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Do they understand what has been sacrificed for them time and again throughout our nation's history?

Have any patriotic Americans written about it on their yahoo 360 blogs?

2007-07-03 04:49:07 · 32 answers · asked by BRICK 3 in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

My Father is a 90 year old WWII Vet who fought and came home wounded for your freedom as well as every Americans Freedom! He hates this War and hopes he lives to see the day that Bush is out of office!(He is not well.) He sacrificed, have you? How dare you accuse anyone who has a different point of view other than that of yours of being Anti-American! I see so many Armchair Generals here on this site who sing the praises of Bush and this war. My Dad a registered Democrat & he is not a traitor! He is a proud American! His brother who also served in WWII is a registered Republican! That is what America is all about! I think that far to many take America for granted! It didn't just happen. There is nothing automatic about the way of life that has been achieved here in this country. It wasn't just the Republicans who fought in our wars there are different points of view! I am proud to vote democrat and proud to be an American! If you can't respect me Please respect my Dad!

2007-07-03 08:15:47 · answer #1 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 4 1

I don't know if this will be a good answer or not.

I'm a conservative. Been one for at least 50 years. I'm a veteran of the Vietnam War. I wasn't wounded. I didn't kill anyone. I just served my year and came home. That year may have cost me my first marriage.

I would do it again. If more were demanded of me I would give it. I can remember stories from World War II--the Battle of Midway when three torpedo bomber squadrons attacked the Japanese fleet against incredible odds. In one of these squadrons there was only one survivor.

I remember that more bomber crewmen were killed over Europe than were lost by the Marine Corps during their entire Pacific campaign, and the Marines lost a lot of brave men--and this is taking nothing away from them.

And I remember a cowardly attack by terrorists that claimed 3,000 innocent people at the World Trade Center.

I don't think the Muslim extremists much care if the Americans they kill are liberals or conservatives.

A lot of those who've answered this question have brought up the War in Iraq. Like all wars this one has seen its share of heroic actions and its blunders. This is not and never will be a perfect world, nor will it ever be a perfect country. We all of us owe those who've sacrificed before us, however.

What we owe them is an effort to make this country is good as we can. You don't have to bleed for it or die for it. But you should respect those who have bled and who have died and who will continue to bleed and die.

If I were in the White House I suppose I might have approached a few things differently, but I would have moved against Afghanistan and Iraq. With the benefit of a little hindsight maybe I could have done it a little better than has been done, but maybe not.

Our country has been around since 1776, which my math tells me is now 231 years. Francis Scott Key wrote his poem in 1815. 192 years ago.

A lot has happened since. If we love our country we owe it something, and if we aren't giving it something we have no right to complain if it isn't what we would like it to be.

I don't think liberals have forgotten. I hope they haven't. I hope all of us can remember and all of us can quit being so hateful about these things. That bothers me far more than the current war or any other war we have engaged in.

Too long a post. Sorry about that.

2007-07-03 18:35:12 · answer #2 · answered by Warren D 7 · 0 0

You really do not understand America at all do you?

The glory of America is that we have all sacrificed: Liberal and Conservatives. The Fields of poppies in the Veterans Graveyards do not ask party affiliation.

The blood that flowed at Concord and Lexington that Stained the snow of Valley Forge, that joined Pirate and Slave and freeman in New Orleans, that pitted brother against bother at Gettysburg, that remembered the Alamo, the Maine, Pearl Harbor and 9-11, that flowed like a river at Iwo Jima and stained the ground of Saigon, that today bleeds for us in Iraq and Afghanistan does not know party. Patriotism is both red and blue and white and black and man and woman.

You have no clue what America means or why that Star Spangled Banner Waves, if you think that love of country is the same as love of party.

You are a fraud and no American.

America is the ideal that ALL MEN are created equal. That We the people make our government, our land, our nation and that we all Pledge with our Sacred Honor to preserve her and protect her and defend her

Go away you cowardly fraud.

It is the 4th and real Americans of all parties Know damn well that the Star Spangled Banner will always fly over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

2007-07-03 04:58:01 · answer #3 · answered by Thomas G 6 · 7 2

Liberals and Moderates havent forgotten. Have you?

The American Revolution occurred because of the need to throw off the shackles of an oppressive regime, which, amongst many other things, forbid the populace to express dissatisfaction with the current policies.

Maybe if you get out there and do some sacrificing, we'd all be better off.

2007-07-03 06:54:31 · answer #4 · answered by Moderates Unite! 6 · 2 1

They haven't forgotten, they just think Francis Scott Key was an evil warmongerer.
I don't have a 360 blog

2007-07-03 06:47:09 · answer #5 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 2

You confuse liberals with people who can think on their own without Fox news telling them. My brother and I are both veterans and I consider myself a fiscal conservative yet a social liberal. Look up liberal in the dictionary and see what it means. Both political parties should just band together and be one because they are just working for themselves and the lobbyist anyway. The Star Spangled Banner is just a song and not something to go to war for or lose your life for.

2007-07-03 04:58:04 · answer #6 · answered by jonds 7 · 3 1

Thomas G got it right. It is amazing how many people claim to be Americans, and yet do not understand what that means. How quickly they forget that it is our patriotic duty as Americans to question the government. Especially when that government does not reflect the voice of its people.

2007-07-03 05:31:40 · answer #7 · answered by T S 5 · 3 1

It really doesn't matter how people answer does it? Our forefathers fought to keep America Free! We have the Freedom to disagree. We can disagree and still love our country. You are the one who needs to be reminded! You aren't really asking a question, you are bashing Democrats! No matter what Fox news tells you we do love our country! You have been brain washed!

2007-07-03 05:35:50 · answer #8 · answered by pkvan 4 · 5 0

That true American spirit & patriotism is hard to come by in this country.
Stifled by the twisted proselytizing, bigotry, and rhetoric of corporate owned politicos, their corrupt dealings and hateful dogma being branded as "patriotism."

Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves.
And this is certainly not the America that both my grandfathers, and my uncles fought to protect.

WE THE PEOPLE need to take back the country before Bush, his cronies, and all the other corporate owned politicians destroy it completely.


RedStateRandy: Quite the contrary, because it's your lazy trailer trash *** that lives off MY blue state tax dollars!


2007-07-03 05:01:33 · answer #9 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 3 2

The faster people stop 'labeling' their fellow Americans....the sooner this country will get back to it's origins.

We are ALL AMERICANS....we all are entitled to our opinions....and we are allowed to disagree with others'.

Try and remember EXACTLY what Independence Day is REALLY about..

2007-07-03 05:25:29 · answer #10 · answered by Nibbles 5 · 2 0

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