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DB's are ALOT harder to come by, so I doubt they will cut him. Also, Tank got cut for still getting in trouble. Pacman has not been in trouble since (the last allegation was for his friends, not him).

2007-06-25 09:25:29 · answer #1 · answered by GSingh_56 3 · 6 1

They won't cut Pac-man - ever.

The fact is that if they cut him, they take a huge hit to their salary cap. With Goodell suspending him for the season, they do not have to pay him his salary this year (except signing bonus, which they have to pay even if they do cut him).

The Titans organization is intelligent. They know that right now the law and the NFL Commissioner are doing the dirty work for them. If Pac-man is found guilty on any of the charges against him, he goes to prison and Goodell will likely ban him from a return to the league, meaning the Titans are off the hook for the cap hit and have the option of recouping some of the guarantees they paid out. If nothing comes of the charges and he is aquitted, the Titans will trade him to the first sucker out there who will take him and cut their losses that way.

Adam Jones is the one who has screwed up his life - the Titans are not going to pay for his idiocy.

2007-06-25 17:57:30 · answer #2 · answered by kitchens68 4 · 1 0

He won't be waived by the Titans this year. It's almost certain that he won't be reinstated by the league after 10 games and will have to serve the entire year long suspension. This is costing Tennessee no money, no hit towards the cap. If they waive him, they'll take a big hit on the salary cap that'll hurt them even more next year. I think if they hold out long enough, he'll screw up again and again and earn himself an even longer suspension (possibly lifetime) and then the Titans won't have to worry about him any more. If that doesn't happen, they'll take less of a hit on the salary cap if they release him next year - or maybe they could trade him for a low round draft pick - either way, I don't see him in a Titans uniform next year.

2007-06-25 17:14:31 · answer #3 · answered by DoReidos 7 · 0 0

Titans are not going to release Pacman Jones at this point. Pacman Jones is very valuable to the Titans. A 1st round pick, had a good season and the Titans are still waiting for him to be good off the field. If anything the Titans will cut him after they know that hes out for the whole season. Right now he might come back after the tenth game if he is good. So If anything titans would release him after they know that hes not going to get reinstated after the 10th game.

2007-06-25 16:54:15 · answer #4 · answered by EAGLES 3 · 0 0

Probably not any time soon if he gets off for the Las Vegas thing. He is a very good football player and the Titans know he enhances their chances of winning football games, so he will be given another chance. Many people get angered by this but it is just the way of the world if he was a third string defensive back we would have never heard of him because the first time he got in trouble he would have been bounced from the team.

2007-06-25 16:35:39 · answer #5 · answered by Frank R 7 · 2 0

If he is acquitted, no. The Titans have not cut him yet because they know they have nothing close to his talent. He is a pain and embarrassment to the organization, but DBs with his talent are not easy to find.

And when you face the Colts twice each season you need all the weapons you can get.

Because he has been suspended there is no real reason at this point to cut him. From a PR standpoint they can appear to be fair by leaving him on the roster. They won't owe him anything unless he is acquitted, and if he is acquitted expect for his suspension to be appealed by the NFLPA.

If he is convicted, then the Titans can wash their hands of him and cut him at that time.

2007-06-25 16:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by Gridiron Grapher 3 · 3 1

They won't cut him. He's costing them zero dollars on the cap this year due to his unpaid suspension. His signing bonus is guaranteed money that the team must pay regardless of his suspension status. So what's the point of suspending a talented return man when it's financially foolish to do so? I think the public may demand it on principle if he messes up again, but this is America, and we always give a guy a second chance. Especially if he can help our team win.

2007-06-25 16:29:28 · answer #7 · answered by Wis G 1 · 3 0

They wont. It would be the most idiotic financial move they could possibly make. Pacmans contract is huge and as long as he's suspended, they dont have to pay him. If they cut him though they have to pay off his contract. It makes more sense to go the way the Dolphins did with Ricky Williams after Williams got suspended for doing pot.

2007-06-25 16:47:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is very hard to come up with a dominate corner and return man. I have a feeling the Titans will keep him around for a few more incidents.

2007-06-25 16:26:45 · answer #9 · answered by Terrence W 6 · 4 0

Good point, man. Hopefully soon, but I think they have a lot more invested in him. He was a really high draft pick a few years ago, but Tank was just a 2nd-rounder. So we'll just have to see. If they could trade him, I'd say get what you can for him. He belongs with the Bengals, anyway

2007-06-25 16:23:08 · answer #10 · answered by Richard F 3 · 1 2

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