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mines when in love honour and obey they are at the gunfight in the scrap yard and one shouts fix bayonets.[havnt heard of it] trust me find it and watch,the bloke forced to eat acid then dog food is good to.lol ,look it up

2007-06-26 08:23:27 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

26 answers

Movie "When Harry Met Sally" the restaurant scene where she fakes an O and the lady at the next table says "I'll have what she's having"

2007-06-26 08:28:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

The Bride vs. The Crazy 88's in Kill Bill Vol. 1

2007-06-26 15:32:01 · answer #2 · answered by Billy W 2 · 2 2

Good Will Hunting:
When Will (Matt Damon) talks about how as a young boy his father used to give him a choice between a belt and a wrench and he would always choose the wrench, he said it gave his father no power over him. Robin Williams's Character tells him that "Its not your fault," and will says I know and Williams says it over and over until he looks him in the eyes and says it and will pushes him and tells him to stop, williams continues to say it and will bursts into tears and williams embraces him, because will finally realizes his family troubles were not his fault... and he had a friend

2007-06-26 15:44:35 · answer #3 · answered by com5t 2 · 0 2

In the The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, when the whole kingdom bowed to the Hobbits.

2007-06-26 15:32:35 · answer #4 · answered by writerchic06 3 · 2 2

When Michael Corleone hugs his brother Fredo while simultaneously giving the "look" (to the mafia soldier) which sealed Fredo's fate. LOVE the Godfather movies. Have seen them all a trillion times.

2007-06-26 15:28:05 · answer #5 · answered by Sabrina 6 · 0 2

Me gots sooo many, can I maybe drop two instead of one...?
1. In The Bond movie 'Die Another Day' - when after Bond shoots thru the manual for the Aston Martin Vanquish, Q shoots him a look and tells him 'I wish I could make you vanish!!'

2. Well...a veeeery teary one from Armaggedeon when Bruce Willis is saying goodbye to his daughter from space. I never knew I had so much tears in me...

2007-06-26 15:39:15 · answer #6 · answered by Bruno Tataglia 3 · 1 3

The first one that came to my head is the bit in Rules Of Attraction where Sean's admirer kills herself...the whole scenes is amazing - the v/o and music and the way it's shot.

There's tone more I love too though :)

2007-06-26 16:36:12 · answer #7 · answered by moon_dust 2 · 0 2

saving private ryan. until then i had no idea of how truly futile and gruesome war is. when they hit the beach, the ramp drops, and the first four rows of soldiers gets laid out by thousands of machine gun rounds. platoon, the thin red line, apocalypse now and even all quiet on the western front had nothing in comparison to the accuracy portrayed in that movie.

2007-06-26 15:57:31 · answer #8 · answered by idrinkway2much 2 · 1 2

Mine is from Terms of Endearment - when Debra Winger's character is dying of cancer in the hospital and she has a final conversation with her two young sons, basically telling them never to forget she loves them and good-bye. Heart-wrenching stuff, so well acted.

Really there are too many good scenes in that movie for me to pick just one, but that's the first one I could synopsize easily to answer your question.

2007-06-26 15:27:59 · answer #9 · answered by Marvelissa VT 6 · 0 3

There are so many....but I would have to say this is one of my favorites: "The Color Purple" - Scene: Oprah Winfrey(Sophia) is marching through the field toward Whoopie Goldberg (Celie) and confronts her: "Miss Celie, you told Harpo to beat me! ....." The scene was poignant in that it expressed how many men she had to protect herself. There are many scenes in this movie that are noteworthy...including the scene when Miss Celie points her finger at her husband (Danny Glover) and tells him that until he treats her right- nothing good is going to happen for him.

2007-06-26 15:48:49 · answer #10 · answered by THE SINGER 7 · 1 2

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