-Make healthcare available to all children - at least
-Improve education by giving them more books and supplies
-Alter the tax system - giving less breaks to the rich, more to middle class
-Middle East relations - Annex Gaza to Egypt and West bank to Jordan and let them deal with the Palestinians. Iraq - ah, heck if I know.
- Stop dependence on foreign oil
- Make restrictions on outsourcing jobs
- Stop the Illegal Immigrant problem by not giving them social services and allowing their babies automatic citizenship
- Deal with environmental concerns in polluted areas
- Decriminalize vice crimes and regulate it, i.e. drugs and prostitution
- Take away governments power to invade the privacies of all American citizens in areas including medical and other personal matters
I guess I sound like a Democrat. Oh wait, I am.
2007-06-26 16:56:22
answer #1
answered by Eisbär 7
1. Enforce the law and secure the border.
2. Cease all campaign contributions.
3. Stop all subsidies to oil companies.
4. New term limits for every person in office, now, and in the future.
5. Change the tax code.
6. Mandatory 3 year military service, no exceptions.
7. Demolish every car pool lane and toll road.
8. Build more freeways and use the taxes people already pay to build them.
9. Mandate that there be 3 or more forms of fuel(hydrogen, electric, ethanol, I don't really care) for automobiles and that none of them exceed fifty cents a gallon.
10. Stop the political war in Iraq. Let the military do it's job and blow the whole country off the globe if necessary. Get in, Get out...and Go Home!
2007-06-26 17:14:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
1. ILLEGAL aliens should be made to return to their country; very few exceptions.
2. If there is no fence to be built between mexico and the United States, there should be patrols on horseback 24 hours a day(so that every inch of border is constantly covered).
3. Abortions should be illegal.
4. Homosexual couples should not be granted benefits like married heterosexual couples receive (also, NO legal marriages of homosexuals).
5. Federal income tax will be abolished and replaced by the Fair Tax. This would be more equitable for everyone and, at least the illegals would be paying their fair share of tax!
6. At least 2 more oil refineries would be built; we really probably need 3 more (minimum).
7. The proposed roads from Mexico thru Canada would be abolished. This is not a good idea (at least not now).
8. The proposal to let 18-wheeler trucks from Mexico go anywhere in the United States (with any cargo) would be wiped off the books and abolished!
9. Farmers would once again be allowed to grow hemp! This would solve a multitude of problems: eliminate any shortage in paper supply, more durable clothes, more healthy food, stopping the destruction of our forests (including rainforests).. the list goes on and on.
10. More authority and personnel would be granted to local police and highway patrol to crack down on the multitude of aggressive drivers. Something needs to be done about all the out of control drivers....passing on the right hand side, driving up to 80 mph or more on city streets and following too close to the car in front (just to name a few of the everyday problems in many areas).
And as your next president, I pledge to you that all of these things will be implemented within my first 90 days in office!
2007-06-26 17:06:00
answer #3
answered by AgsFan 5
1. Repeal the income tax
2. Abolish the IRS
3. establish the flat tax giving all wage earners an immediate 30% raise in take home pay to pay the 23% sales tax.
4. round up the illegal aliens and give them four choices
a. Serve in the Military for four years to earn their citizenship at full military pay.
b. Serve as a reconstruction worker over seas in places like Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, Etc. for six years at minimum wage to earn their citizenship.
c. Incarcerate them and have them build our security fence.
d. Go back to their own country. If they return they should face the death penalty.
5. Institute 6 months of universal military service for all American Citizens to provide them all with combat training so we can better defend ourselves.
6. Disband the Federal Reserve traversty
7. Decrease the excessive Federal regulations returning the powers reserved to the states to the states. This should cut the federal budget in half.
8. Balance the federal budget.
9. Impeach any judge who is not a strict constitutionalist.
10. Finance reform of elections by limiting contributions to real voters who can vote for the individual. This would eliminate corporate donations, foreign donations, Labor union donations, PAC's and a whole host of other groups. Any individual would be allowed to give any amount they wanted.
2007-06-26 17:31:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1. Investigate 9/11
2. Kick Israeli lobbiest out of the Washington
3. Regulate media so that six companies don't own every single media outlet in the country
4. Repeal the Patriot Acts I and II
5. Reinstate Habeaus Corpus and repeal HR6166
6. Update campaign finance laws
7. Abolish the Federal Reserve
8. Make the CIA and FBI more transparent or at least a total overhaul
9. Don't allow the media to broadcast fake news
10. Heavy penalties for corporations that hire illegal aliens (1 million per violation)
2007-06-26 17:07:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
0. Reduce & eliminate some taxes.
1. Stop the wars.
2. Stop inflation by going on the constitutional mandated Gold standard.
3. Figure out an affordable health care plan.
4. Help organize the state by state malitia.
5. Put pressure on Mexico to go on the Silver standard, to keep Mexicans working in Mexico.
6. Lower gas prices by re-organizing the way wholesale oil is bought.
7. Focusing on raising more food to export.
8. Re-start the peace corp, to the point it was.
9. Encourage more private schools.
10. Remove some gvt. restrictions on local manufacturing & small start up companies.
2007-06-26 17:03:43
answer #6
answered by beesting 6
not in any order...
1. strict immigration laws
2. English WOULD be the national language
3. Known terrorists would be put to death
4. Prayer in schools.
5. Welfare would have a time limit, and would include mandatory education. (not in disability cases)
6. No gay marriage; ever.
7. Repeat child molesters would be given life sentences w/ no parole.
8. Raise taxes on the richest 5% only.
9. Lower gasoline prices.
10. kick Hillary out of office
2007-06-26 18:01:51
answer #7
answered by 1901pink 4
1. VP cooperates with Congress.
2. AG cooperates with Congress.
3. Participation in international collaborations re global warming
4. Eliminate Military Commissions and revert to US court system, with habeas corpus restored
5. National industrial policy
6. Managed trade
7. Curtail H1B visas
8. European and Middle East summit on Iraq
9. Spearhead permanant two-state solution for Israel and Palestine
10. More cowbell.
2007-06-26 16:46:27
answer #8
answered by ? 6
In order to run for a political office in this country, one has to be born here.
Have a least one long range nuclear missile aimed at every country on the planet. Just in case, ya know?
Americans in college can't protest anything. Drop out of college if you want to protest something. You're too stupid and naive to have a valid opinion of the world.
The FBI can and will seek you out if you are foreign born and give reason for law-abiding Nationals in the US to think you are up to no good.
Wire-tapping doesnt need a court order.
If you complain about the US, you'd better be able to recite the bill of rights from memory while in your cell.
There will be no displays of foreign flags unless on a national holiday...like St Patrick's Day.
Pro-Abortionists have to work at least 40 hours a week in a real job.
Liberals have to pay 1% extra in income taxes because they seem to be the most alarmed by unfair tax laws.
Last, but certainly not least....round everyone up by city, county, and state and question them for hours about their allegiance to the US. If they pass...ok
2007-06-26 17:13:26
answer #9
answered by sean1201 6
#1 Never let Bush be in any type of political job ever again
#2 Outlaw guns for everyone except law enforcement and military
#3 Make hunting animals illegal and fur wearing
#4 Make sure that if you are an immigrant coming to this country that you have most and all of the rights that the American people have
#5 Make sure that all people are equal no matter what and that they have freedom of speech, because right now that doesn't seem like it's happening
#6 I would make sure that every person has a good education because that's also not going so well in this country
# 7 Pay teachers a really high salery because they deserve to get payed more than they are getting now
# 8 Give every person in the country free hybrid vehicles
# 9 Make saving the earth #1 priority (saving green things and animals and natury stuff like that and helping poor people in other countries)
# 10 Give lots of funding to help find cures for diseases like TB and AIDS
2007-06-26 16:57:00
answer #10
answered by super61189 2