(Trust me this is the very short version). God made me Gay for a reason.
What reason God only knows. Peopel shoudn't fear Gay people. Fear is not from the Lord - it operates in satan's kingdom (1 John 4:8,18). Yet we build complete belief systems around our fears and prejudices, and people fight change. There is no getting around the fact that it’s far easier to understand how one can be gay and Christian when one is gay and Christian.
I have also found it common for those who consider homosexuality an 'abomination' to ‘prove’ their cause by quoting every scripture they can find pertaining to sexual sin and promiscuity. It is important to understand that we Christians in the gay community also are a hundred percent against sexual sin. The difference lies in the fact that we do not believe God has singled out any particular community or nation of people as ‘evil’ or ‘sinful’, believing instead that God’s edicts are applied without prejudice to all peoples and communities; homosexual and heterosexual alike. Therefore before calling homosexuality a sin, one should interrogate Scripture to find if this premise is even true. Unfortunately, many well meaning Christians are just repeating what they have heard from the pulpit or attempting to frame God’s will around their prejudices and fears.
For this reason it is important to understand what God does have to say concerning homosexuality. While there is much debate amongst Bible scholars if any scriptures specifically address homosexuality there are eight references that are commonly used by some to condemn gays. These are commonly referred to as "the clobber passages” or the "big eight". Of these eight, only six are still used with any regularity as two have been accepted by most as not pertaining to homosexuality. Four of these (Genesis 19:1-5, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 23:17) are found in the Old Testament while the other four (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Romans 1:21-31 and Jude 1:6-7) are located in the New Testament. The two that have been widely discarded are Deuteronomy 23:17 and Jude 1:6-7. While some argue we should simply ignore these debatable references, I believe it is important to understand what the Lord is trying to teach us through these verses as every word in the Bible is meant for our teaching, correction and reproof (2 Timothy 3:16).
God isn’t going to tell us something ‘out in left field’. Every interpretation must ‘line up’ with other Scriptural truths and commandments (e.g. the law of love). God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) and "every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses" (2 Corinthians 13:1). In short, scripture will interpret scripture and our conclusions should make logical sense
2007-06-29 04:56:41
answer #1
answered by TRACER ™ 6
First, if you would do your research, you will find that most theological experts believe that our interpretation of homosexuality is much different than that of the Bible's interpretation. Most experts believe that homosexuality meant male prostitutes. When looking at the transcripts you have to also consider what was going on at the time. The time something was written affects what is being said. For example; Pagan temples used boys to "service" the priest. Which the founders of the bible found disgusting. Which it is disgusting, but the founders of the bible were trying to write that into their contexts.
Try to imagine 2000 years from now another culture that speaks a different language from us discovering transcripts from our own history of today and then trying to translate that into their own understandable language. How hard that would be. For example, someone saying "WOW that is so cool", doesn't mean that it really has a cool temperature, it means it is something we like the way it looks or sounds but the definition of cool means temperature, right?
Next, I m so glad that you are gay and chose not to commit the sin of homosexuality by living a straight life. I never knew there were so many other gay people in the world. I mean from your description the whole world is gay and they just choose not to live gay!! Right?
2007-06-29 05:17:40
answer #2
answered by regularguynlr 2
Well, that's YOUR definition of a "true Christian", but other Christians choose to focus on more basic and all-encompassing directives, such as "loving thy neighbor" (even if he's gay) or treating others as you would like to be treated (with respect and fairness).
There is also reasonable debate about whether homosexuality is a choice or a natural characteristic, so if you're born a certain way, then you can't "choose" to be that way, and therefore, by your own logic, it wouldn't be a sin.
Also, I've yet to see anything in the Bible that explicitly forbids lesbianism - yes, I've read the "man laying down with another man" bit, but couldn't find anything specifically about WOMEN laying down with other women.
2007-06-29 05:09:02
answer #3
answered by teresathegreat 7
Everyone on this earth is a sinner. The bible states that every sin is equal. How can anybody be Christian? How can you be Christian judging anyone and call yourself a Christian? You need to sit down and read the bible. Homosexualtiy is not a choice, if it were, their wouldn't be any. It would have been so much easier growing up if I was attracted to men. I prayed everyday for years that God would make me straight. Guess what, he didn't.... In the bible, thinking something is considered to be as bad as doing it. Have you ever thought about killing someone? If so, you are a murderer.... Whatever, don't comment on something you don't understand. My father has been a minister for 26 years, talk to him dumbass
2007-07-01 01:02:52
answer #4
answered by Deborah R 2
And I'm assuming that you've never eaten pork, read a horoscope, or looked at a woman and thought she was hot? The rules against those things are in the same section of the Bible with the rule against homosexuality, and yet I find there are very few Christians who haven't done at least some of these things on a regular basis.
The rule against homosexuality was a rule which was created to ensure the maximum number of progeny for a people who were few in number and living on the edge of destruction. This is no longer the case.
Besides, what happened to "judge not, lest ye be judged?" Let God deal with those who love Him, and are attracted to those of their own gender. It's not YOUR job.
2007-06-29 04:59:01
answer #5
answered by triviatm 6
Obviously, you don't know the Bible as well as you want to make others think! Before you come at people who you assume don't know the Bible, my suggestion would be to understand the original definitions and meanings.
What does the Bible say about salvation? One of the things it says is that if we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God had raised him from the dead, we shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. There isn't anything that says you have to be straight to be saved. God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Whosoever means anyone-- gay, straight, bisexual and transgender.
I am a Christian because by faith I have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior.
2007-07-02 10:36:06
answer #6
answered by Pnthr wmn 4
'Anti-gay' Christians -- an thrilling way of stating that Bible tells us that God created Adam and then Eve and then united them interior the 1st marriage and that that they had the 1st family / all being modern-day in Genesis. So the 'at modern-day' seen marriage and family is God's plan. God additionally has given us regulations for what to no longer do interior the way of sexual / ethical residing. Society on the different hand needs it truly is excuse to stay the way it needs to inspite of the outcomes. God's plan for our healthful emotional and actual life is for guy and woman jointly sexually in basic terms after marriage and for as lengthy as they the two shall stay. Society comes to a decision to be with Whomever, every time they choose in basic terms they do no longer in basic terms like the ailment and emotional / psychological issues that result. Society has made a widespread difficulty of merchandising non-Biblical pastime / we are advised to 'tolerate' Sin and Biblical standards are ridiculed / seen to be archaic. it truly is totally unhappy whilst every physique chooses to make exciting of every physique for Any reason. there is plenty stress for childrens to 'pair up' -- what's so incorrect with Friendship FIRST. If a pupil 'seems' at somebody in a 'specific ' way or says or does some thing in a 'specific' way, the question is 'i ask your self whether he / she is bi or gay' My lands people !! all of us is killing themselves out of comprehensive frustration . enable's basically get lower back to God's regulations !!!!!
2016-11-07 19:28:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How can you be a hater and christian. The whole point of the bible is to love everyone.
A gay christian is someone who has excepted the light of our Lord into their life and just happens to be attracted to people of the same sex.
Homosexuality is not a sin, God does not disaprove of any love, thats why Jesus came right? To spread love.
What God does disaprove of is spreading hate. Love your neighboor!
when did you wake up and decide you are straight?? Hmmm? You you just happened to be attracted to people of the opposite sex. same goes with gays.
Stop hating and get a hobby!!!!
2007-06-29 05:15:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
its possible to be Christian and homosexual.
maybe the person was Christian first, then realized they were homosexual and still believed in the rest of Christianity other than the homosexuality part.
ANDD. you are Christian, right? and you know that lying is a sin. but you still do it, right? so dont go around telling homosexuals that they are sinners, because you are too.
i am not homoseuxal but i still think you're wrong.
if you're really Christian you know that God loves everyone, INCLUDING homoseuxals, so you should too.
please, get a life. (=
stop trying to act like a saint and curse at the same time. there are children here. (including me) HAHA.
2007-06-29 04:52:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This is a subject that most do not want to get into, but I am very opinionated. This is especially for those religous zealots(right-wing fundalmentalists), who believe that I have made a choice in my life, that will ultimately lead to a path of destruction and damnation.
So here it is, First, if you are going to make those claims against me, you should first study the Word of God for yourself, and quit listening to Brother so and so. And also you need to understand homosexuality for yourself before you listen to your pastor or brother/sister in your church. These are both very important aspects of understanding God's word, as well as understanding the complexities of another human being!
There are 2 places in the bible where homosexuality is mentioned. The first in Leviticus, and for those that do not believe me it is Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman" However Leviticus is a book of Laws concerning the conduct of the Jews during the Old Testament times, and was abolished when Christ died on the cross. Now if it is your belief that this was not done away with, then you had better understand the rest of the Laws listed, and you had better follow them to the letter. If you do not, then you are also an abomination to God! And not only that Paul himself was told not to concern the Gentiles with our customs and laws, in the Book of Acts, which again reaffirms, the abolishment of Leviticus.
So with that in mind lets talk about the New Testament of the Bible. But let me first preface this by saying that nowhere in the New Testament did Christ himself speak on the subject of homosexuality. That does not prove anything of course, but it does tell me, that there is more to the story than meets the eye, so play close attention:
The other place that homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible is in the Book of Romans, which Paul wrote. The scripture is Romans 1: 21-25, And I read from the NKJV. "Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened." NOW LISTEN CLOSELY. "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleaness in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen
Then going into Verse 26, "For this reason God gave them up to the vile passions, For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise the men, leaving the natuiral use of the women, burned in their lust for one another, men with men, commiting what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."
It is important to understand fully what it is saying here. Now as you can see, this scripture was written for a particular people. It was written for those who worshipped and idolized something other than God, and were turned over to the vile passions. It was not natural for them at all, but rather one day they became that way due to idol worship. I personally have not been guilty of such a sin, but I have known since I was very young that I was gay. Even though I fought it for many years, I was still GAY. That did not change!
No matter how much I prayed, no matter how much faith I had, no matter what I did, I was still GAY. Now the bible says that with faith you can say to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea (Mark 11:23) But yet with all the faith that I had I could not rid myself of what I believed to be an abomination.
This said, move on....... just because someone does not believe as you do, does not mean they are going to hell, its all about interpretation of the word.
2007-06-30 23:23:14
answer #10
answered by rcook_00 1