A twenty gallon tank is too small for an Angelfish. A few more Cory Cats(same species) would be nice. They are schooling fish that do better in groups of six or more. If you decide to go with more Corie's,observe the behavior changes as the group size increases.
As far as other species,perhaps a small Dwarf Gourami or two might add the color you are looking for.
What ever you decide, don't add a bunch of fish all at once,go slowly, add a couple of fish and wait about two weeks for the system to balance,then add another two or three. ----- It's better for the fish that way.------Good luck.----PeeTee
2007-06-28 09:38:45
answer #1
answered by PeeTee 7
Get a couple more of cories because they are schooling fish. I think if you get more serpae tetras and maybe a school of cherry barbs, then you should be fine.
If your tank is new, don't add anything for atleast 2 months while your tank cycles. If it is already cycled, then you could add almost any fish that don;t grow to 8 inches or so. I prefer to have an angelfish for that size tank. He will be the dominant one and keep things in line.
Also, try some kuhli loach. Just remember to keep holes covered in your tank because they like to get out.
WARNING! I have heard that serpae tetra are fin nippers. SO, be careful and cautios on what you want for them. DON'T GET FISH WITH LONG FINS OR SLOW MOVING FISH!
Good luck with your tank.
2007-07-02 10:17:10
answer #2
answered by Chris 5
Well serpes are mid to lower level and cories are strictly bottom level fish so go for something top level like a school of bloodfin tetra or pearl or danios. There are other varieties of top dwellers as well, I just think these colors will compliment what you already have. Whatever you choose, I recommend you a top dweller to even out your tank. Helps eliminate competition for space and also just looks nicer.
2007-06-28 16:33:35
answer #3
answered by ibewhoever@yahoo.com 4
ah dont get angels! unless you plan on feeding your tetras to him. angels will eat anything that can fit into their mouths, plus a 20 is way to small for angels.
if you want nice colors, id go with silver-tipped tetras. they're a nice shiny silvery color. you have the light color on the bottom, the red in the middle, and the iridescent on top. id go with a small school, 4-6.
2007-07-02 13:27:39
answer #4
answered by Kerri 2
Get a male Dwarf Gourami and 2 females of the same species, you might even get little Gouramis if you are lucky ; ). Or you could try a small group of Yo-yo Loaches (3-5), they get about 4 inches and would be very active and not nippy (not to be confused with Clown Loaches which get about a foot long). Good luck!
2007-06-28 16:28:51
answer #5
answered by nosoop4u246 7
angels are pretty, even though i have a hard time caring for them....
2007-06-28 16:26:02
answer #6
answered by trl. 5