Well its more than just being from the ghetto. A large part of it is not going to/finishing college. The teams will offer them a seemingly large amount of money and these kids will jump at it. Without any preperation on how to handle money, act respectivly to others, and basically function in society. So there stuck in their old ways without having a mentor or learning in a safe environment. I am a completly different person than who I was before I left for college.
2007-06-25 08:51:46
answer #1
answered by Fenix 4
First let me say that I am NOT racist in ANY way, I am only speaking my true mind about the subject. A lot of NFL players (the NBA has even more) come from the hood. At a young age they found football or basketball or baseball and tried to get good at it so that they could get out of the hood. Because of that a lot of them had to adapt to life in the hood, and stayed that way in the NFL. Like Lenny B said, a lot of these players also get big egos after having a good season or two, and due to that they feel as if they are above the law. I remember a while ago there was a player who got arrested and said to the police "Don't you know who I am?" as if just because he is a football player he can do things others can't. That said, it's actually sadly a bit true that they can do things other "normal" people can't.
2016-05-20 00:51:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
NFL players and lots of celebrities have always done things they shouldn't have. There are two reasons why they get in trouble.
1. More celebrities and players are getting caught now cause there may be less corruption in law enforcement.
2. It's harder to cover up the things they are doing now because they are getting more and more outrageous.
It's really getting out of control!
2007-06-25 08:49:42
answer #3
answered by Katie 3
if you call getting a speeding ticket in trouble w/ the law, then the reason is b/c they are just normal people and people make mistakes
2007-06-25 08:48:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because they feel that they have money and can do what they feel at any given time. They have to realize it's a privilege to play football professionally. And they "mainly the Bengals" take it all for granted.
2007-06-25 08:56:43
answer #5
answered by cbauer_74 1
Because they're normal people that get held up onto pedestals and expected to be role models and all they are, are athletes.
Media=good for nothing
2007-06-25 08:58:19
answer #6
answered by tonydgr8 5
They either don't know what to do with their newfound fame or they develop a "god complex" and do whatever they want, thinking that they can get away with pretty much anything.
2007-06-25 09:34:29
answer #7
answered by chrstnwrtr 7
Like most celeberties they think they can do watever because they have money, EX: Drink + Drive, Drugs etc
2007-06-25 08:44:43
answer #8
answered by ? 1
because so many of them are breaking the law, it seems like that would be obvious.
2007-06-25 14:30:35
answer #9
answered by rome 5
U can't b famous and expect to not have a jealous person try ruin it
2007-06-25 11:42:36
answer #10
answered by peediep14 2