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I’m blood type O negative and can use a few extra bucks income. I’ve heard a type O blood is in high demand. I’m just not sure if it is O positive or O negative. Does anyone know?


Does anyone have a round figure as to how much they pay?

I’m figuring on $50 a pint.

If indeed, my O negative is the blood they need, I’d like to get on a routine schedule of selling pints.

I figure 4 pints a week would be very handy in the form of extra cash. I’ve already starting drinking lots of OJ and sugary snacks to get those levels up.

Lastly, does anybody know if I’d have to claim this on my taxes as income? If this all works out, I’d be looking at over $10,000 a year gross selling my blood. I’m hoping this is non-taxable income.

2007-06-28 11:31:01 · 2 answers · asked by Billy Jack H 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

Most places only allow you to give one pint of blood every eight weeks. However, you can make money selling plasma. You can donate twice a week and get at least $60 a week.

2007-06-28 11:36:48 · answer #1 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 0 0

Even asking this question is yet another symptom of the getting something for not something society that we now look caught with right this moment. As specified earlier the expenditures incurred in turning out to be the infrastructure to hold jointly blood, paying the workers who take the blood (not each physique is a unpaid volunteer) the advertising to entice donors, the testing of the donors and the expenditures of storing after which allotting the blood ought to be exceedingly glaring to anybody with an IQ larger than a turnip. whether the crimson flow did make a small quantity over the value they're a non-income that desires money for all of the different amenities they furnish like catastrophe alleviation, preparation of emergency reaction workers, and so forth. provide me a harm and study to think of earlier you ask asinine questions like this!

2016-12-08 20:33:55 · answer #2 · answered by carcieri 4 · 0 0

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