Christianity has nothing to do with politics.
2007-06-28 17:01:55
answer #1
answered by Brian 7
I have seen many "Christ was a liberal" comments in the past several weeks and I think that any of us would have been a liberal if placed into Palestine during the Roman rule. Individual rights were virtually non-existent, slavery was common and life was remarkably brutal.
The question is not whether Christ was a liberal. I think we can all agree that during the historical period during which Christ was among us he was indeed a liberal. Only an unthinking, unfeeling clod would have been otherwise (mind you many of the emporers were indeed, just such clods).
The real question is whether Christ would have been a liberal today. I think that is a much harder question to answer and certainly not as self evident as whether he was a liberal in a past time. The freedoms that have been provided to man through our society have permitted people to be tempted in ways not possible in previous political and societal models. The has permitted a creeping depravity which Christ would no doubt have seen and reacted to.
By looking through the New Testament you can see that Christ believed in a personal responsibility to lift up those who required it. He did not believe in turning to the state to deal with such issues, he was not a political figure whatsoever. As a result, if we are truly followers of Christ we will look to our own resources to help those in need before we look to the government (there is your "conservative" side showing), but we will also look favorably on a government that sees the problems of society and asks its citizens to help.
I think that the conservative Christians go beyond Christ's approach when they try to get the government to legislate restrictions on the actions of people from some attempt to keep people from acting immorally. We live in a pluralistic diverse country. We should, as Christians not ask our government to do that which we, as individuals, are unwilling to do. If we do individually what we should, there is no need for the government to act at all in most circumstances.
There are many examples.
2007-06-29 00:24:29
answer #2
answered by Matt W 6
Well, I will state my honest opinion the best I can!
First of all, If you are Christian, then you should see the obvious flaws in Liberal Left-wing thinking, Such as Abortion, Same sex marriage, banning of Christian symbols and ethics in public places and so-forthe, Liberals have fought Christianity for last six or seven decades and are fighting against western culture harder than ever before in history!
But I'll leave you up to your own decision as to whether or not you wish to remain Democrat or not!!
As for me, I would never vote for a Democrat! It would be against the Christian life, and more importantly, against God's Will!
2007-06-29 00:23:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There are alot of liberal Christians. Why? Because they are guided by compassion that is taught by the teachings of Christ. There are many denominations that are liberal and Christian: Quakers, United Church of Christ Congregationalists, many denominations of Episcopaleans, Unitarians, some Lutheran, some Methodists, some Presbyterians, some Baptist, some Reformed and some Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) all have denominations that are liberal, some more than others.
If you think Christ was a conservative, you have alot to learn about Christ and his life during his time.
2007-06-29 00:07:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because you were raised to be a Christian conservative by your parents I imagine. There are many liberal Christians,
2007-06-29 00:06:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There are Christian Democrats and Conservative Christians.
2007-06-29 00:06:17
answer #6
answered by ♥ Mel 7
For real? Come on; liberals believe in abortion (cold-blooded murder of unborns, babies being born); murder of disabled; murder of elderly; murder of poor people by refusing to pay a living wage, etc.
Liberals believe in supporting people who aren't normal in their sexual orientation;
Liberals don't believe in the death penalty for murderers and rapists, but do believe in all these other cold-blooded murders;
Liberals believe in Big Government; Big Corporations and Big Schools, but not in individual responsibilty, employing everyone capable of working or in education.
Believe me, there is so much more; but, let's face it, liberals equate to communists, socialists, nazis, etc., and many are atheists.
2007-06-29 00:29:51
answer #7
answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7
There are some Liberals who believe Jesus "was" a Liberal.
I tend to be sketchy of anyone who refers to Jesus in the past tense, personally.
2007-06-29 00:09:30
answer #8
answered by ? 7
I am a Liberal Christian.... Here is why:
Liberals believe in:
...of conscience
You have the right to think as you wish.
...of religion
You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion.
...of speech
You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. Only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.
Civil rights
All people are equal under the law. Any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender is not only inconsistent with a free and civil society, but is immoral as well.
Universal public education
Equality of opportunity requires all Americans to have access to a basic education consistent with maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society.
Tolerance of Differences
Because we are all unique beings, with different skills, needs, and wants, we must respect the life choices of others as long as their life choices do not infringe on the rights enjoyed by other citizens.
A Social Safety Net
Recognizing that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be avaliable to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet.
Employees' Rights
We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment.
Environmental Protection
Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein.
Strong Families
The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind.
With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others.
Free Enterprise
The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity.
Rule of Law
Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.
...most importantly, Progress
Progress is what Liberalism really means; moral progress, economic progress, and social progress to benefit all humanity. This represents the path towards a better world. At its heart, Liberalism is an optimistic philosophy.
2007-06-29 00:04:00
answer #9
answered by truth seeker 7
Visit the Ozark Mountain's full of bible-thumping democrats. They want their Jesus and their welfare.
2007-06-29 00:15:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Well you have a belief, you core values are from the Christain beliefs. Conservative values follow the same. Liberal don't.
2007-06-29 00:03:02
answer #11
answered by Anthony S 2