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Please name a few that you recommend watching and why.

2007-06-26 15:08:05 · 8 answers · asked by Glamourous_Girl 5 in Entertainment & Music Movies

8 answers

Hi there .There were a lot of classic movies from that period.That was when Hollywood new how to make memorable movies ,not like to-days efforts.Anyway here are a few of my favourites;

ALL ABOUT EVE Bette Davis and Anne Baxter fight it out together on the screen with Bette's usual dominating presense .One of her best performances (1950)

AFRICAN QUEEN Bogie and Hepburn great to-gether ,great movie ,what more can be said? (1951)

A PLACE IN THE SUN probably Montgomery Clift's best performance. A really great movie. (1951)

HIGH NOON great westen with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly,terrific acting.(1952)

SHANE one of the all time great westens with Alan Ladd.(1953)

ON THE WATERFRONT. Marlon Brando. great movie !(1954)

A STAR IS BORN musical ,starring Judy Garland.Any movie with Judy was worth watching Great singer.(1954)

REAR WINDOW Grace Kelly and James Stewert .One of Hitchcock's best with suspense and surprise and great pairing of Stewert and Kelly to top it off.(1954)

OKLAHOMA! everyone knows this favourite musical(1955)

REBEL WITHOUT A COURSE .must see movie starring James Dean and Natalie Wood . Dean's moody performance as the troubled teen is electrifying .One to definitely see.(1955)

GIANT a great movie about strife,racial bigotry and conflict between cattle barons and newly rich oil tycoons.Starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean (who died not long after the movie was finished) Need i say more?(1956)

THE SEARCHERS .great weston with John Wayne ,Natalie Wood.beautiful photography (Monument Valley) 1956

THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. everyone knows this one i'm sure .Magnificent sets ,costumes, and of course the famous "parting of the Red Sea".Still one of the best of all time movies.(1956)

BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI.world war 2 drama about building a bridge in Burma.Starring Alec Guinnes,and William Holden. Great action and suspense movie.(1957)

12 ANGRY MEN.movie about juriors at a trial who can't agree on a verdict. This is how a movie should be made !(1957)

CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF.starring Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman . Great performances by Liz and Paul as they fight with each other and sizzle on the screen.Burl Ives also great .One not to be missed.(1958)

NORTH BY NORTHWEST another great movie by Hitchcock starring Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint in a cat and mouse drama with the now famous crop dusting scene always a pleasure to see.(1959)

BEN-HUR what more is there to say?Winner of 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture (1959)

2007-06-26 15:38:02 · answer #1 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 2 0

i'm not sure there all from the 1950s but there old! so here goes..

1.Gone with the wind- just because its a classic and u must see it
2. Roman Holiday - sooo lovely and romantic
3. Boathouse - jus watch it!
4.Breakfast at tiffanys
5. Ben hur
6. Forgot the name but its tht movie where audrey hepburn leans english

2007-06-26 15:19:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Long, Long Trailer with Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball (why?because I Love Lucy)
Cheaper By The Dozen and its sequel Bells on Their Toes
Peyton Place
We're No Angels
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Father of the Bride

What are some of your favorites?

2007-06-26 15:40:06 · answer #3 · answered by ch 2 · 0 0

"Funny Face", starring Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn
"All About Eve", starring Bette Davis
"The Trouble With Harry", by Hitch
"Rear Window", by Hitch
the original "Sabrena", starring Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden
"On The Town", starring Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra
"The Black Board Jungle" featuring "Rock Around The Clock"
"Stallag 17", starring William Holden

2007-06-26 16:55:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

North by Northwest

All because they are awesome, and AFI put them in the top 100 greatest movies of all time.

2007-06-26 15:18:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know but John Wayne have excellent movies... I don't know if they are made in the 50's or not but I love them... He is funny...

2007-06-26 15:34:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lengthy gone with the Wind Scarlett and Rhett~*SIGH* that's a lengthy action picture, in spite of the undeniable fact that it quite would not experience that way. Casablanca This action picture would not have labored, in spite of the undeniable fact that it did and became between the main suitable American movies made. The Warner Bros. actors furnish all-around dazzling performances. The Max Steiner rating is vast, and the script glints. Rebecca We on no account see even a image of the deceased Rebecca, into whose kinfolk Laurence Olivier brings Joan Fontaine, his timid bride. Then, the housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers, starts her browbeating marketing campaign. Stella Dallas This tearjerker stars Barbara Stanwyck and Anne Shirley. some human beings would think of that is sappy, in spite of the undeniable fact that that is candy and touching. Stanwyck does a stunning job of bringing this brassy, tough-around-the-edges woman to lifestyles, and Anne Shirley is the sweetest daughter. the skinny guy William Powell and Myrna Loy are so dazzling at the same time and so humorous that the secret would not look all that significant. they are humorous, state-of-the-paintings and regularly tipsy~him greater suitable than her. there is an entire series of flicks, the 1st 2 being the main suitable. I Married a Witch lengthy in the past there became into Bewitched, there became into this friendly comedy starring Veronica Lake and Fredric March. She desires to take vengeance on him because of the fact he's the descendant of the guy who had her and her father carried out for witchcraft. issues do not circulate as deliberate. revolt and not utilizing a reason in case you have not considered a James Dean action picture, that's the single first of all. such countless youthful male stars owe plenty to James Dean. whilst he died, in user-friendly terms considered one of his starring movies, East of Eden, have been launched. revolt and vast have been launched after his dying. Natalie timber and Sal Mineo are his costars. i understand there are such countless others that would desire to be coming to suggestions. Did you have any specific variety in suggestions: comedy, drama, secret, romance?

2017-01-23 05:49:48 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Apart from some of the ones already mentioned (Roman Holiday, The African Queen, All About Eve, North By Northwest), I would recommend these! Some of them go back a little bit before (and after) the 50's but that doesn't affect their quality in the least!

Sabrina (1954)
This is one of my all-time favourites and with the perfect cast, all of which were Oscar-winners prior to the film (Audrey Hepburn for Roman Holiday, Humphrey Bogart for The African Queen and William Holden for Stalag-17), it will be one of yours too!)

The Maltese Falcon (1941)
EXCELLENT detective flick!! The complex plot is hardly discouraging due to the gripping performances of Humphrey Bogart and (especially) Mary Astor. Of its kind it has never been bettered.

The Third Man (1949)
Harry Lime (Orson Welles) is dead...or is he? An old friend (Joseph Cotton) investigates the mysterious disappearance and is more than a little surprised by what he finds out...

The Best Years of our Lives (1946)
3 WW2 veterans returning home, each faced with different personal problems but also the difficulty of re-adjusting to society, this films justifies its high rating on imdb.com. Starring Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Dana Andrews and Teresa Wright.

The Thin Man (1934)
Detective film with a sharp streak of comedy! William Powell and Myrna Loy investigate the disappearance of an eccentric inventor. The rest of the series are pretty good too, the second (After the Thin Man), starring a young James Stewart.

Grand Hotel (1932)
A reviewer said that "if you want to see what screen glamour used to be, and what originally 'stars' were, this is perhaps the best example of all time". Stars the enigmatic Garbo, John Barrymore and Joan Crawford (who steals the show as the scheming stenographer) in one of her earliest appearances.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Frank Capra's masterpiece with James Stewart, who naively takes on a group of ruthless politicians out to destroy his reputation and good intentions, co-starring Jean Arthur.

Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Cary Grant loses a dinosaur fossil and a leopard in the same day thanks to zany heiress, Katharine Hepburn, in the greatest screwball of them all! REALLY funny!

Brief Encounter (1945)
David Lean and Noel Coward combined to make this, one of the greatest love stories ever put to the screen (other favourites of mine being Casablanca and Roman Holiday) It is without clichés and tells the story of a happily married woman who is tempted to get involved with another man (Trevor Howard in one of his first roles). This film is absolutely flawless and of all the films I have listed here, this one is ESSENTIAL.

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Marlon Brando stars with Vivien Leigh in the film that made him a star. Based on the play by Tennessee Williams, this is very different to rest of the films I've mentioned. Slightly more psychological with excellent suspense and a sizzling atmosphere!

Wait Until Dark (1967)
Speaking of atmosphere, you HAVE to watch this film. I just watched it last week and was shocked by Audrey Hepburn's unequalled performance as the blind Susy Hendrix who has to defend herself and outsmart three drug smugglers who are convinced that a heroin-stuffed doll lies in her possession. One of her slightly later works and not as old as the others (1967), she's as beautiful and convincing as ever but be warned: there are genuine jump-out-of-your-seat-moments!...

Dial M for Murder (1954)
One of Hitchcock's best, I just watched this last night! Ray Milland plans the "perfect murder" of his wife (Grace Kelly) and when this fails, he resorts to an EXCELLENT, meticulously well-formed "Plan B"...

Rebecca (1940)
Hitchcock gained his one and only Oscar nomination for this film which has become synonymous with the genre of "romance-suspense". Great performances by the innocent Joan Fontaine as "the second Mrs. de Winter" and the sinister Laurence Olivier as her new husband, Maxim.

Sunset Boulevard (1950)
A realistic story with Gloria Swanson as the "ageing silent-film queen" and William Holden who unwittingly stumbles upon her grand mansion. The great thing about this film (which I recommend HIGHLY) is that Ms. Swanson practically acts as a parody of herself. The film features other silent stars such as Buster Keaton and director Cecil B. DeMille as themselves. You really have to see it to realise how cool the whole idea of the film is. Simply put, it's a film about the people who make the films.

The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Katharine Hepburn is engaged...but is attracted to James Stewart (who won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role), the photographer assigned to her high society wedding, and just maybe in love with Cary Grant, her divorcee. A great story

From Here To Eternity (1953)
This, the original Pearl Harbour story features excellent performances from Montogomery Clift, Burt Lancaster, Donna Reed and Frank Sinatra (who both won Oscars for their supporting roles). It is a powerful and compelling character development within the context of a story that is credible and makes sense.

Strangers on a Train (1951)
One of Hitchcock's finest.
A psychotic fan (Robert Walker) tries to convince a tennis star (Farley Granger) to "swap murders" with him- each will kill the other's intended victim. When Granger refuses the proposal, Walker decides to implement the plan anyway...

Now, Voyager (1942)
Bette Davis gives one of her greatest performances as a Boston spinster engages in a doomed love affair with Paul Henried when she learns that she can be beautiful.

Dark Victory (1939)
Probably one of my favourite films, Bette Davis gives yet ANOTHER of her wonderful performances in her biggest box-office hit at the time, starring as a dying heiress diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor who intends to live her life to the full.

Charade (1963)
Stanley Donen (mentioned below) showed his versatility in directing this ever-engaging story which combined suspense, murder-mystery and romance in one of my favourite films ever, starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. I won't confuse you by trying to rhyme off the plot but I can guarantee you that you'll be pleasantly surprised by this entertaining gem!

I was never much of a fan of musicals...then I saw THESE!:

An American in Paris (1951)
Minnelli's direction triumph's once more in this wonderful musical, complete with Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron and an unforgettable Gershwin score. The highlight of the film is the ballet sequence which features artistic backdrops and spectacular choreography. All in all, a must-see!

Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Even people who don't like musicals love this story of the difficult transition from silents to talkies! In the American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest musicals of all time (compiled in 1998) Singin' in the Rain hit #10. In this year's annniversary edition, it moved up to #5! Needless to say, it is also #1 on the AFI's list of the 25 greatest musicals!

Funny Face (1957)
Especially for Audrey Hepburn fans! Stanley Donen (who co-directed Singin' in the Rain with Gene Kelly) directed this film at Paramount- a studio not known for the musical genre. The sparkling Gershwin score combined with deep, colourful visuals make this story of a small book-seller's rise to fame as a fashion model a warm and memorable one.

Easter Parade (1948)
One of Judy Garlands last hey-day performances opposite Fred Astaire. The songs are simply wonderful and will stick in your mind for a LONG time after having seen it. The uplifting Irving Berlin score is used to PERFECTION!

I hope you find a few films here that suit your taste!

2007-06-27 09:16:29 · answer #8 · answered by Barbarian 2 · 0 0

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