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Rock can be depressing??? That right there shows everyone that you dont know anything about rock music! Maybe if you got your head out of your A** you could listen to the lyrics of the music your trying to listen and understand wtf is going on! Next time do a little research before you criticize something you dont know anything about!

2007-06-26 03:56:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Yes, rock can sometimes be depressing and sad, but the bands play awesome guitar and have wonderful drumming to make the song sound good and actually make the listeners feel good and happy. This question is not very fair, because not ALL rock bands scream, only some choose to do that. And criticizing people's music isn't the way to go, what if someone asked why people listened to your music? How would you feel? And even though the lyrics may be sad, someone out there is probably thinking, I feel the exact same way, I can relate to this. They like it because they can understand what the artist/band went through and they can connect with it. That's why I love rock music.

2007-06-26 06:07:05 · answer #2 · answered by twixette 7 · 0 0

For me, rock music is far from depressing. I find it uplifting.

I love the screaming and shouting. its pure passion and emotion. When an artist is screaming in those songs, the words are coming from the soul.

If I'm angry, I put one of my cd's on and the anger in the lyrics and the music makes me feel better again.
It's kinda like going for a jog to work off steam. or something . lol.

The reason people listen to it is because everyone is different and have different tastes.

give rock a chance. see past all the noise and feel the music instead.

2007-06-26 03:32:02 · answer #3 · answered by gimmesomeboosh 3 · 3 0

First of all you are completely generalizing it as being too depressing when not every song is about being sad...As for the screaming, we all have our preferences and perhaps everyone is not so satisfied listening to some soulless corporate garbage that the radio stations shove down the publics throat that will make a penny because it's filled with catchy lyrics and beats. You may say metals depressing but at least it has some heart...

2007-06-26 03:38:02 · answer #4 · answered by serenity113001 6 · 1 0

I personally LOVE rock music, it can be depressing i suppose but it can also be very good for getting all your anger out. if i have had a bad day at work, i come home put on some rock music and sing or scream along with it at the top of my lungs, makes me feel so much better after!

2007-06-26 03:02:15 · answer #5 · answered by mandy 3 · 3 0

If some of those people are like me... then they feel that they can relate to the lyrics. It's not so much the screaming, but it's the emotion that they put into it. Some bands, for example: Evanescence, write the truth, and they don't try to make music that they think people will want to listen to. They make it realistic, and that's why so many people love them. I have no better answer than that. I hope it helped :-)

2007-06-26 06:29:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any music can be depressing depending on the choice of lyrics and state of mind of the composer. There is NOT too much screaming at all, just because it is not a conventional way of singing doesn't mean to say that it actually isn't singing, it takes a lot of talent to pull off all that so called "screaming"

2007-06-26 05:30:17 · answer #7 · answered by Crimson_Burial 2 · 0 0

Because some people are just open-minded, unlike the first person to answer this question. Rock is not depressing at all, Heavy Metal isn't even depressing most of the time. Besides, there are depressed people out there and they need something to connect with. That connection can be Metal. It's not supposed to sound "pretty", it's supposed to make you want to headbang.

2007-06-26 03:17:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Not all rock music has screaming in it.
I think you have gotten this idea by the HUGE amount of pretty boys prancing around the stage screaming into microphones.

There is a brighter side to Rock Music m'dear.

2007-06-27 06:15:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because so much of it has awesome guitar and/or drum solos. Some of the lyrics are kick-*** (Journey, Def Lep, and others). And sometimes you just need to "bang your head" when you feel frustrated. It's sometimes a way to vent without talking--it's like "reverse venting" where you take in something for your feelings rather than letting it out (by the way, I did just make that term up--

2007-06-26 02:59:43 · answer #10 · answered by Mama Nuveau 4 · 3 0

Everybody has their own taste of music. Some can't handle the screaming , others can. I'm a fan of mostly all music, but I have a rock band. But, rock is what i normally listen to.

2007-06-26 02:54:03 · answer #11 · answered by her0eagle 3 · 3 0

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