because she's the head of the church of england and one just doesn't do that sort of thing does one ????? queen lizzie is obviously an exception to the rule......after all didn't her son end up marrying a horse after he dumped princess diana.....they're all MAD raving MAD
2007-06-27 11:47:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well first do you want to get beheaded ,this is a very controversial question ,but here are the facts the queen is the head of the church of England so to allow a Muslim to enter into the royal bloodline would jeopardize anything to do with that religion ,a bit like the pope having a Jewish brother,so the next head of the church of England would have had a half brother that was Muslim when prince Phillip married the queen he gave up his Greek orthodox religion but this was something which is not allowed in a Muslim religion so therefore Dianna would have become Muslim ergo sum Muslim religion in the church of England .this decision to marry Dodi fayed would have in my opinion probably been good for the Muslim and christian community of great Britain and might of brought more understanding between these groups, but now we will never know , my mother married into a different religion and it was a small scandal to her family but that was all ,nobody even knew that my mother was Jewish and she married my father who is Church of England ,my father wasn't bothered about changing religion but my mum said the registry was quicker so they got married church of England and my philosophy is live and let live whatever religion you choose as long as your a nice person it doesn't matter
2007-06-27 08:06:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Prince Philip was of royal blood, and was also a descendant of Queen Victoria. Dodi Al-Fayed was a commoner and not of royal or aristocratic blood.
Also as the head of the Church of England, the Queen cannot support the introduction of a Muslim into the Royal Family, even from a divorced adulteress like Diana.
2007-06-27 08:11:58
answer #3
answered by Nebulous 6
Grahameholly covered most points for me, but I will add this..
Look at the measures the royal family have gone to to exclude Catholics from ascension, so they are not about to let some muslim wideboy with an upstart egyptian dad crash the party are they?
When the Monarch is crowned, they swear an oath to God to uphold the Church, it can be said they are true to their word..
2007-06-27 08:53:14
answer #4
answered by Peter B 4
Before making stupid comments look up half caste. If your mother was a Scot and your Father was English would you be a half caste?
2007-06-27 11:46:50
answer #5
answered by JT 4
The last time I checked Britian was not being threatened by the Greeks.
2007-06-27 14:47:33
answer #6
answered by ? 5
well for starters,prince phillip was not greek ,he was a mix of english danish ,the only greek bit of him was by name only ,nothing more nothing less,
2007-06-27 18:54:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Coz they're @ war with muslim countries so it just wouldn't be right!
2007-06-27 20:27:14
answer #8
answered by lulu_rocks_socks 2
Can you imagine a Muslim becoming a King? LOL. The whole world would laugh at the British for such a dismay.
Nevertheless, they killed Princess Di for sure. "One day I hope we will find out the truth. I hope the Princes Willian and Harry will go after them and kick all of their butts. LOL
2007-06-27 07:50:08
answer #9
answered by angelikabertrand64 5
you mean the british queen who is actually from a german family, who married prince philippos of greece and denmark?
2007-06-27 11:56:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous