No one will ever replace Elway in Denver. I just moved out year last year and Elway is GOD out here. These guys used to back Plumber, but when he wasn't doing good they chanted for Cutler. Just give it time and they will be chanting for some other QB to come in and fill his spot!!
2007-06-26 10:51:19
answer #1
answered by willhoitejohn 2
I love this question! I am a big John Elway fan and had to endure the NFC East and the Niners beating the Broncs back in the 80's and 90's. John Elway will always be great, would've been a great center fielder for the Yankees too, but before he was great he was a good QB. People raved about his mobility and the ability to throw on the run. His athletism changed the way defenses played the game with spy schemes and Robber technique cover schemes.
Cutler is not that type of QB and that is what will make him special. He has a strong arm and though he played in Vanderbuilt that is still an SEC program and I believe that is the toughest conference in all of college football. He started over 40 games in college that ran the option so he's not one to be soft and neither was Elway so that's awesome.
Cutler set the school record for touchdowns and rushing yards by a freshman and rushed for more yards than any other SEC quarterback in 2002, victories over Wake Forest, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Richmond, and Tennessee and scored the second most points ever against Florida at their home field at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. That was his final year in college that shows me that he's battle tested and not a quitter. Elway didn't win anything at Stanford either and with the likes of Walker, Henry, Baby TO and Graham on the field, just hold those blocks and watch the kid grow.
I am excited because Elway finished his career great and did it in the 4th quarter. I want Cutler to write his own book and look forward to the next 15 years watching him do it.
"If this guy can take a bunch of future doctors and lawyers and had them competing against the Florida Gators, this guy is a stud."--John Lynch
Promise land? If Big Ben did it soon into his career, well I don't see why we can't. Hand the rock, shut down their WR and we'll see game by game!
Regarding the last game in the season that got us kicked out of the playoff. Bell fumbled because he was facemasked and no flag was thrown but he will always be diagnosed with incurable fumblitis. Bastard. But that was our playoff and I liked what I saw from my future QB. He came back from a concussion! Don't see Eli Manning doing things like that!
2007-06-26 21:21:33
answer #2
answered by dcrespo7 2
Too early to tell. The easy answer is no since Elway is the greatest QB of all time and nobody can match up to that. Elway had a very tough first year. In 1983, his rookie season, he played in 11 games and completed only 47.5% of his passes with 7 TD's against 14 INT's. Cutler played 5 games last year, his rookie season, had a 59.1% of completions, threw 9 TD's versus 5 INT's. So his stats are better, sure. But again, 5 games doesn't tell much. He does have a terrific arm, is very bright, is coachable, and a great leader. So he has the qualities needed. Will lighting strike twice? Check back in 5-10 years.
2007-06-26 10:54:08
answer #3
answered by Ricola 2
Let me tell all of you Bronco haters something, especially you BreesMVP, Broncos fans are not bandwagon/ fair weather fans. You wanna see some bandwagon fans? Go to NEW ORLEANS, San Diego, or New England. Nobody started representing for these teams until they started winning. Broncos fans are there for their team regardless.
I've always liked Jake Plummer and I never acted like he was the greatest QB to suit up for Denver and I was happy with what he did while he was in Denver, but the fact remains that Jake just didin't get the Broncos to where they wanted to be, and therefore Cutler replaced him. Now, Cutler will be good, but there will only be ONE John Elway. Enough said.
I'm a hardcore Broncos fan and I have to admit Broncos fans need to not dwell on John Elway so much, the man hasn't suited up in the Orange and Blue for ten years. While I am thankful for all he did for Denver and it should NEVER be forgotten by Broncos fans or any other NFL fan, Broncos fans do need to quit comparing these new, young Denver QB's to Elway. It's an unfair comparison.
2007-06-28 05:00:22
answer #4
answered by Ro Daddy 56 4
Cutler could be the second greatest QB of all time and still wouldn't be as good as Elway. I do think Cutler will have a great career though. Had a great rookie season coming in late in the year, looked a lot more impressive than Leinart or Young. I think he can take Denver back to the promise land.
2007-06-26 11:04:08
answer #5
answered by bpmcwalters 2
Denver Bronco fans are so fickle. You want to talk about some fairweather/band wagon fans you've got them right there at Mile High. Jake Plummer was a GOD the year before last when he put up all of those great numbers and went so long without an interception but as soon as he has a bad outing in the AFC Championship (his team fell apart as well in that game) suddenly he is just the worse quarterback in Denver history. Denver fans LOVED Jake "The Snake" when he was doing good but as soon as he had a few bad games and there was a new quarterback in the depth behind him... the fans saw it fit to replace him. Denver Bronco fans are as two faced as they come and will never be satisfied with ANYBODY who dawns the blue and orange under center unless their last name is Elway. Oh and to answer the question... no I don't think Jay Cutler is going to be anywhere near as good as Denver fans HOPE he will.
2007-06-26 12:18:19
answer #6
answered by ? 6
sorry, but I have to answer your question with a resounding "NO!" Elway had the poise, mobility, play-making, pin-point accurate arm that few QB's in history ever had. Cutler can definitely lead the Broncos to a Super Bowl or two in a few years, but he is not, and will not be, as dominant as Elway. Whenever the Comeback Kid stepped on the field trailing by 7, you knew he'd get you that game tying touchdown... It's not that Cutler isn't a great QB, but it's that Elway's greatness isn't fazed by the QB's of today.
2007-06-26 10:55:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Cutler has a lot of same physical talents that Elway had but can he produce when needed, in the clutch, in do or die situations like Elway did time after time. That is what Cutler has to prove to himself and the team.
2007-06-26 11:39:52
answer #8
answered by ndmagicman 7
No John Elway one of the Top 5 qbs of all time and my all time favorite. I like cutler but he wont be as good as Elway. I would say as good as Brett Farve maybe
2007-06-26 11:06:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Broncos fans - won't ever be happy until Elway puts a uniform back on. No QB that comes in to play for Denver is going to be another John Elway. I don't understand what is so hard for Donkey fans to grasp about this.
2007-06-26 11:04:03
answer #10
answered by DoReidos 7