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The weather news predicts more wet weather.
I have really been one to get concerned about predictions regard global warming, vanishing rain forests, ozone layers etc etc...but I am now starting to wonder !
Is this just a wet June, if so it is the worst on record, or is this the start of a major change to our weather and worst still the begining of a major shift in the worlds climate.
Its all a bit worrying Yeah ?

2007-06-29 06:11:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Weather

7 answers

I remember, we had the same weather 2yrs ago. Firstly, we 'lost' May, then June, had a few hot days in July, an 'unsettled' August ... and straight into the autumn we plunged!

Global warming? ... I'm just not convinced. We no longer seem to have the '4 seasons' I knew as a child. It's all very depressing really. I know there are worse things in life than bad weather but, in all honesty, we all need a bit of bright skies and relaxation; it rejuvenates the human spirit and allows nature to flourish.

I wonder if there will be one evening this 'summer' when I will be able to sit outside in the mews with a glass of wine? If there should be, I'll raise a toast to you all!


2007-06-29 06:36:43 · answer #1 · answered by Mozey 3 · 0 0

I am from in Ireland and I feel sorry for everyone in England for what you are going through with the bad floods. I was born in England by the way. In Ireland the worst weather we get is rain between the showers and I am even complaining about that. What you guys have in England in a whole lot worse. The close I have come to the weather you are getting is watching the film the day after tomorrow. Sorry guys hopes it gets better real soon.

2007-06-29 06:34:39 · answer #2 · answered by Black 7 · 0 0

We will know in 2 days, the MET office always give their findings at the end of the month. Just feel sorry for the people in the East.

I live 1 mile from the sea so I keep an eye on climate change myself but the government seems to be adding a good few meters to all our sea defenses this year YAY. Either that or it's their new policy on immigration???

2007-06-29 06:23:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You must live in the Southern Plains...

It is getting a little ridiculous...my back lawn looks like a patch in the Everglades.

But...no, it doesn't worry me. Extremes occur in every climate regime - and the extremes come about as a result of synoptic patterns. Individual synoptic patterns aren't causally linked to things like global equilibrium temperatures.

It simply sucks...and makes me want to move.

2007-06-29 06:23:12 · answer #4 · answered by Ethan 3 · 0 0

its funny cos i watched a disaster movie last week and me and me hubby have questioned the changing climate alot since. That film where it all freezes (i forget the name sorry) could really happen. as a joke i said to make sure we had easy access to our chimney, incase we had to start a fire but its really scary how it could happen and if not too us, our kids!!

2007-06-29 10:56:46 · answer #5 · answered by bemusedconfused 3 · 0 0

thats why i am building an ark

2007-06-29 06:20:48 · answer #6 · answered by telboy 7 · 0 0

God is in control my friend!

2007-06-29 12:21:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0