Evolutionary psychology tells us that we just have had civilization in the last few seconds in terms of the history of men and we are still carrying forward the psychological drives created by scarcity and life in the wild. Obesity being most visible. Seems GDP is in direct relation with how obese a nation is. In any case, in evolutionary terms, we are given to excess of hedonistic pleasures (food being only one). But the question is, how do we become modern? How do we adopt to the pace of modernity and un learn the evolutionary instincts? Obviously, these instincts are bringing us to the brink of destruction. Aggression, excess search for comfort and pleasure, hoarding of resources, insularity, racism all seems to be the footprint left by evolution in terms of the difficulties we had faced while making this journey to modernity. How do we become modern then? How best to adopt to the current? Is it through education as Rousso or Plato thought? What do we do???
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