-John Tucker Must Die
-Step Up
-The Illusionist
-Freedom Writers
-The Prestige
-The Perfect Score
-Happy Feet
-Johnny English
-Stomp The Yard (haven't seen it...but looks really good)
I didn't put like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean...etc. because I think most people have seen those...but they are definitely GREAT movies!
(These are my favorites...they are kinda in order)
2007-06-28 11:06:35
answer #1
answered by A 4
Just Friends
Mean Girls
Dirty Dancing Havana Nights
Raise Your Voice
A Cindrella Story
The Holiday
Stay Alive
An American Haunting
Amityville Horror (new one)
The Ring Two
Ghost Rider
American Pie Presents Band Camp
Night at the Museum
2007-06-28 11:22:15
answer #2
answered by danika 3
Citizen Kane
The Notebook
From Here to Eternity
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
Full Metal Jacket
Something more "fun" but STILL with a point:
2007-06-28 11:04:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Garden State
Thank You For Smoking
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Big Fish
Life as a House
Wedding Crashers, might seem stupid but it's a really good movie.
2007-06-28 11:06:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Reservoir canines Pulp Fiction Batman starts 28 Days Later Kill bill 2 eastern grants BQ : Dont Have Any New motion picture Plans. yet i'm going to Watch Inception back BQ 2 - with any luck definite.
2017-01-01 09:22:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My vote would be for MirrorMask .. it's about a girl dealing with how harsh the world is by retreating into her imagination.. Amazing story, amazing acting, and the visuals alone would have made a great movie.. By the creators of Labrynth and The Dark Crystal with Neil Gaiman (Author, comic book creator, as well as his work with the movie industry)
2007-06-28 11:08:04
answer #6
answered by kaijawitch 7
NOT Nepoleon Dynamite. How about Undercover Blues - hilarriously funny! And Take the Lead rocks. and I LOVE The adventures of Ociee Nash.
2007-06-28 11:06:06
answer #7
answered by Hot - Maddie - Rod 4
weell I wou;d suggest a lot..it depends on the movie genre you want to watch. Romantic ones, i can say ''Dirty Dancing'' ( the first classic one, the second sucks compared to it). Another impressing and real beautiful is ''Scent of a woman'' with Al Pacino. ( it's not about mafia!!) :-) .... Also ''The Bridges of Madison County'' is good!(it's a love story). Nothing else comes to my mind right now... it's so many of them! HAve fun!
2007-06-28 11:08:36
answer #8
answered by Alt!87 3
uhh it might be a bit too violent for some girls (heh), but alot of girls i know liked the movie fight club. Good Will Hunting was also a good movie (and not violent), inside man was a good "thriller", trainspotting was really funny (but had some "mature" content, like sex and drug use); you should specify on what you like in a movie
2007-06-28 11:10:51
answer #9
answered by a deadly rope 2
Lucky # Sleven
Saw I, II, and III
The Green Mile
V for Vendetta
2007-06-28 11:07:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous