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Dan Marino, Joe Montana or me. I completed 3 of 4 passes in high school as a 3rd string QB. For now it's Marino or Montana but I'm the future as soon as I declare eligibility for the draft.

2007-06-29 17:30:28 · 21 answers · asked by krumpmaster terrell 4 in Sports Football (American)

21 answers

Peyton Manning is the best right now, I think.I think he's probably better than you right now, too, but hey, don't let me dampen your ambitions; go for it.

2007-06-30 10:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by Lochinvar 2 · 0 0

well id have to go with Montana Marino was to big of a cry baby especially when he played in KC. Of course this opinion is coming from the greatest reciever ever since I was 3 for 3 with over 10 yds a catch in High School, eat that MR. Rice :P

2007-06-30 05:36:28 · answer #2 · answered by slackator 2 · 0 0

To many people forget some of the greats from before the days of the Super Bowl.

I say Otto Graham of the Cleveland Browns. In his six years in the NFL, 1950 to 1955, he led the Browns to the championship game every year, winning three. Before that the Browns were in the AAFC (which sent the Browns, the 49'ers, and the Colts to the NFL) and won the championship the four years the league was around. That made him 10 for 10 in playing in the league championship games and winning 7 of them. His career record as a starter was 105-17-4. He also threw 88 TDs in his six NFL seasons. He was also one of the first to be considered a "mobile QB", ala Montana. All this he did in the era of "3 yards and a cloud of dust" running games.

On a little side note he also played one year in the National Basketball League (later to become the NBA) for the Rochester Royals and they won the championship that year. (1946) So that made him 11 for 11 in his pro career for reaching the chamionship games.

2007-06-30 10:22:52 · answer #3 · answered by revtbj 2 · 0 0

Brett Favre

Holds many records and will hold even more including yards tds and Wins

Only 3 time MVP

started every game since 1992

Had great success with limited talent ( check Freeman when he left greenbay) really the only truely great WR that Favre had was Stearling Sharp who suffered a career ending injury early in his career. other then that he had not had great WRs

Carried his team for many years

I do not put SB wins as much as other people because Football is a team sport. No one QB can win a SB all by him self.

Honerable mentions and why they are not #1

Failure to get ring and is about to lose his records to Favre.

Montana- Won many Championships but had a great supporting cast. Steve young had the same success as Marino. Could you imagine what Favre would have been like if he had Jerry Rice to throw to???? wow

Didn't have as great of stats as favre and Favre is about to pass him in wins. although was great

2007-06-30 01:28:05 · answer #4 · answered by hooah89d 4 · 0 0

Dan Marino is all time best.

It will be Manning soon though.

All time QB (or any player for that matter) should be based on numbers, stats. Championships don't come into play, amount of wins don't come into play. Teams win games and there for win Championships. It's like the Pro Bowl (aside form the popular vote ofcourse) Players are picked due to how they did against other players in their position.

Marino has accomplished things not many QB's will ever do. Manning is the only one to compete with him. Because of this Manning will be the best all time soon.

Favre has made a joke out of his career. He should have retired 3 years ago, he doesn't have it any more and is now holding his team back. How does that make him a great player? I have always considered him to be one of the great players of the NFL (not QB) but he has ruined that by continuing to play when he should not. His numbers have slipped drastically and do not say it is because he has no surroundings, a bunch of you already said he is the best due to his ability to pull wins out when a win was not in sight, well if he can do that he should do that with who ever is playing along side of him.

2007-06-30 01:27:38 · answer #5 · answered by boston_redskins06 1 · 1 1

I'm gonna have to go with Brett Favre. The NFL's only 3 time MVP, he's won the big game, he is amazing and is about to hold the touchdown record after this season. Holds the record for most consecutive starts, he's the type of quarterback who can carry a team, and on top of that just when you think you've got him... he always has something up his sleeve. Not to mention the fact that Brett Favre is known for MAKING receivers good, just look at Antonio Freeman, dude sucked everywhere else he played, he goes to Green Bay and looks like a stud, and Donald Driver... he would be a 3rd string receiver anywhere else but because of Favre he's got pro bowl numbers. Last but not least, the all time famous... "Brett Favre comebacks".

2007-06-30 00:41:57 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

1. Joe Montana
2. Dan Marino
3. Peyton Manning

2007-06-30 01:49:08 · answer #7 · answered by heroscaper 1 · 0 0

Joe Montana.

2007-06-30 01:35:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Favre is the best. There have been about a hundred starting QBs in the league since Favre became a starter. Always shows up to play. I've been going to games since I was knee high, and nobody is more beloved by fans than #4. No matter what is thrown at him he never gives up. Sure he will have the most interceptions ever, but it wasn't because he ever gave up. He doesn't even have good mechanics. I'll take his gunslinger mentality any day.

2007-06-30 00:49:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Neither, Brett Favre is the greatest QB of all time, he is the NFL's only 3 time MVP, hes won a superbowl and hes definded class for this league, he plays with all of his heart and is out there to have fun, unlike Marino who cried when he lost and stormed out of interviews or Montana who wouldnt come to the superbowl to WATCH it because the NFL wouldnt pay him to come, they show no class or love for the game, unlike Brett Favre, you would come in second place of greatest QB's right after Favre, but youre ahead of Marino and Montana

2007-06-30 00:37:09 · answer #10 · answered by Packers4life 4 · 1 0

If you look purely at stats you have to go Peyton Manning (keeping in mind he has only played 9 years). No body else has come even close to his overall stats in their first 9 years. Will he be regarded as the best ever when he retires? He will need to play at least 6-7 more solid years and get 1 more ring to really be in this conversation. If he does that and gets 2 more rings it will be a no brainer.

A lot of people say Tom Brady but he his success has come more from the system he's in more than from him directly.

Top 3

Marino Vs. Manning total yard comparison

Marino 17 years 61361 yards - avg 3609.47 yards per year
Manning 9 years 37586 yards - avg 4176.22 yards per year

Marino first 9 years 35386 yards - avg 3931.78 yards per year

If Manning can average 3962 yards over the next 6 years he will catch Marino for total yards and there is no sign of him slowing down anytime soon.

2007-06-30 01:04:36 · answer #11 · answered by BAN 2 · 1 1