Yep, a relative of my sister's was like that until it came back and bit her. She had several children in a row, then did surrogacy twice. The second time devastated her young children (3 and 5) who didn't understand why the baby didn't come home. It's several years later, and they are still in therapy.
In psychotherapy, getting pregnant over and over is considered a narcissistic personality trait as it is self-centered (the baby is not the goal, just the pregnancy). She has since had her tubes tied and is getting treatment. Hubby separated and she was stunned to find out the court gave him custody of the kids.
2007-07-03 10:23:35
answer #1
answered by CarbonDated 7
She very well could be addicted to the attention she gets during pregnancy. She feels that if she gets pregnant again then she will get the attention she did with the others. Sounds to me like all her kids need to go with someone because she cant care for them she just gives them away or they get taken (foster care). She just likes the attention but prolly doesnt like having the children there after she has them. I have a friend that has 30+ kids seriously. some of them are multiples. but she has been pregnant since she was 13 and she is now 27. She loves the kids but now her last three pregnancies she has lost one or all of the babies and she is still wanting more. i dont understand it but who am i to judge her.
2007-07-03 10:29:15
answer #2
answered by Momof4beautifulGirls! 5
Pregnancy is addictive to a couple females. Unfortunately hardly ever the females who're well moms. My brother's spouse is hooked on being pregnant. She simply gave start to her 5th youngster. She has had all of her kids instantly after the opposite. Her oldest is 5 I believe. She loves pregnancy for the reason that she loves the concentration. Once the child is born, she cares not anything for him/her. Her husband works and while he comes house he is the one who feeds the children and attempts to wash the apartment and many others. Its so dangerous my mother and I have proposal approximately reporting them to youngster offerings. They are homeless part the time. The handiest time they have got ever lived wherever used to be once they have been residing with household or in a safe haven. Its surely disgusting and particularly unfair to the children. They are living in dirt and are left to fend for themselves all day till daddy will get house. The lady is impolite and terrible to be round...but if she is pregnant she is simply sparkling and of direction taking complete knowledge of it. Another lady that's on TV is the Duggers. Its something to have a gigantic household, however having practically 20 children is a bit of ridiculous.
2016-09-05 14:01:37
answer #3
answered by ? 4
That's just sick! I don't understand why anyone who can't take care of their kids would deliberately get pregnant just because they like the feeling! Seriously! I'm on my 5th baby and I HATE being pregnant! I hate the pains and I hate the feeling like a beached whale...what kind of person does this for fun? Someone who needs serious mental help in my opinion.
2007-07-03 10:26:41
answer #4
answered by Heavenly Advocate 6
She is probably just getting pregnant for all the attention pregnant women get. They get it from people at the stores, doctors office, maybe at work, friends, and when they deliver all the people helping her at the hospital. I think that she could be addicted to the attention. She definatly doesn't want the kids. Too bad for them.
2007-07-03 10:23:21
answer #5
answered by serendipity_siren 5
People like that make me want to throw up.
Perhaps being pregnant is the only way she CAN feel like a woman... it seems like she sucks at ever other part.
Mandiex is right though, she's probably more addicted to the attention than anything.
2007-07-03 10:21:13
answer #6
answered by Thinking 5
It may seem irresponsible for her to continue to have all of these kids but she could be doing some good if she puts them up for adoption. Tons of families would like to have kids and can't but she can give them that chance.
I know me being pregnant now people are nicer but I personally don't find it very comfortable.
2007-07-03 10:24:39
answer #7
answered by Melissa 3
Apparently in her case yes. That does not mean it is healthy, i have noticed some women are obsessed with the thought of getting pregnant
2007-07-03 12:56:16
answer #8
answered by kindra1988 6
What about the women who can't even have kids? Sounds like this lady just wants attention or doesn't know how to respect herself and tries to find it in all the wrong places.
2007-07-03 10:24:32
answer #9
answered by chichibomba 3
Sounds like she is trying to find unconditional love from someone and is hoping her babies can give her that. She should be fixed she is bringing these poor children into the world not being able to provide for them. What a shame.
2007-07-03 10:22:00
answer #10
answered by jojo 4