that irish people say begorra and top of the morning,never heard anyone say it in my life except tv,also that irish are thick wear leprechauin suits and have red hair ,ha ha, also everyone dosent drink guinness, i hate it
2007-06-28 12:24:12
answer #1
answered by jinx 5
i HAAATE that people think that the brits are all fat lager louts and chavs, and hell bent of football hooliganism, which i think only represents a very small minority, I think britain is a gorgeous country, with so much history and culture and our sense of humour is hilarious- its very dry and many people dont get us especially the dutch, germans and americans....(from experience ) our food is tasty too, i prefer british food compared to some other continental dishes, and having family dotted about europe (sweden, spain etc) they all say the same. The other thing is that people say the UK is always so cold, but thats not true, in summer time the weather is so hot and much less bareable compared to the summer heat in countrys like Portugal and Spain its much closer heat and muggy too, although our weather is totally random, that even the weather experts are unemployed coz it can be hot sun, and hail stoning at the same time????
2007-06-28 19:36:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I wear the kilt, I eat haggis, I drink whisky, I speak like Billy Connolly, Sean Connery was the best James Bond ever, I know the words to all the Proclaimers' songs and I believe in the Lock Ness Monster.
None of it 'pss' me off 'cos it's all true.
Oh, aye... and I'm Scottish...luckily!
2007-06-29 17:40:04
answer #3
answered by nessie 3
The fact that everybody thinks the Scots tramp through the heather in a kilt with a tin of shortbread under one arm and a haggis under the other.
Our national dress is Jeans and a polo top, Our national dish is fish and chips.
2007-06-28 19:22:53
answer #4
answered by john m 6
That were all boring and never smile, sorry but I think the British have a terrific sense of humour and are far from boring.
2007-06-28 19:19:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
...that there is such a thing as freedom of choice? Which is a farce...although we all jockey around and make mouth noise like it matters or makes a difference.
2007-06-28 19:19:15
answer #6
answered by Jifr 4
In Scotland, we are not all tight fisted or drunks!
2007-06-28 19:34:33
answer #7
answered by flutterby 5
that everyone has dreadlocks and says 'yeah mon'...and that we all drink coconut water out of the coconut!
2007-06-28 19:20:04
answer #8
answered by sunshine_girl 3
I live in the U.S.A......being called:"The Great Satan" was very uncalled for.
2007-06-28 19:43:05
answer #9
answered by bonsai bobby 7
that we r all stereotypes`
2007-06-28 19:19:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous