mean to me, that's just unappealing. Wearing those cloths aren't going to make you any popular? I don't know. But in my opinion I don't think it's ok at all. That stuff is mainly for grown-ups. But anyways, some girls like 13 or 14...at my school, I've seen them with a shirt. So I guess they make sizes for teens like that. Make-up is fine. Just don't overdo it. I don't wear make-up anyways though because it causes some of my break-outs and I'm not trying to impress anyone unless it's some fancy party, graduation, or big event.

2007-07-04 06:00:22 · answer #1 · answered by ... 5 · 0 0

No, definitely not okay for a 13 year old girl to wear a playboy tee shirt. I would say thongs are fine for fashion reasons, but not all the time, and definitely not when ones daughter is into the low rise jeans. Make up is fine as well, but some girls go overboard and need to be pulled back a bit. Sexy clothes? Not. Sexy is not a word meant for 13 year olds... fun, cute, pretty, trendy, stylish, maybe even sophisticated, but definitely not sexy.

It seems like parents are okay with letting their teenage daughters dress like tramps...You go to the questionable districts in my city and you can't tell which girls are prostitutes and which are just walking home from school!

2007-07-03 14:54:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. I think it's too early to even consider it. Just the other day I saw this 6 or 7 year old wearing the shirt. I'm pretty sure that she didn't realize the meaning but still. I think most parents want their daughters to stay as innocent as possible. I think that 13 year old girls shouldn't even think about wearing thongs or which shirt would make me look sexier. The fact is that too many girls are growing up too quickly. Your only a kid once. You should enjoy it.

2007-07-03 16:37:21 · answer #3 · answered by <3 2 · 0 1

My parents think it's just fine. I'm 15, and my sister just turned 13. Since about a year ago, our Mom has changed and been cool with everything, from having sex to drugs. Not a great way to be if you ask me! xD

In my opinion it's a little much, I think make up should be started at 15 along with thongs. I mean, thongs are really just underwear, but if you have a problem then go ahead and say 15.

I don't think that sexy clothes is specific enough. A mini skirt? Fine at any age. I don't mean one where underwear is visible, but a regular mini is cute. Showing some cleavage isn't the worst thing in the world, but there is something called "dressing like a hooker".

You just have to know where to cross the line based on your own beliefs. Good luck! :)

2007-07-03 14:55:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I don't think most parents would allow a 13-year-old to wear a Playboy T.

Most 13-year-olds do start doing more grown-up things, like wearing a little makeup or shaving their legs. Turning into a woman is not an overnight event.

As for thongs... most women wear them to avoid pantylines or because-- believe it or not-- they really are comfortable. It's not a sexual thing. I wouldn't have a problem with my teen wearing them (as long as they weren't sticking out of her pants, of course).

2007-07-03 14:52:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'm 12 (13 in under a week) an I wear foundation, concealer, lipstick/lipgloss, eyeshadow - usually black, brown or grey, mascara - black, eyeliner - black on top and bottom waterline as well as around whole eye smudged bellow, Bronzer unless I want to look pale coz I'm naturally pale and my foundation matches my skin tone, I will use a highlighter on my brow bone and cheek bones, I sometimes fill in my eyebrows, and that's about it except maybe an eye primer and powder and stuff but yeah. Makeup is about expressing yourself so really it's all about what makes you comfortable and you believe to portray who you are. My parents don't really care what makeup I wear since I buy it and they never say anything. Since it's me expressing who I am and what my style is, and that I don't care what others think they understand that it kinda means I don't care if they don't like it. Expressing who I am is way more important than making other people with happy about how you look.

2016-05-17 21:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a 9 year old daughter. Never in a million years would we allow her to wear a Playboy tee at 13; or 14, 15, 16, 17!!! When she is 18 and NOT living in my house she may choose to wear what she sees fit, but I hope we have instilled enough self respect in her that she has no desire to wear such a thing.

2007-07-03 14:52:16 · answer #7 · answered by crazymommy3 4 · 5 2

If my daughter was 16 or 17 and wearing a Playboy tee I would make her change, much less 13. Kids are growing up too fast these days... and with the crime rate how it is, there's no way.

2007-07-03 14:50:20 · answer #8 · answered by micaremi 2 · 4 0

It's not right... It's one thing to wear a little make-up or get a manicure.. It's quite another to let them wear thongs and sexy bras.. One has to wonder who else is seeing those things...? Also, with a lot of child predators out there- it's best to dress on the conservative side... I HATE when I see teens wearing short, short skirts/shorts it's disgusting. maybe on a 16 17 yr. old, but 12,14, Sorry, kiddies... You have a whole life ahead of you why rush things...

2007-07-03 14:54:11 · answer #9 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 1 0

Ew, No playboy tees, thongs or sexy clothes. I would want my 13 year old to wear clothes that fit her correctly..not too small that she looks like a hoochie and not too big that shes trippin' in the hallways or looking like she's a fatcow. Make-up..Eh' I would let my daughter at like 12/13ish but only like eyeliner and light eyeshadow. Nothing that screams "rape me."

2007-07-03 16:56:29 · answer #10 · answered by Brittz 3 · 0 0

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