It depends on what you want to do in radio. Advertising sales folks do very well for themselves. If you have a degree in marketing or management you can have a fine career in promotions or management and get paid fairly decently. If you think you have what it takes to be the top personality in your market, then by all means make whatever sacrifices you need to make it happen, you'll be modestly rewarded for your efforts! Otherwise, most of the jobs there pay terrible and you better be doing them because you want a job you love.
2007-07-05 17:19:24
answer #1
answered by Zloar 4
There are still careers in radio. They aren't as easy to come by as they once were, but radio is still a viable industry.
The best way to go about a career in radio is to be qualified in as many aspects of it as possible. Sales is always a good radio career, and promotions is also. This is a competitive industry, and anything that helps a radio station or group make money is a good basis for a career.
On air radio careers that seem to offer good prospects include talk show hosting, news, commercial production and music hosting--or D.J.
Best way to gain experience is in college radio or nonprofit public radio. Television experience never hurts and it can give you another avenue.
2007-07-06 02:13:51
answer #2
answered by Warren D 7
Never. If you took it one step at a time and keep up the hard work then nothing is a lost cause. Just look at supermodel Gemase, hes bringing his radio talk show back and starting a tv show. If you keep up your clientel with the people you put on your radio show then you open up more doors to move on or better your career.
2007-07-02 22:11:06
answer #3
answered by enjoipanda_4 2
it all depends. I've been behind the mic for 20 years and don't do well in other fields... tried it for a year. Radio is not a business you get into for the money, or the perks, it's something to do because you LOVE it. As others have noted, its not a high paying job... the hours can stink, and often station owners or managers are rather nuts. But, if you're willing to work hard and do what ever job needs doing... it can be rewarding.
2007-07-03 09:01:51
answer #4
answered by Lauri S 3
I don't think it is. I'm working my way to Getting a Career in Satellite Radio. Its all up to you on what you want to do as your career. If you want to get in radio, do it. Thats what i'll be doing!
2007-07-03 10:54:53
answer #5
answered by The Cool Radio Man 4
I ask myself that question all the time. Is it some sort of pipe dream? well i look at it this way. everytime I get frustrated with my role at my station i remember how unhappy i was when i wasnt working in radio. people tend to assume radio folk are hella paid. not the case unless your broadcasting in a major market fulltime. for the rest of us, you really gotta love it to put up with the mounds of bullshit you gotta go thru in the business.
2007-07-03 11:41:43
answer #6
answered by dominiqueegarcia 2
I have been in radio for 23 years. I like it.
2007-07-03 01:30:51
answer #7
answered by Kronsteen of Spectre 6
not at all! look at HD and Sattelite Radio Stations that are popping up with new and different programming every month! Plus, analog broadcasting in every city in the US!
2007-07-02 22:10:37
answer #8
answered by Allie Dee 2
Well, the pay is crappy, yet it is still a pretty competitive field. If it what's you truely want to do, though, that really makes a difference. If you love what you do, then pay is no big deal.
2007-07-02 22:11:31
answer #9
answered by Amanda K 5
not really if you like being heard and like what your doing than go for it
2007-07-02 22:04:45
answer #10
answered by axemonkey20 1