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2007-06-30 13:12:02 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

51 answers

1. Peyton Manning - Laser guided accuracy, cannon arm, great personality, is the only TRUE field general in the NFL.

2. Drew Brees - Killer accuracy can throw a long span, demands respect. Leads a team without those killer WRs like a reggie wayne or a TO...

3. Carson Palmer - This guy comes back from a hard injury and is still a beat. ROCKET arm. Knows his WRs, Johnson and Houshmanzadeh , to a T so he knows their movements and can get the ball to them easily.

4. Tom Brady doesn't make the top three because he lacks just a bit in the accuracy and smarts department like this top 3 does. He only gets the ball pretty much to an area where there's high probability to catch it... Not as many passes directly to the numbers like a QB should. He has 3 rings... but HE didn't win them.. his team won them... his receivers killed in those games and his defense were set... It was pretty much Vinatieri who won them... but can't deny brady is a highly NFL worth QB.... just don't believe he's top 3

5. Jeff Garcia.. yes garcia... he's friggin old and he still has good accuracy just doesn't always make the smartest pass... He is also wicked fast for his age and takes some pretty nasty hits just to come back for more...

2007-06-30 13:21:40 · answer #1 · answered by squad9_7 4 · 4 5

That is a tough call. 1. Peyton Manning - most talented, best skills, good strong arm and great at the long bomb, also great at confusing the opponent, getting offsides, 12 men, etc 2. Tom Brady - most super-bowl wins still playing, very consistent not quite as good as manning at the long bomb, however find the weakness in his O-line and he's not consistent, the Giants proved that. Brady for most all of last year had forever to throw. He's the king though of short little passes. There really isn't a clear #3. When he's heatlhy..Donovan McNabb. However, health really should be a decisive factor when picking the #3, so that would throw McNabb's name out. That puts a close 3-way tie for third: Romo, Brees, Garrard Some might argue Big Ben, but he hasn't been the same since that motorcycle accident. Thinking it over. I'd probably list them: 1. Manning 2. Brady 3. Brees - most talent of the 3 vying for third 4. Romo - good in a tough game, but sometimes inconsistent 5. Garrard - a very promising up-and-coming quarterback 6. Palmer - good but off and on 7. McNabb - great when he's healthy 8. Hasselback - good sometimes, bad sometimes Last...whoever is Chicago's quarterback.

2016-05-19 22:54:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You people who have Donovan McNabb in the top 3 are either Eagles fans or just plain CRAZY!

1) Brett Favre: Nobody does it quite like Brett Favre... the man has completely revolutionized the quarterback position. The NFL's only 3 time MVP, has a ring, holds the record for most consecutive starts, only 6 TD's away from holding the record, and he's the only quarterback I know of that doesn't worry about his stats while trying to get his team back into the game. While most quarterbacks will pass to the wide open receiver for 5 yards, Favre will try to squeeze it in between 3 defenders for the long gain and/or touchdown. Brett Favre can also make even the worst of receivers look like pro-bowl bound studs... just look at Antonio Freeman and/or Donald Driver. Last but not least, just when you think you've got him and he's done... he'll always have something up his sleeve just waiting for you. No matter what the situation is... when the games on the line I would pick Favre any day.

2) Tom Brady: Calm, cool, and collect in the pocket, can make it happen with no talent on offense, makes good decisions, great team leader, and can manage the game like a champ.

3) Peyton Manning: Now the only reason I have Manning in the top 3 is because I have never seen another quarterback who can read a defense and change the plays at the line of scrimmage like Peyton can. Other than that as far as I'm concerned he's too pass happy and hasn't done nearly enough considering the talent he's been surrounded with. Other than that the best thing he's got going for him right now is his funny commercials.

Honorable Mentions: Drew Brees, Carson Palmer, Phillip Rivers, Jake Delhomme, and Marc Bulger.

2007-06-30 14:21:06 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 2 5

1. Peyton Manning
2. Tom Brady
3. Carson Palmer

2007-06-30 13:20:54 · answer #4 · answered by Craig M 2 · 4 0

1. Peyton Manning
2. Tom Brady
3. Drew Brees

Up-and-coming. Philip Rivers
Wildcard. Vince Young

2007-06-30 13:29:25 · answer #5 · answered by nreep@sbcglobal.net 3 · 3 1

Still Playing
1) Peyton Manning
2) Tom Brady
3) Brett Farve (I hate him though)

1) John Elway
2) Dan Marino
3) Troy Aikman or
Terry Bradshaw

2007-07-02 01:18:22 · answer #6 · answered by Kevin 1 · 1 1

1. Peyton Manning
2. Tom Brady
3. Carson Palmer

2007-06-30 15:42:52 · answer #7 · answered by football chick 6 · 3 1

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2016-04-29 05:46:45 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Top 3 isn't comprehensive enough. My top 10 QBs playing in the NFL currently.

1. Peyton Manning - Incredible stats, smart field general, reads defenses like no other, finally got a ring.

2. Tom Brady - Very smart, composed, and accurate, 3 Superbowl wins.

3. Carson Palmer - Excellent stats so far in his short career, made Bengals into a contender, best balance of arm strength and accuracy in NFL, plays in the toughest division defensively in the NFL.

4. Drew Brees - Exceptional play last season, quite accurate, made the Saints a contender, only mediocre when he was a Charger, needs to prove himself again this season to be a top 3 QB in the NFL.

5. Donovan McNabb - Powerful cannon for an arm, very mobile and dangerous on the move while remaining a passing threat, good playoff runs and a Superbowl appearance, always hurt; made of glass, questionable leader.

6. Marc Bulger - Accurate, smart, anticipates his receivers very well, puts up good numbers yearly, throws too many INTs to be considered elite, not a team leader, disappointing in the playoffs.

7. Brett Favre - Superbowl winner, one of the strongest arms in the history of football, fierce competitor, football's "Ironman", throws nearly as many INTs as touchdowns, looks desprate trying to make a play at times, aging.

8. Steve McNair - Great leader, accurate, tough competitor, playoff appearences and Superbowl appearence, an injury risk, too high a TD/INT ratio, aging.

9. Jake Delhomme - Competitor, fiery leader, playoff success, Superbowl appearance, sometimes erratic passing, too emotional at times, not ideal NFL arm strength.

10. Philip Rivers - Great 2006 season, low TD/INT ratio, shows great potential, overly emotional, strange passing delivery, surrounded by exceptional talent, not 100% proved at the NFL level.

2007-06-30 18:43:09 · answer #9 · answered by Darkpaths 4 · 0 2

Tom Brady isnt in the top 3 for some of u ppl?? morons..Coughcough....
1. Tom Brady - He now as legitimate recievers instead of cardboard cutouts (even though he has already put up great numbers without All-Pro recievers) and can bag his first NFL MVP this year.
2. Peyton Manning - Expecting another 4000 yard, 25 +TD season this year.
3. Carson Palmer - Plays in a tougher conference than Drew Brees and still put up the same numbers.
Oh yeah, Vinatieri definitely won those SBs, going 1/3 in XXXVIII while Tom Brady through for 354 yards and 3 TDs, and in the third one throw for 236 yards and 2 TDs, 110 QB rating.

2007-06-30 14:40:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3