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I started watching college football for the first time last season, and was suitably impressed. Now I'm thinking about following a specific team.

Ideas, please. State your favourite, and give me a GOOD reason or reasons as to why I should support them. Whoever shows the most initiative in their answer (as well as gives me good objective reasons) will be chosen as the Best.

2007-06-26 08:26:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

I feel that I should clarify something. I'm an American Football fan born and raised here in the UK. Had an interest in the NFL since the 1980s, and been a devoted Packers fan since 1997.

I only had the chance to watch college ball for the first time last season, so geographical location isn't important. You have to remember that your sport is global, and many people from across the world are into it.

I just hope I don't get hated on now that I have revealed myself to be a Brit.

2007-06-26 08:47:27 · update #1

Thanks for all of your opinions, and for your passion in promoting the cause of your favourite teams. You're definitely in a different class to people who just follow the pro game and don't really care much for the college sport unless they trying to find out what school the player their team drafted went to.

But my best answer goes to...

2007-06-29 21:59:06 · update #2

20 answers

well Brit, if you want a team with good tradition the choice would have to be PENN STATE, they play in a top conference the big ten, they have the longest active coach in college football with Joe Paterno, plus with a good returning group of players they should finish in the top ten this year if not better, this means you won't be let down with maybe a 1 loss season, plus with the explosive offense they will have and a good defense they will be exciting to watch and listen for the cheer WE ARE PENN STATE WITH 107,000+ AT HOME GAMES CHANTING WILL REMIND YOU OF UK FOOTBALL AN EASY TRANSITION TO A GREAT COLLEGE PROGRAM.

2007-06-26 09:53:14 · answer #1 · answered by buckeyesux 2 · 0 2

It all depends on the style of football that you like. If you like the fast paced, a lot of passing high scoring football I would say watch some Pac 10 football and then pick the team you like the best after watching. The dominant team in that conference is USC who always gets amazing recruiting classes and always pounds on Notre Dame which I thoroughly enjoy. Then there is the Big 10 and the SEC that is more smash mouth football with hard hitting defenses and kind of grind it out good clock management/coaching games. Even as an Ohio State (a big ten team) fan I would say that the SEC is a little more exciting and there is more parody in the conference. Then there are the ACC and Big East which are kind of middle of the road conferences with few strong teams such as Virginia Tech, West Virginia, U of Miami, Florida State and a team on the come up fast is South Florida. I would just watch the conference that fits the style of football you like and then find a team that you like after that. Go bucks...Oh and Michigan still sucks

2016-04-01 05:44:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Picking a college football team to watch/ follow depends a lot on your geographic location, unless you buy the special package where you can see out of market games. I am going to assume that you don't care where the team is that you want to follow.
The best team to get excited about and watch this year will be the Rutgers Scarlet Knights. They are coming off a 11-2 season. They finished tied for second in the Big East, ranked 12th in national standings and beat Kansas State in the Texas Bowl. The Big East as a conference has been fighting for national respect. Last year's Big East champion wasn't crowned until the last weeks of the regular season.
The Knights are solid on defense and balanced on offense. They should be fun to watch again. They are a black horse candidate for a BCS bowl possibly.

2007-06-26 08:40:55 · answer #3 · answered by Coach B 2 · 0 1

Auburn. The forces of goodness in light. Here are several excellent reasons.

1) The SEC is an extremely tough conference, and Auburn plays one of the nation's hardest schedules this year.
2) Auburn has one of the country's best academic achievement rates among its players, which means it is a program that emphasizes work both on and off the field.
3) It is a program that believes very strong in a team approach to the game, rather than nurturing a bunch of spoiled superstar gangstas.
4) A tough fast defense, plus a backfield that routinely sends running backs to the pros.
5) Tradition. From the War Eagle through some of the game's most vaunted players, Auburn football rocks.
6) Hospitality. Unlike a lot of programs that treat visiting teams like dirt, we shower them with hospitality. We believe it says a lot about us.

So have a great time. College football is much more fun to watch than the NFL anyway.

2007-06-26 08:50:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Ive got 2 teams 4 ya.

1. MICHIGAN STATE SPARTANS!!!= My favorite team AND they have had a lot of great players come out from there, but havent had the coaching since Nick Saben left. They are usually in every game AND they made the largest come-from-behind-win in college football HISTORY last year when they were down 38-3 midway through the 3rd quarter and came back to win 41-38. They also r the only team in HISTORY to have 4 players drafted in the top 8 picks, even though it was some 40-60 years ago, lol. They have a good history and played in the famous 10-10 tie game against Notre Dame. I think they will be a great team with Mark Dantonio as head coach because he doesnt let the players get away with ANYTHING

2. TEXAS LONGHORNS!!!=My 2nd favorite team!! NATIONAL CHAMPIONS 2006! They beat USC to end the 33 game winning streak for the Trojans. They lost Vince Young, who is doing a ton for teh Tennessee Titans in the NFL, after his junior year and Texas came out this year w/ Colt McCoy, I think was a red-shirt freshman. They made it to the Alamo Bowl and came-from-behind to beat the Iowa Hawkeyes, McCoy broke many records in that game. Mac Brown is a great coach who really connects w/ the players.

:) So, thats my 2 favorite teams and hope u choose 1 of them

2007-06-26 08:40:19 · answer #5 · answered by biggestmsufan 2 · 0 2

If you really want to enjoy the college football experience, choose a major program as close to home as possible.

That gives you the best chance of sharing your enthusiasm with fellow fans of the same team and also to attend a game, which is an experience you just can't describe on a message board.

I'm in So Cal and I've been a USC fan for years. Lately, we've had some pretty fun parties..

2007-06-26 08:37:38 · answer #6 · answered by Edward 3 · 0 1

I'm a huge Mountaineers fanatic mostly because I'm from West Virginia. Most people that I know just follow local college teams. But I also like them cause not only was Steve Slaton an All American last season but him and Pat White both have a shot at winning the Heisman trophy this coming season and the Mountaineers also have a shot at an undefeated season and a BCS bowl bid.

2007-06-26 08:41:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Best get on the Missouri bandwagon now, because here in November everyone will be jumping on.
Great QB- Chase Daniel
Good RB- Tony Temple
Best tight end tandem in college football- Rucker and Coffman

This is a good up and coming team, should win the big 12 north this year

2007-06-26 14:05:50 · answer #8 · answered by kcchief4l 3 · 0 1

I used to be an Ohio State fan, because I was raised in Ohio. But I moved to Florida about 4 years ago and now I am a Miami Hurricane's fan. (My wife graduated from there)

My advice is to root for a school/city that has some meaning to you. It's hard to just randomly pick a team to root for. I would say whatever major college is closest to where you live. It always sucks to be that one person rooting for the visiting team anyway.

Good luck, you've now joined the sick bunch known as college football fan... lol


2007-06-26 08:36:25 · answer #9 · answered by MDC 3 · 2 1

Any team would be good except for that team that's always dishing out history lessons instead of talking about the last weekend's game... Wasn't a movie made about the last great win they had? Um... Rudy?

2007-06-26 15:40:23 · answer #10 · answered by eno.geo 2 · 0 0

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