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hi!i am vidya.there is a debate talent hunt in our school next wesk.the topic is,"is democracy an appropriate form of government in india?and we say yes.so pl help me by giving me points in good language as our opponents are equally strong as us.pl help me!

2007-06-30 03:02:04 · 1 answers · asked by vidya madhavan iyengar 1 in Politics & Government Government

1 answers

Yes. Critics of democracy often argue that the citizens are incapable or unworthy to participate in a democracy. The critics often state that the majority will do foolish or ignorant things that the upper classes would not do.
The Indian population have sufficient education and knowledge of political and economic affairs to govern their country democratically. Anything less would be an insult.

2007-07-03 09:35:32 · answer #1 · answered by Menehune 7 · 0 0