PLEASE do not just ignore an infection!!! There are some ailments that require traditional medication, and infections top that list IMHO. I'll explain why I can't stress this strongly enough.
My Mom had a bladder infection. She drank cranberry juice and ignored it. It seemed to go away so she assumed she cured it. She had some stomach problems but ignored those. Then she woke up one morning a few months later, called me and thought she was hit with a horrid flu. She was in ICU by that night and dead in 2 days. Her bladder infection had gone septic and even though the antibiotics cleared it, her entire system was compromised and they couldn't stabalize her.
The MD's in the ICU told me they are seeing more and more of this, as folks are ignoring infections since they are so commonplace nowadays. I can't find the words to tell you how STUPID a way this was for me to be without my Mom...I get mad at her just typing this, as her I miss her so damn much and it was so damn preventable. In life I believe in fate etc...but let me tell you, it's just so hard to live with someone dying this way. (No way is easy, but this is just too idiotic).
Anyway I could keep ranting about this near endless, and have tears streaming down my face typing it....but PLEASE don't risk it. It's just not worth it! If I've ever typed an answer straight from my heart, this one is it!
(WOW...I tell the most personal and gut wrenching story I have ever posted on here to try to help someone and I get a thumbs down. Mindboggling. Came back as I was worried I didn't stress this enough. The added info concerns me even more. I am a HUGE believer in alt therapies esp oriental herbs for most things...but not infections. Thank goodness we live in a time when these things can be easily treated...Sigh...I tried my sincere best)
2007-07-03 13:20:52
answer #1
answered by FineWhine 5
Please don't put straight hydrogen peroxide into your ear. If you have an infection, it will just irritate it. You can take half a cup of warm water and add a few Tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Get a bulb syringe from an ear wax kit and very very gently irrigate your ear with the water/hyrogen peroxide mixture. It's possible if you clean your ear this way, three or four times daily, it will clear it up. But if it's a bad infection, you'll need to see a Doctor for some antibiotics or ear drops. Also, if you experience any pain when using the warm water, stop and make an appt. with your Doctor. There really are no over the counter treatments for an infection that I know of. You might call a health store or pharmacy. It's possible there might be a homeopathic remedy for ear infections. If not, and if the water doesn't work, you will need to see your Doctor. Good luck!
2007-07-03 19:59:06
answer #2
answered by Gayle 4
Hi crazygreeniis, you can puncture a piece of garlic and pour the juice in the ear. Garlic being a natural antibiotic will help to take the pain away.
You can also, warm few drops of olive oil in a spoon. Using the dropper, put 2-3 drops in each ear after the oil has cooled down. This will help relieve pain.
A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel also makes a comforting pillow for an aching ear.
Jason Homan
2007-07-04 04:30:02
answer #3
answered by Jason Homan 4
There are a couple of ways that I know of. One is ear candling, you can find a whole foods or natural foods health store which sells ear candles. They are wonderful for this sort of thing.
I used to use garlic when my daughter would get them. I would cut a piece of fresh garlic clove (it has a natural antibiotic in it called allicin), wrap it in gauze and place it in the ear cavity overnight. She would wake up the next morning and feel worlds better. There would be pus and stuff all over the gauze when she pulled it out of her ear. It needs to fit snugly, but it will burn the ear if you don't cover it with enough gauze. About two thicknesses of the gauze should be plenty.
Best of luck and I sincerely hope you feel better!
2007-07-04 01:28:06
answer #4
answered by Janet C 3
Sorry there are certain things that can only be treated with by going to see a doctor. If an ear infection is not treated it will get worse.
2007-07-03 22:00:22
answer #5
answered by ALAN P 6
you can go to the store and get pain releaver. Or call a doctor over the phone(without going to see the doctor!) and tell them is there a way to get the ear infection go away! Good Luck. Hope you feel better.
2007-07-03 19:52:03
answer #6
answered by Mandy 5
Sorry to say, you are going to have to go to the doctor's. It will not go away without antibiotic's without a prescription.
Until then, place a warm washcloth over the ear.
If you have sweet oil, put a few drops in the ear.
Take Tylenol for pain.
2007-07-03 19:52:14
answer #7
answered by Shari 5
have you tried ear candling? buy some ear candles in a health food store or wild oats (or a store like it) and follow directions. very easy & painless. takes wax build up out of your ears which makes infections in the ear worse.
2007-07-06 18:06:21
answer #8
answered by mrs sexy pants 6
I agree with Janet C except I don't use a garlic clove I use garlic oil. Just prick a capsule and drip it in. Lay on your side for 20-30 minutes and put a cotton ball in your ear. Leave it there overnight and you'll be right as rain!
2007-07-04 06:27:22
answer #9
answered by Squeaks 3
See a doctor.
2007-07-07 18:57:34
answer #10
answered by Smarter than the average bear 4