You are still under the influence of the *official govt story* The 2 answers above mine has some good links. The answer directly above this is also quite good. There are many well written and researched reports that will explain it all if you are willing to learn. Think about this for a second, we have sent after 9/11 more good people to their deaths than the number of lives lost that day. The govt has even admitted there are no wmd's, Saddam was not behind 9/11, and Osama is not a priority. Why then are we sacrificing our brave enlisted personnel to a war with no basis. Then ask yourself again, would this govt kill 3,000 people ?
2007-07-03 04:10:09
answer #1
answered by John S 4
Why? Because it was a way to get a bigger federal government where they could create the DHS. DHS secretary Chertoff has point blank told all departments under him that DHS answers to both Mexico and Canada NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. When did he do this? Sept. of 2005 after the SPP was signed via Bush, Fox and the Canadian PM. It was all a precursor to the North American Union. Pastor who has been instrumental in the creation of the NAU has also made comments that we may need another 9/11 to complete the NAU in a radio address. These are the facts and you can readily look them up, EVEN in Government pages...not just on the Internet.
The twin towers were built to withstand even a plane being run into it. If you actually FORGET everything that the spin doctors have told you, and actually listen and look at the facts without additional propaganda added, you can clearly see the demolitions going DOWN the building, far away from the impaction point. There are also eye witnesses who say just before the planes hit they heard an explosion in the basement and smelled sulfur....but the spin Doctors don't want you to hear or know about this so it is never broad-casted on the news.
There are also eye witnesses of janitors who heard late night and weekend working being done just directly before 9/11...but have you ever heard HIM on the news? No, because it doesn't suit the purpose. Yes, there are more than just one or two people who have spoken out, but you need to find them, because the news isn't letting them speak.
You are nothing more than a pawn which can easily be you really think that Bush cares if he is over in Iraq killing thousands of our men and women?
2007-07-03 11:02:41
answer #2
answered by Fedup Veteran 6
it's not the government who issued 9/11. It was all on KSM and bin Laden's part. The building collasped, because there were already explosives set up. A building can still stand if ONLY a plane were to strike it. It is very possible for them to smuggle in bombs to the WTC. In preparation for Munich massacre of the Israeli Olympic team, some of the members of Black September got jobs as janitors, so they could know exactly where the Israeli team apartment was. That's probably how the guys for 9/11 did the bomb 'smuggling'. I mean, anyone can apply to be a custodian.
2007-07-03 10:12:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yeah and why do they think it was actually terrorists who attacked Khobar towers, The USS Cole and the 1st attempt at the World Trade Center. Oh Yeah Clinton was president when those occured.
Lets not forget what terrorist actions that happened in the US under Clinton. Ruby Ridge and Waco.
How come when the Clintons said that Saddam Hussein was a bad man and had to go the Libtards didn't disagree but yet all he ever did was to send in cruise missles and bombs and made no attempt to oust him from power. Let's not forget that 9/11 could have been avoided if Clinton had Bin Laden picked up when he was offered to us by Yemen.
Besides many people think that if Rosie says it's so then it must be true.
2007-07-03 10:19:20
answer #4
answered by Michelle 3
It was bulit to take that abuse,i have a video u would not believe it explains everything like they but bombs in the building elevers how did they do it weeks before they had many fire alarms tests,the big reason was it get gold that was under the building It was all set up weeks before it happened
2007-07-03 22:58:47
answer #5
answered by bobswiming 1
i recently watched a few hours worth of videos on conspiracies and stuff on 9/11 and other events relating to terrorista nd the US government. Alot of the conspirasists refer back to th US Govt's "Operation Northwoods" which was a plan to have th US Govt do fake terrorist attacks on the american people and blame it on Cuba so the civilians would give support of a war on cuba. Its Also belived that the US Govt knew in advanced of the attacks that led us into WWI and WWII, th vietnam war and gulf war was all based on lies to get the public support for war, and now 9/11 happened after the bush admisitration stated in reports that all they need was an event such as " a new pearl harbor." There are tons of vids showing explosives going off in both WTC towers just before the planes hit the buildings, firfighters on th ground saying there were secondary devices in th towers, that there were explosions on floors 7,8,10, and 13, reports of explosions in the basement, and explosions as the towers started to collaspe, 7 wtc was demolished in a controlled demolition, the pentagon shows no evidence of a commercial jet hiting the building, theres just a hole about the width of a missle, people said they saw a missl hit the building not a jet, people heard a loud subsonic screeching noise when the "jet" hit the pentagon, fight 93 was shot down accoring to rumsfield, 3 minutes is missing from the voice recorder that the govt released when FAA, radars, and siesmic records all have a 10:06 impact when the govt is stuck on a 10:03 impact, phone calls and such dont match up to data on flight 93 leading to thoughts that calls were placed by govt to hide what happed, theres were reported an unidentified white jet at NYC, Pentagon, and PA before and after the crashes, people were thranted and didnt want to be heard when they told about witnessing planes and missles, govt confiscated videotapes from dc tansit of the intrstate outside the pentagon , secirty cameras from gas station and hotel across the way fom the pentagon .. and later released clips of the somethign entering the view and crashing in the pentagon but nothing between then, and theres tons of other released infornmaion that the gov't does not want us to know about. 9/11 was setup by th gov't so we belived that we got attacked by islamic extemistsso we give support on a war againsts terror and afganastan so the US gov't can go and invade Iraq like we are now.. president bush and his admisistartion was preparing for a war on iraq months before 9/11 happened.. the gov't knew it was going to happen and didnt react because it was the governemt who did the attacks. All these events are going to lead up to a New World Order taker over ... which is anothr whole conspiracy with the US gov't, the UN, the top nations in the world to create one world gov't, one economy, where the rich and powerful of the poweful nationas now contol us and we all become workers for this top power... go look it up on the internet, search conspiracies and lies of the US government, ther on youtube, googl, yahoo, wikipedia, ect. theres lots of things we dont know about our gov't and they're not going to get away with it after enough people relaize what they did, doing, and going to do. i hoped i help.
P.S. - dont call me a liberal cuz i dont even know what they are, im a just a 15 year old dude who just saw all this stuff and read about it
2007-07-03 16:25:33
answer #6
answered by GuitarPunk2512 2
Thank-you, we have some real nut-jobs in our population, they will always need our help, most are young and impressionable. I did see a film that tried to paint a picture that 9/11 was a set up, no reason given, they did a pretty good job, but there were easy answers to there scenarios, and I thought this guys making bucks selling this crap.
2007-07-03 10:13:38
answer #7
answered by wakemovement 3
I'm with you.
p.s. I'm a liberal, and I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I guess the idea that liberals are the cause of all conspiracy theories is just a conspiracy theory, too. :-)
2007-07-03 10:08:10
answer #8
answered by Mr. Taco 7
Ask all the left-wing cut and run liberal cowards out there! They seem to have all the answers for everything! Nobody did 9/11 but the terrorists!
I better watch out, they deleted an answer of mine for saying liberal coward!
2007-07-03 10:09:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
These are the same people who believe we never landed on the moon, and Bush caused all the hurricanes.
Ever seen kids do stuff to get attention?, some kids never mature and we call them Libs!
2007-07-03 10:05:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous