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It was several years ago, I can only remember this one scene, hopefully someone will recognize it. Well Their are these two guys. Ones running for his life while the other guy, with white hair is shooting flying discs at him from his arm, Idk if something was attached to his arm or not. That all I can remember. Anyone have any clue?

2007-06-29 14:46:15 · 4 answers · asked by jcusetherealist 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

4 answers

"I Come In Peace" with Dulph Lundren

2007-06-29 14:59:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

...sounds a whole heck of a lot like the sci-fi actioner, from 1990, entitled "Dark Angel", starring Dolph Lundgren; in the film, he plays a cop, who finds himself reluctantly caught up in the mysterious deaths of random individuals, who are killed by unusual drug overdoses. The killer turns out to be a white-haired alien, who is over-injecting his victims with cocaine, in order to drive the victims in producing an over-abundance of endorphines, which on his planet, is a highly addictive drug. One of the weapns he uses, is a razor-sharp flying disc, capable of dispatching several targets, simultaneously.

...sounds like the flick you're talking about!!! Check it out, on the webpage below!!!

2007-06-29 22:57:18 · answer #2 · answered by Fright Film Fan 7 · 0 0

The aboce poster is correct... I Come in Peace (or as it is also known as Dark Angel)

See the link for more details ;-)

2007-06-29 22:31:31 · answer #3 · answered by markcon75 4 · 0 0

How many years ago is several? Could it be Mortal Kombat?

2007-06-29 21:49:47 · answer #4 · answered by crankyissues 6 · 0 0

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