If she was there she wasn't sitting next to William. At least not when the camera was on him. I think they are both very attractive gentlemen. I think their mother would be very proud, although I never met her. They seem like well mannered young men who have their heads on straight. Its a shame that they are attacked in the media constantly. You show me someone who has never messed up in life and I'll show you a liar. Concidering the glass house they live in, I think they have dealt very well with everything life has thrown them. So snaps for them. :)
2007-07-02 18:11:03
answer #1
answered by None-ya 2
She was there and she sat in the royal box with the other friends but far from Prince William.
Sorry to disagree, but I actually love Prince William more than I ever have. I will agree that Prince Harry has been growing up lately and I've recently realized he's closer to my age than I thought. And both are hot but I'm a Prince William girl through and through.
2007-07-02 19:42:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes she did attend the concert she sat 2 rows behind Prince William and Prince Harry
2007-07-03 00:34:14
answer #3
answered by freddybeach1970 1
Kate was in the row behind the princes and not in direct camera-line;some say that the pair do not want to draw too much attention to themselves because they are not sure that they are really back together,while others say that the pair just don't want any publicity whatsoever.
Both princes are very cute;Diana would have been very proud of her two boys!
2007-07-03 14:14:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
She was sitting two rows up from Prince William in the Royal box .... with her brother James and sister Pippa .
2007-07-02 19:43:53
answer #5
answered by rjr 6
Yes. She sat about 2 rows behind William and Harry.
2007-07-03 10:11:18
answer #6
answered by catsmeowjrk2000 6
Kate sat two row behind him-here is a link to a picture http://perezhilton.com/?paged=3
here is a story about them as well.
2007-07-02 20:49:06
answer #7
answered by cheerstar1912 4
Yes, she was there. She sat apart but not sure where in relationship to him.
Yes, Harry is handsome. He grew into his look. lol ;)
2007-07-02 18:27:16
answer #8
answered by Amber 2
That TART shall never be Queen if I, My Most Royal Frumpiness, have anything to say about it!
2007-07-02 18:54:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but not with Wills
2007-07-02 20:30:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous