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Particularly in an area outside of Los Angeles; for instance, Pennsylvania -- the Philadelphia area -- or any place that isn't like a mecca for productions getting made (although answers from LA and NY will be good too).

I saw an ad in the job section of the paper for a place called "Talent 6" -- http://www.talent6.com/ I was interested but it seems I'd have to pay a fee, or, I don't pay any fees but "can't submit to casting calls," they say.

Then I found this place -- http://www.mikelemoncasting.com/index.html Which doesn't seem like it charges anything to be an extra.

I'm confused. Mike Lemon seems more legit, but I don't know if I'd be under the same circumstances with him as I would be with Talent 6.

2007-06-29 07:40:34 · 6 answers · asked by chewbaccawokka341 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

6 answers

I don't have any experience working as an extra outside of Chicago and LA. But I can tell you about what I've learned.

You should never have to pay to be an extra. They should pay you. I would stay away from any agencies that require a fee or a 'membership' to join their list. I got sucked into a trap like that once. If you want to do more than just extra work, than you going to have to pay a fee to do casting calls, no matter what agency it might be.

I haven't been with any agency in awhile and found plenty of work on my own. Living in LA, I have a lot more opportunities than somewhere else. A suggestion would be to purchase the Hollywood Reporter & Variety Report on Thursdays. Inside is a production chart for tv & film. It will give you all the information such as shooting locations and dates. Sometimes, if you're lucky, they will have a number to call for casting or extra work only. And sometimes you can try calling the studio and I'm sure they will point you in the right direction. I've done this before and found it pretty successful.

I looked at the Mike Lemon site. It's legit with the BBB and it looks like you don't pay anything to be an extra. I didn't look into the casting part. But I'm sure there's a fee. There's always a fee in case you're 'discovered'. Good luck!

2007-06-29 08:00:03 · answer #1 · answered by Firelady6 3 · 0 0

Long and sometimes boring... You'll be one set for like 7 days straight for 12-14 hours... sometimes you'll be hanging around on set with NOTHING to do but talk to other ppl until it's your time to shoot.

But the craft services are nice!

2007-06-29 07:47:16 · answer #2 · answered by ARP101 2 · 0 0

In Toronto here... It can get a bit slow.. but you are paid for the entire time you are on set, if they use you for 10 minutes of ten hours or not even at all. If you're called to go in you get paid for the entire time you are there!

..and you get to meet and hang out with some really cool people!

2007-07-06 10:00:13 · answer #3 · answered by Creepy Uncle Bob 3 · 0 0

Long and sometimes boring... You'll be one set for like 7 days straight for 12-14 hours... sometimes you'll be hanging around on set with NOTHING to do but talk to other ppl until it's your time to shoot

2007-07-06 20:32:54 · answer #4 · answered by mrb 1 · 0 0

It is not glamorous as the finished products make it seem..
It takes forever just to shoot 1 scene ...I co-starred in one movie
(I'm not telling which one) it took 9 hours just to shoot what turned out to be 15 min of complete footage..of course we had a small crew and filled in and set up where needed..not to mention make up and wardrobe..
but it was different from what I thought it would be.

2007-06-29 08:01:11 · answer #5 · answered by Rickdark1 6 · 0 0

yeah its pretty damn boring usually u cant even talk much cuz ur not allowed to due to them recording.

2007-06-29 07:48:52 · answer #6 · answered by chris 2 · 0 0

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