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I have a friend who is 14, who is dating someone who will turn 15 in august.

her father found out She was fingered and gave a ******* to her BF. Now he says he'll put a restraining order or something if he continues to see her.

She's arguing with me that she'd have to sign it if he tried which she won't.

What are the legal standing on this, I believe her father wouldn't have to have the paper signed by her since she is 14.

I also understand it's illegal to have sex(including oral etc) before you're 16.

If they continued and had sex, or just simply continued seeing each other and her dad found out, what would hte outcome be.

Could he really put up an restraining order or send him to juvie like threatend or is that a empty threat where nothing can be done.

2007-06-28 17:51:03 · 7 answers · asked by The d00d 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent


Well yeah, now all they are doing is just exploring, but he has been trying to pressure her into sex for awhile. and she's getting to the point she is starting to just not care anymore.

And knowing how she is, she would either not use protection or she'd use it inaccurately, which will end up getting her pregnant, and I'd hate to see her life get destroyed.

She has issues though, she had the I'm superior and more intelligent and more powerful then anyone else. attitude. and the my personal favorite, if I don't agree with you you're wrong and I'm not going to talk to you anymore.

So I find it very bad for her to be getting into that kind of a situation. Seeing as how she acts it would also probably screw with her emotionally since she seriously actually thinks she's in love love with him.

2007-06-28 19:15:42 · update #1

7 answers

Yes he could have him sent to jail. His daughter is a minor, and so the father can do this. The restraining order can still be filed.

2007-06-28 17:56:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no Law that states you cannot have sex (as long as you're both minors) but that doesnt mean you're friends were right to do it, but it is entirely their decision I'm gonna stay out of that. As for the restraining order, I've never filed one but I don't think you need a child's consent if you are their parent, but I don't know if you can fill on out on a minor either, I'll look into it and get back to you.
Ok, I haven't found anything saying that says anything about minors needing to sign or about treating minors any differently, so lets assume he does not need her signature.
First, he would pick one of two different Restraining orders, an Order For Protection (OFP) or an Harassment Restraining Order (HRO), depending on which state you live in, one can be far more severe than the other, and in which case her father will need to find an attorney, purchase the document, which costs $100 at the very least, and then spend hours filling it out. It sounds to me like it may be an empty threat so long as she does not let her father find out about them hanging out or having any kind of sex. Tell her that if he files one that it is serious, and if he violates it, he can call the police just because he walked too close to her and he will get arrested. I don't know how the schools handle this sort of thing, but they probably wont have classes together and he will be under strict supervision. I don't know if her father was serious, but she better not get caught with him again if her father is willing to go through the trouble, their relationship will be 10x more difficult than it is now

2007-06-28 17:56:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The outcome is a daughter hating her father. The father is just concerned but I think he's going to far as to getting a restraining order. All teens experament and the weren't doing anything out of the ordinary. Its natural for them to explore and the father should be happy thats allt they're doing. The boyfriend didn't harm her and it seems that it was her choice. Most kids their age are doing worse. But the father doesn't see it that way, he can't accept that his daughters growing up. What he should have done is talked to her about safe sex and diseas with her and her BF, even though they already know. The father becoming outraged isn't going to do anything but cause a family fued. The father could get a restraining order but it wont do anything. The daughter will most likly sneak out to see him and rebel more. Or she'll just avoid her dad forever and hate him and not be able to tell him anythings. She knows her dad loves her but that don't change what happened. She's not goona trust him and get rebelious, espicially if he gets a restraining order. I found that the less rules parents have for their kids, the less trouble they get in but in very strick families, the kid are so tempted to break the rules and get an adrenalin rush knowing that they break the rules and get away with it, which makes them feel daring and cool. For instance, I grew up with very few rules, but I knew what was acceptable and what was not but there was never writen rules or anything and I was neveer tempted to do drugs or be sexually active untill I was ready. I never felt the need to do anything stupid because I wasn't to sheltered and protected. The father is making a mistake but he can get a restraing order but it wont do much. I know people who did a lot worse than what they did and at a lot younger age.

2007-06-28 18:35:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He could put up a restraining order but because they are the same age and both are just as much to blame he can not be sent to juvie. She would not have to sign it because she is a minor and he is the guardian.

2007-06-28 17:58:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He could have a restraining order put on him without her consent. He could not send him to juvie because its not illegal for them to have sex because they are both minors. If he was 18 and she was 14, he could be arrested because thats statutory rape. If there is a restraining order and the bf keeps breaking it, he could possibly go to juvie though.

2007-06-28 17:55:40 · answer #5 · answered by Amanda 7 · 0 0

Thats a tough one. i think legally he can report him. I dont think your friend has to sign as it is the dad that is making the restraining order. Sorry i can tbe much help thats a tough one....

2007-06-28 17:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by Iamme 4 · 0 0

she's a minor

2016-08-08 12:23:29 · answer #7 · answered by Bobby 3 · 0 0