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For more information about my question, read the Answers blog: http://uk.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-qT1KKPQoRKdVT4lowpJCljbFokkuIzI8?p=2335

2007-06-29 05:27:27 · 2073 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2073 answers

I think being a real man is when you are yourself, and you are who you are, You take care of your business.

My husband is a real man, he takes care of his family, and he is the same man he was when i first met him, he is genuine.... He is not all about money, or how to get ahead in life, he is a simple man, and that is what makes him my man....

He will not tell someone what they want to hear just because they want to hear it, and he cant say the truth...

He is also just honest, and self less, always thinking of others, he thinks about me and my children before himself, he lives for us... I live for him to dont get me wrong, but he always treats me right, and tells me that he will do what ever he has to, as to survive in thisworld with his family, he doesnt care about going out to a party, or making new friends, he rules his life, and he will tell you his life is his family...

A true man takes care of his family.

Good question, i could go on forever about it.

2007-08-26 09:44:17 · answer #1 · answered by rockgirlfury 3 · 60 6

You know the song Bruce, "Try a little Tenderness". No, seriously, I have just read some of the answers, and there are some good ones there. Some people should just stay away from their computers too, and do some gardening or go and read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'.

I think men have changed. Men today do cry and that is good. Showing emotions is a sign of maturity and strength, not, as some men think, being a weak simpering nobody.

But, we need men to be strong both psychically and emotionally, so that they can be good leaders and examples, especially to their children. We don't want Homer Simpson! That's not 2007.

A lot more men love cooking. That's great. That's 2007. A lot more men will actually change nappies (diapers), and help with the housework because their wives work,that's 2007.

Don't cheat on your wives, men don't like it when it happens to them. That's 2007. Listen to your partner/wife, really listen, and then communicate, they used to call it Detente.That's 2007.

Be strong when you are called to be strong, and gentle when you are called to be gentle, but have the wisdom to know the difference. That's 2007.

Laugh with her, give her flowers, take her to a restaurant. That's 2007.

Someone asked a question which implied that you were on Yahoo. So, I gave a flip answer, to the effect, that; "did they think you had nothing better to do than sit at home, looking through Yahoo?". Meaning that as a high profile and busy person, did they really think that you have time to sit around asking questions on Yahoo?" And then to my amazement I came across your question! But you know what? It makes you more real and in touch. I do admire that. I don't know where you are going to have the time to read all the answers. Bon Chance.

I really enjoyed your new Movie.

2007-08-26 02:40:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

A real man must make a woman Happy

It's not difficult to make a woman happy. Follow these 54 easy steps.. You have to be....

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate
45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls
51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially ti me for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes
54. Never to forget:
arrangements she makes

Good Luck !

2007-10-27 06:27:52 · answer #3 · answered by the ferrari man 6 · 1 0

A real man. This is a thought provoking question. I, being a woman will never be a real man. But I know what a real man is. At least I think I do. A real man knows where he stands, even if he's standing in the wrong place. A real man is guided by his heart and not his groin. A real man is willing to take what he dishes out and at the same time he knows when to stick it. A real man stands for what he loves and loves what he stands for. A real man is a friend and will do whatever within his power to make things right. A real man will not intentionally harm another person, unless it becomes necessary. A real man is not afraid to show fear, because we are all human and there is no such thing as no fear. A real man knows that responsibility is a never ending thing and that he has to keep on it. A real man can express his innermost feelings with the ones that he loves. A real man understands that sometimes women cry, it's just in a woman's nature to cry. And a real man will when necessary, will cry too. This is my definition of a real man.

2007-09-08 16:56:11 · answer #4 · answered by ARMY WIFE 3 · 1 0

A very self-reoccupied genius somewhere realised that women, for example, were an untapped market. Being housewives completely dependent on their husbands for money, they had no disposable of their own. So, how do you go about creating consumerists out of an “oppressed” (better term is “disenfranchised”) group, creating in effect, an entirely new market? First, you create desire (advertising: fashion, homemaking products on TV, magazines, and other forms of mass media. Think of the rise in exclusively feminine programming on TV) and you then create jobs for these people to have, so they can buy what they see on TV and fuel an individualist identity. This may or may not have been instigated by politicians or simply by the economy, it is inconclusive. What is for certain however, is that humanity did not have “a change of heart” overnight. IF it didn’t mean significant material gain for many people, it would have never happened. Yet more cynicism. This is where the confusion over what feminism is arises: it is not for the good of femininity: women were simply rendered consumerists. If they have a job, they can spend their money on what they like.

2014-08-18 23:37:10 · answer #5 · answered by Ranbeer 2 · 0 0

I now look to the things I have not conquered and the things which I have only to prove to myself such as being a father- as I will soon be a husband and hope to one day be a father and a good husband.
I cannot romanticize violence or the ability to wield it even against the enemies who have tried to kill me many times over. What I can do is NOT judge myself by the poets, the philosophers, the great writers which made me aspire to prove myself a man- and I would say also DO NOT judge yourself by my opinion or the opinion of anyone else for that matter.By having an awareness of the differences between a man and a woman you can see what is real, but more importantly, apprieciation and awareness of your own differences as an individual is what makes a person more 'real'. You will find that crowd followers will try to be like everyone else, and these people loose what it is to be real as they are questing for an identity outside their true nature... This often leads to depression and dissatisfaction with themselves and their work.

2014-08-20 16:15:12 · answer #6 · answered by Chaitu 2 · 0 0

A man of the 90's was supposed to be caring and in touch with his femine side, but even then a man is considered to be the equal of a woman; yet of an opposing nature. In your film, 'what women want' you can see that the nature of a woman is not all that different to the nature of a man, the difference is in how it is expressed.By having an awareness of the differences between a man and a woman you can see what is real, but more importantly, apprieciation and awareness of your own differences as an individual is what makes a person more 'real'. You will find that crowd followers will try to be like everyone else, and these people loose what it is to be real as they are questing for an identity outside their true nature... This often leads to depression and dissatisfaction with themselves and their work.

2014-08-17 16:43:57 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Well first, i really don't think I'm replying to Bruce Willis no doubt someone who just wanted fast results. Any way I'll tell you what it means to be a real man: NEVER BE AFRAID TO CRY! it does NOT show weakness, it tells people that you aren't a soulless rock. Comfort the woman in your life even if you don't see a reason to. A hug and a "good morning honey", says more than a lot of men know. Believe it or not, you men from mars, under all of the guy bashing jokes out there, we need you. many times we just need a friend who will put aside the wrench and hammer to hold us and listen for 5 minutes. If more people in this world tried harder at understanding their significant other, then breaking up, divorcing,TEARING FAMILIES APART, probably wouldn't happen as often.
Anyway whoever this may be, you don't have to be an actor
to be famous. Good luck on your quest.

2007-07-22 19:13:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In 2007, to be a real man, you are the same as you were back in 2006 or 2005. You are kind, respectful, and appreciationg of everyone. Body image and sex appeal isn't what matters, at least to straight-thinking women, but being fertile would be a trait expected out of any man. You are truly man when you are MATURE. If you are still an immature person who invites the boys over to a bar for drinks and still haave one-night stands with every woman that comes your way, then you are not a man, but you think you are. A true man will have all of the qualities of any upstanding citizen, and will be a good person.

Young Einstein

2007-07-16 15:01:04 · answer #9 · answered by Young Einstein 3 · 1 0

Being housewives completely dependent on their husbands for money, they had no disposable of their own. So, how do you go about creating consumerists out of an “oppressed” (better term is “disenfranchised”) group, creating in effect, an entirely new market? First, you create desire (advertising: fashion, homemaking products on TV, magazines, and other forms of mass media. Think of the rise in exclusively feminine programming on TV) and you then create jobs for these people to have, so they can buy what they see on TV and fuel an individualist identity. This may or may not have been instigated by politicians or simply by the economy, it is inconclusive. What is for certain however, is that humanity did not have “a change of heart” overnight. IF it didn’t mean significant material gain for many people, it would have never happened. Yet more cynicism. This is where the confusion over what feminism is arises: it is not for the good of femininity: women were simply rendered consumerists. If they have a job, they can spend their money on what they like. It is simple.

2014-10-03 00:40:43 · answer #10 · answered by Jiya 2 · 0 0

Hello Bruce... Firstly good look with the Movie release, hope it's a big success.

In reply to your question, I think that a big part of being a man is to be a sucessfull farther. A man who can raise his child well, no matter what obsticles are in the way is definately a real man in that respect. I remeber a good quote from a movie I once watched which kind of relates to this subject quite well in various ways.

The Movie was Boyz in the Hood and the quote (Laurence Fishburne's), was something along the lines of "Any fool with a dick can make a baby but only a real man can raise one". I think that is very true and something I plan to keep in mind once I am a farther as I hope to be very soon.

2007-07-02 01:10:14 · answer #11 · answered by Oscar100 2 · 0 0

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