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you have to actually think about this question. so many people i know have answered it wrong

2007-06-26 19:04:36 · 23 answers · asked by Quid 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

23 answers

Well, there is no perfection.
And presance isn't a word.

2007-06-26 19:07:01 · answer #1 · answered by pepper 7 · 3 1

I would think that a perfect person would be enjoyable to be around. That is of course dependant on the person that they are around.

A perfect person would be friendly and compassionate, funny knowledgeable and wise (please note that this definition of perfection is generated against what our society views as good qualities). However as a part of this a perfect person would also be able to do anything that they put their mind too. If the person who was around the perfect person was competitive then it would seem that their perfection is taunting the one who is not perfect. They may attempt to compete and always lose growing angrier and angrier, which may lead to violence or depression.

On the other hand a perfect person, as stated above would never have to apply themselves as hard as non-perfect people. This would mean that they would seem to breeze through many things that the rest of us find hard. This would alienate the perfect person from everyone else. This may mean that the perfect person would need to hide their perfection by making intentional mistakes to prevent this, and by their nature they would be willing to do so to make us feel better about ourselves and to prevent alienation.

After all is said and done, I think that a perfect person would be good to be around in a social situation, like over coffee, but not in a professional or competitive situation.

Hope this helps.

2007-06-27 02:21:09 · answer #2 · answered by Arthur N 4 · 1 1

Different people got different definitions for the word perfect. Personally, I think nobody is perfect. Your spelling of the word presence is actually a concrete proof that each and everyone of us is prone to flaws. But, IF there is such thing as that, I will definitely enjoy to be with that somebody especially if he is very kind (well he should be since he is perfect right?) I will surely learn a lot of lessons from that perfect man.

2007-06-27 02:26:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There's no wrong answer to this question.
I think that if the person is condescending, I'd find it mean and really annoying.
Even if they aren't condescending, it makes me feel inferior and kinda jealous. :) I know I shouldn't be, but sometimes I am. Well, actually, nobody's perfect, but there are perfectionist people pretty close to perfect out there. If someone's trying really hard to be something they're not and going out of their way to be perfect, I'd tell them to chill out and they're fine the way they are.

PS- ya spelled presence wrong! :) Lol now I'm acting like a perfectionist... :)

2007-06-28 23:46:16 · answer #4 · answered by Tigger_Gal 2 · 0 1

I'm generally very tolerant of people who are either "too good" or "too bad". So I don't think I would find them annoying, but then they probably wouldn't be my first choice of friend to hang out with on the weekend.

On the other hand, if they're perfect, they're probably Jesus, so I think I would start praying immediately if I came across such a person.

2007-06-27 03:13:57 · answer #5 · answered by Born at an early age 4 · 0 1

i beg your pardon? how can you possibly say there is a right or wrong answer to this question? and that you know what it is? why are you asking us then, by the way?

someone truly perfect, i would have to assume would be someone like Jesus or the Buddha, in which case i very much doubt they would be annoying. someone who THINKS they are perfect, you bet, annoying to the max. other than that, there is no such thing, except on a totally subjective level.

2007-06-27 02:14:10 · answer #6 · answered by KJC 7 · 1 1

it annoys me. very much. there is a girl i know and to everyone she is perfect and we used to be best friends. In our class we were #1 and #2. i was #2. She didnt do any outside sports and such. I did. She studying all the time and had no life. Everyone praised her but it made me sick because i am just as smart but i want to have fun and enjoy my life. Maybe I am too competitve but to me, perfection is a bad thing because everyone shys away. It is too annoying to be with a person who makes you look flawed

2007-06-27 14:40:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would enjoy the company of such people. In fact, such company is what look for. Such people may be taxing at times, but that is a small price to pay. There are those who say that in the presence of such people, one becomes aware of shortcomings, therefore uncomfortable. I would welcome such awareness. The admission of ignorance is the first step to wisdom. It is better to know of a problem by the way of a friendly audience than by other circumstances.

2007-06-27 02:15:39 · answer #8 · answered by epistemology 5 · 0 1

well, first off, your spelling of "presence" is wrong.

just kidding man

Um.. you can't really enjoy someone who is both perfect and annoying. If he's perfect, he can't be annoying. But I'd enjoy being with someone who is annoying, but i actually LIKE.

But perhaps your question was that the person WAS perfect and not any more now??

2007-06-27 02:09:20 · answer #9 · answered by jim 1 · 2 1

If the person annoyed me, then by MY definition, they aren't perfect.

Heaven is supposed to be enjoyable, so I certainly hope I will enjoy being in the presence of my perfect God.

2007-06-27 02:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by cop350zx 5 · 2 1

Every one is perfect exactly the way that they are.

Imperfect is an idea, a subjective judgment based on perception.

Love and blessings Don

2007-06-27 06:45:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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