For the support-duh! Large breasts are painful when they aren't being supported. Who cares anyhow? How could this possibly be bad for a person? That's a weird question. It's no different than pajamas or underwear.
2007-06-26 02:31:51
answer #1
answered by The Grand Inquisitor 4
Some women like my mom sleep with a bra on because they feel more comfortable sleeping that way. She has a special bra that is designed for sleeping in.
2007-06-26 22:34:48
answer #2
answered by sokokl 7
I agree with the rest of the women who have replied. It is very uncomfortable and I do not even wear one when I am home alone. Who ever sleeps with a bra is because she is just used to it. I do not believe it is bad to wear one all the time.
2007-06-26 02:40:56
answer #3
answered by Emily 2
I used to- but now dont- this is prob as I have v.small boobs- they are only an A cup, I can understand why women who are more ample in bust size sleep with bras on- they are actually comfortable, and give really good support, why would anyone opt to go to bed in pain?!
2007-06-26 02:30:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why is it not good for you? I almost always sleep with a bra on (I wear at 38 DD), I do try to sleep with a sport bra instead of an underwire.
2007-06-26 02:39:26
answer #5
answered by Smiley 6
Apparently many women with very large breasts do as they still need some support to prevent back and neck ache in bed. I've seen some celebs on TV who have said that they nearly always kept a comfy bra on as it helps to prevent drooping and sagging in later life. I tend to keep mine on when I have sore breasts due to PMT, sometimes it's just too painful to let them loose and it doesn't hurt half as much when I turn over in bed at night. Not very sexy but if it helps me get a good nights sleep then that's fine by me. God we talk about everything on here, don't we!
2007-06-26 02:42:05
answer #6
answered by clara 5
What do you mean that just sounds dumb it's not bad if that's where your going with it that's like me saying why do guys go to bed with their boxers on? surely it's not good for you come on be more serious well hey you asked now you know no there's nothing wrong with going to sleep with a bra on what is it really going to do?
2007-06-26 02:32:02
answer #7
answered by REPIN DA 804 2
That sounds very uncomfortable. Some women who have large breasts will sleep with their bra on to help keep them from sagging. Gravity goes to work on all of us.
2007-06-26 02:30:03
answer #8
answered by Soul Shaper 5
Many women sleep in sleeping bras, it eases the pain of fluid retention in the breasts, particularly just before a period.
2007-06-26 02:31:11
answer #9
answered by Ann D 4
I have no idea. The only time I slept with my bra on is when I had my nipple pierced. Most of the time the damn thing comes off as soon as I get home!
2007-06-26 02:28:57
answer #10
answered by MBK 3
I don't! Usually, as soon as it goes on I can't wait to take it off! I would have ordinarily said "no" but when thinking about it, I seem to want mine off because of the back and shoulder pain I have with it when I've worn it all day; so it's possible.
However, it's much more comfortable sleeping with it off!
2007-06-26 06:21:02
answer #11
answered by Ssshhhhhhhh! 2