...there's dynamite promise in the return of the 'slasher' film, with the upcoming film, "Hatchet"; I was witness to some of the exclusive footage, at the recent Fangoria Weekend of Horrors, in Burbank, CA, and....OMG!!! It was freakin' outstanding!!!
Actor/stuntman Kane Hodder, who was 'dissed' from playing Jason for the umpteeth time, in "Freddy vs. Jason", has breathed new life in a new wildly savage psychopathic killer named Victor Crowley.....and this guy's pulling absolutely no punches!!! Heck, even Robert England, Tony Todd and John Buechler have come along for the ride!!!
Even the director made comments at the convention, regarding a dislike of the 'torture porn' films, and express a desire to resurrect the 'old-school slasher' film; if "Hatchet" is even a measure as good as the footage I saw, that genre may see new life!!!
Apparently, the film has gotten such great advance critical acclaim, that the producers of the film are in the process of making a follow-up/sequel....and the first one's not even out yet!!!
As far as Hollywood following suit to this potential trend, I am hard-pressed to count the upcoming remake of "Prom Night", or actor/director David Arquette's political slasher film, "The Tripper" as steps in the right direction, with regards to reviving the genre.
"Hatchet" looks like it's gonna kick friggin' ***!!! (...check out the MPAA rating!!!....wha-da-ya say about an NC-17 on this one!!!)
...stay tuned!!!
2007-06-28 14:07:44
answer #1
answered by Fright Film Fan 7
Slasher flicks were the old style of horror that was oh so predictable. Now we have movies such as Hostle that are oh so predictable. Movie makers and directors needed a new approach to horror and make a huge mistake. I personally am a fan of older horror movies. I would recommend the original 1974 Black Christmas.
2007-06-28 14:48:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To give you a little background on why there are not slasher movies today, the mpaa or the group that judges movies and decides what is okay and not okay was formed after Friday the 13th came out. The 60's and 70's and early 80's have hundreds of excellent slasher movies. In todays world we are not allowed to show so much blood and body parts splattering across the screen. It is really too sad and I think a violation of free speech. Check out www.videoscreams .com and cinemawasteland.com for lots of fun movies.
2007-06-28 14:21:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Take Rob Zombie case in point. He took a sturdy 80's horror classic and made this ridiculous remake giving Micheal Myers some white trash back-tale. ok...daddy grow to be an abusive a**hollow...mom grow to be a white trash stripper, sister grow to be a skank that did not take him trick or treating and that grew to become him right into a indestructible killing device. Throw in a sprint greater gratuitous nudity and an pointless photograph rape scene and there you bypass. human beings not basically flocked to work out that travesty of a action picture (and b*ched approximately it), yet they grew to become authentic around and ran to the theatre for the sequell! Case and factor? human beings will bypass and notice sh*tty video clips...all you ought to do is throw in a pair of warm woman actresses, promise of a few nudity and torture/gore, and the plot want not matter! I examine grievance after grievance approximately yet yet another observed sequel (i'm neitherr right here nor there on the trilogy myself) yet human beings will nonetheless flock to work out it and it fly off the cabinets on the action picture apartment shops! i'm unhappy to declare that the days of the sturdy 'ol 80's horror flick are long gone. i will say, that in case you have not seen it you ought to work out "Trick r cope with". It grow to be in all probability considered one of he maximum magnificent horror video clips i've got seen in awhile. additionally you ought to look at "in the back of the mask; the enhance of Leslie Vernon" What an brilliant action picture!
2016-12-08 20:39:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It is still very alive today, they arent as high profile.
But there are still many being made today.
Never the quality as original slashers though.
2007-06-28 14:09:11
answer #5
answered by ivanM 2
I know what you're saying. Halloween has been my favorite movie since I was about 8. I think saw's a pretty good movie though.
2007-06-28 14:11:35
answer #6
answered by xoxo 3
you sound like a real sweet person .
but i would not feel safe after dark with you i think
2007-06-28 19:00:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They're just not scary anymore............not compared to some things they show today
2007-06-28 14:14:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
haven't you seen "Hostel" ?
2007-06-28 14:43:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous