oh god...I hope not!!! I love him too. I think he's like the representative for handicapped people in our actual world. He can't die. He needs to kill Greyback!! Maybe not kill, maybe he gets kissed by a dementor (Greyback, not Remus). If he does, I'll comfort you!
2007-07-03 14:24:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am almost positive that Lupin will die. It will make a creative story that all 4 Marauders are dead. Also, JKR has killed too many of Harry's closest friends/mentors/etc and while Lupin has not been really involved in the last few books, he is still (besides Hagrid) the closest thing to a father Harry still has. He is not as close as Ron, Hermione, or Ginny, so it won't be a completely unbearable loss for Harry, but it will still affect him greatly. My best guess is that he and Hagrid will die (and, oh, of course Wormtail).
2007-07-03 13:58:05
answer #2
answered by Pius Thicknesse 4
I agree with hp_authority! I thought about that when I finished Half-Blood Prince. Hopefully he makes it through though, he really knows his magic. I really think he will make it. I mean, of all the DADA teachers, he actually survived without any life threating accident as opposed to the others: Quirrell died, Lockhart loses his memory, Mad-Eye (actually Crouch Jr.) received the dementors kiss, Umbridge made the centaurus upset at her and was attacked, she survived but still, and finally Snape survived, but is now wanted by the Order and hopefully the Ministry. HOWEVER, now that I think about it, Lupin and Snape have been the only DADA teachers that have survived!!! And if you think about it, in Prisoner of Azkaban (Lupin) and Half-Blood Prince (Snape), both teachers survived! So this means there are two DADA teachers that have survived Voldermorts curse on the DADA teaching job!! Hopefully its Snape who dies at the end, eventhough, something tells me that his death will be seen as some kind of sacrifice, but as long as he snuffs it, I am okay with it. Other possible deaths: Wormtail to pay his life debt to Harry; Percy Weasly saving someone from his family as a way to make up for the hard time he has given his family; Hagrid (sorry!) to protect Harry or someone else, or perphaps to get back at Voldermort for getting him expelled from Hogwarts(?); Bellatrix Lestrange at the hands of Neville as revenge!; and of course: Voldermort! I don't think there is a way that Harry will die, because then the books would have to continue since the evil force continues!!!!
This is my thoughts as to what the last sentence of the book might read like:
"Harry having defeated Voldermort, looks up around to check on his friends and members of the Order, see's his reflection on a nearby mirror and notice a change: on his forehead, there is no more....
Well, I can dream! I just can't wait!
2007-07-03 13:06:59
answer #3
answered by jzepeda22 3
I was also very sad when Sirius died and I really hope Lupin doesn't die also. Even though I don't want to admit it I think he might die because it seems like all the people who are like Harry's parents seem to be dieing. I think Mr. and Mrs. Weasley may also be in trouble there. I hope Rowling will spare their lives.
2007-07-03 12:42:13
answer #4
answered by Ashley M 2
I'm afraid he is on the list of most possible to die. I'm afraid he will. I didn't want Sirius to die either, but it happened. I just hope he doesn't. I think that know-it-all Percy Weasley has a better chance of dying though.
2007-07-03 13:44:32
answer #5
answered by Remus Lupin 3
I'm afraid he's on my list of people I think will die...
He was undercover, spying on Greyback, and during the fight at Hogwarts, Lupin was DEFINITELY fighting against Greyback. I don't think Greyback will let Lupin run free for too long before either killing Lupin, or killing Tonks, as retribution for spying on the werewolf community.
2007-07-03 12:43:47
answer #6
answered by HP Wombat 7
I have a feeling that he will, but I don't want him to. I love Remus so much and I hope that he'll make it through Deathly Hallows alive.
2007-07-03 12:54:33
answer #7
answered by Jules Lupin 4
*If* he dies, it will be protecting someone from Greyback. I don't think he will though... as I believe Harry wil die in the process of killing Voldemort, I think we need some happiness for the end.... so, Lupin and Tonks will hook up. Also various other couples... and that big jerk Percy will make up with the family.
2007-07-03 14:31:30
answer #8
answered by MotherBear1975 6
Remus is what writers call a 'sacrificial lamb'. He was introduced to be killed off. He will probably be killed in a dramatic way, atleast, unlike a character that has been 'red-shirted' (a character, usually unnamed, that is killed off instantly).
2007-07-04 04:37:15
answer #9
answered by THE HOUND 3
oh no! i hope he won't!!! i know, i felt the same about sirius! i don't think that lupin will die. that will be really bad 'cause then who'll protect harry?
2007-07-03 12:49:10
answer #10
answered by Карина 3