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Firstly, i'm an ozzy with english, scottish and irish family so I do have ties to this.
I'd love to see these terrorists put on a field in Scotland with a Quarter of the amount of Scottish blokes on the other side!The Scotts would hammer them!
But no, these cowards can't 'Fight Fair'

2007-06-30 17:00:17 · 3 answers · asked by iamaustralian 4 in News & Events Current Events

No doesn't ring a bell!

2007-06-30 18:24:46 · update #1

3 answers

Good to hear from a crazy old Aussie! I'm a Scot from Edinburgh and had I been there, I'd have rushed up to put out the flames with the fire extinguisher and then leaned over him to ask, "Are you okay?". As he looked up at me with eyes filled with painful tears and then giving me a slight nod as if to say, "I'll make it", I would produce from my pocket a box of matches. I'd shake them in his face and give him a wink, so he'd realise what was coming and as I struck the first one... a milli-second before setting alight his crotch, I'd wryly say, "so you wanna go see old McAllah, eh? Alright then pal, let me help you along!".

You don't have to say it, I know I'm a saint. Ha ha ha!!

I'm sorry to hear about the English and Irish relations. ;-)

2007-07-01 21:45:38 · answer #1 · answered by Oliver T5 3 · 2 0

Well, I live in Scotland and, for eight years, lived within sight of Glasgow Aiport - I would probably have been able to hear the explosion if I'd been at my flat at the time.

I'm afraid I don't think the pugnacious Scot image really works here. Ordinary Scots are just ordinary people and, speaking as one of them, it's all a great deal too close to home when it gets that close.

I'd be surprised if many of the travellers who were in the check in area at Glasgow Airport yesterday slept much last night.

2007-07-01 08:20:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's funny. But neither can we.

So we have to stoop down to the same level as the enemy these days--in order to "show them who's boss".

Sadr-City massacre ring a bell?

2007-06-30 17:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4